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I'm wondering if anyone can help me with this or at least provide pointers in the right direction. I can post code if required however, due to the nature of the question, there is a lot of it and hence why I haven't so far.


I have a custom control which represents a "map". On this "map" I can draw specific glyphs at specific latitude and longitude's. I use GPS behind the scenes to obtain a geographic fix location which I then feed into the map as its origin position.


All objects drawn to the map have their lat/long positions converted to easting and northings (using an algorithm similar to the Google Maps/Bing projection) before being converted to screen pixels.

在转换为屏幕像素之前,绘制到地图的所有对象都将其纬度/长度位置转换为东向和北向(使用类似于Google Maps / Bing投影的算法)。

I take the centre of my "map" control client region as the reference screen position. When the "map" is panned, I store the delta mouse movement as an offset which when added to the reference position, gives me the location to start drawing my origin grid (this is also where the GPS position links in).


I hope this is making sense so far...


Now, all works well so far - I can draw objects at specific latitude and longitudes and they all appear in their correct locations relative to the centre of the origin grid.

现在,到目前为止一切运行良好 - 我可以在特定纬度和经度绘制物体,它们都出现在相对于原始网格中心的正确位置。

The issue which I can't seem to get my head around is how to zoom the map and focus on a specific area - like when using Google Maps/Google Earth, the position underneath the cursor at the point of zooming stays the same. Crudely, I use a zoom system which just increases or decreases the number of metres represented by 100 screen pixels (I'd like a more logarithmic style zoom but that will come later).

我似乎无法理解的问题是如何缩放地图并专注于特定区域 - 就像使用谷歌地图/谷歌地球时,光标下方缩放点的位置保持不变。粗略地说,我使用的是一个变焦系统,它只增加或减少100个屏幕像素所代表的米数(我想要一个更对数的样式变焦,但稍后会出现)。

What happens when I zoom in is that zooming always keeps my grid origin in the same position (this is because I use an offset for panning the map - and the offset isn't affected by zoom) however I have no idea how to think through the more correct zoom system.

当我放大时会发生的变化是缩放始终使我的网格原点保持在相同位置(这是因为我使用偏移来平移地图 - 并且偏移不受缩放影响)但是我不知道如何思考更正确的变焦系统。

I appreciate that this is a lot of text with no code - I can post code but like I said, there is a heck of a lot of it! I'm also sure that I've not explained my scenario very well but I'd appreciate any help at all.

我很欣赏这是很多没有代码的文本 - 我可以发布代码,但就像我说的那样,有很多内容!我也很确定我没有很好地解释我的情景,但我会感激任何帮助。

1 个解决方案


All calculations are preferably done in GPS units, and conversions to device units should be the very last step. With this in mind, the following design should resolve your problem, with the assumption that you can store latitude and longitude in a float type:


enter image description here

  TMapCOntrol= class(TCustomControl)
    procedure Paint; override;
    Glyph: TBitmap;
    //These are known, in GPS-coördinate units:
    MapRect: TRectF;
    ZoomFactor: Single;
    ZoomOrigin: TPointF;
    GlyphOrigin: TPointF;

procedure TMapControl.Paint;
  ZoomWidth: Single;
  ZoomHeight: Single;
  ZoomRect: TRectF;
  Scale: Single;
  GlyphPoint: TPoint;
  // Calculation in GPS units:
  ZoomWidth := MapRect.Width * ZoomFactor;
  ZoomHeight := ZoomWidth * ClientHeight / ClientWidth;
  ZoomRect.Left := ZoomOrigin.X - ZoomWidth / 2;
  ZoomRect.Top := ZoomOrigin.Y - ZoomHeight / 2;
  // Not required for calculation, but for future convenience:
  ZoomRect.Width := ZoomWidth;
  ZoomRect.Height := ZoomHeight;
  // Calculation in device units:
  Scale := ZoomWidth / ClientWidth;  
  GlyphPoint.X := Round((GlyphOrigin.X - ZoomRect.Left) / Scale);
  GlyphPoint.Y := Round((GlyphOrigin.Y - ZoomRect.Top) / Scale);
  Canvas.Draw(GlyphPoint.X - Glyph.Width div 2,
    GlyphPoint.Y - Glyph.Height div 2, Glyph);

The zoom factor is the percentage of the part of the total map being viewed. The scale factor converts the size of that portion to the size of your control.


Now the above code has some assumptions, most notably that the zoom origin and the zoom factor are known. Also, the origin of the map is considered to be (0, 0), which is not strictly required, but it keeps calculations easy and is practical too. If these are not the case, that I suggest you mimic the above or redesign what should be considered input and what be output. Or you need to explain better, wíth code, which conversions and calculations you are already doing. (You do not need to post all code for that, just strip to the absolute essential.)

现在上面的代码有一些假设,最值得注意的是变焦原点和缩放因子是已知的。此外,地图的原点被认为是(0,0),这不是严格要求的,但它使计算变得容易并且也是实用的。如果不是这种情况,我建议你模仿上述内容或重新设计应该考虑的输入和输出内容。或者你需要更好地解释代码,你正在做的转换和计算。 (你不需要为此发布所有代码,只需剥离绝对必要的。)

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