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I've been editing a lot of HTML pages with basic text editor, notepad. When I went to validate them the validation service is saying theres a div tag that is not closed. I tend to find automatic error reports such as these dont tend to be too reliable, i.e they will give you a line number and the error but often times the error is actually in another part of the file entirely.


I'm just wondering if there are any free lightweight html editors that have the functionality of finding the closing tag for a tag. For example, you click on a tag then click a shortcut, and the program will jump to the closing tag, I know this functionality is in homesite, but i dont have homesite, and its a bit of a bulky program anyway.


Or even better any online html validation services that can highlight unclosed tags?


To sum up, I would like to know how to find html tags that don't have closing tags - is there a free html editor or simple online service that can help with this?


8 个解决方案



If you save your HTML as page.xhtml (instead of page.html), the browser (Firefox/Chrome or Opera) should find the un-closed tags for you without the need for a validator. Just remember to rename them .html before serving them online - IE doesn't support .xhtml files yet.


Edit (3 years later): This post's still getting comments/upvotes so a slight amendment. IE9 and IE10 do now support xhtml files.




Use the firefox view source - wrong code will be in different color




Notepad++ - never had any problems with it and also never had any unclosed html tag with it.

Notepad++ -从来没有任何问题,也从来没有任何未关闭的html标签。

You can just click on any element and see if it has a closing tag. Also you can do this: click on "TextFX"(left from plugins in navigation) -> click on "Text FX HTML Tidy" -> click on lets say hmm "TiDy clean Document - wrap". That should fix your html document, aka close all unclosed elements.

您可以单击任何元素,看看它是否有结束标记。你也可以这样做:点击“TextFX”(在导航栏中留下的插件)->点击“TextFX HTML Tidy”->点击让我们说“整洁干净的文件-包装”。这将修复html文档,即关闭所有未关闭的元素。





Does more than just unclosed tags. Should be used by all front-end developers, IMO.




I am using two online-tool, which work very fine. jona.ca and tormus.com




CSE HTML Validator Lite is a free lightweight editor (for Windows) that will check your HTML (just press F6) and find missing end tags and other problems. You can also press Ctrl+M on a start tag or end tag and it will take you to the matching start or end tag.

CSE HTML Validator Lite是一个免费的轻量级编辑器(用于Windows),它可以检查HTML(只需按F6),并找到丢失的结束标记和其他问题。您还可以在开始标记或结束标记上按Ctrl+M,它将带您到匹配的开始标记或结束标记。

A simple online service that will also do this (and more) is OnlineWebCheck.com. There are other online services but in my opinion the one I just mentioned is the simplest one to use and understand.


Full disclosure: I am the developer of CSE HTML Validator Lite and http://www.OnlineWebCheck.com/ which is based on CSE HTML Validator.

完全披露:我是CSE HTML Validator Lite和http://www.OnlineWebCheck.com/的开发人员,它基于CSE HTML验证器。



free lightweight html editors ... online html validation services that can highlight unclosed tags?


Use linter-vnu.


linter-vnu is a package for the Atom editor that uses the Nu Html Checker (v.Nu) to validate HTML or XHTML documents.

lintervnu是一个Atom编辑器的包,它使用Nu Html Checker (vnu)来验证Html或XHTML文档。

Disclosure: I am the developer of linter-vnu.


linter-vnu uses another Atom package, linter, to integrate v.Nu and Atom.


For example, if you open the following test.html file in Atom:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

(with a deliberately missing closing



then Atom (or rather, linter-vnu, thanks to linter and v.Nu) displays the following error messages:


  • Unclosed element “div”. at line 8 col 1 in test.html
  • 打开元素" div "。在test.html中的第8行
  • End tag for “body” seen, but there were unclosed elements. at line 10 col 1 in test.html
  • 看到“body”的结束标记,但是有未关闭的元素。在test.html中的第10行

and marks those lines in the editor with red dots.


If you click the "at..." (hyperlinked text) in the error message, the editor insertion point moves to the corresponding line, and a popup appears under the line, with the error text ('Unclosed element "div".').

如果你点击“at…”(超链接文本)在错误消息中,编辑器插入点移动到相应的行,并在一行中出现一个弹出框,其中有错误文本(“Unclosed element”div“。”)。

If you save your HTML document with the file extension .xhtml, and open it in Atom, then v.Nu validates your document as XHTML (XML) rather than HTML, with slightly different messages. In this case, just one error message:

如果您使用文件扩展名.xhtml保存HTML文档,并在Atom中打开它,那么v。Nu将文档验证为XHTML (XML)而不是HTML,使用稍微不同的消息。在这种情况下,只有一条错误消息:

  • required character (found “b”) (expected “d”) at line 10 col 3
  • 要求的字符(找到“b”)(预期的“d”)在第3行

where line 10 contains the closing tag. v.Nu was expecting a

tag instead; it was happy with - it was expecting a closing tag - but it was expecting the element name to begin with "d" for "div", not "b" for "body".


I make the following claims, as of November 2016:


  • v.Nu is the best option for validating (X)HTML(5).
  • v。Nu是验证(X)HTML(5)的最佳选择。
  • linter-vnu is the best option for interactively harnessing v.Nu in an editor. linter-vnu itself is trivial; it's just a few lines of "glue" code. What makes it the best option is the Atom editor and the Atom linter package.
  • linter-vnu是交互式利用v的最佳选择。ν在一个编辑器。linter-vnu本身是微不足道的;这只是几行“胶水”代码。使它成为最佳选项的是Atom编辑器和Atom linter包。

I welcome counterclaims and questions about these claims. I'd be happy to be proven wrong and be shown something better. Especially if, like v.Nu and linter-vnu, it's free.




If your code is very messy, not prettified nor indented, v.Nu (as seen at https://validator.w3.org/nu/) will often get confused (for instance if there's an extre closing tag, it may not manage to select the one which is really wrong).


One solution is code folding: by collapsing all the code which is marked as a child of a certain node, you can often easily spot some incorrect hierarchy.


An example of editor which supports code folding is Kate editor: see the arrows on the left in their screenshot. Kate screenshot

支持代码折叠的编辑器示例是Kate editor:请参阅屏幕截图中左边的箭头。

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