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Today at work someone tried to convince me that:



is fine for smarty/mvc/templating because it is using an objects method. I argued that because it makes a call to the database it has no place being there and it should be in the controller (we don't actually use MVC). Am I right in my understanding of the logical separations that are used in MVC and generally in templating? Or is there something that I am missing?

适用于smarty / mvc / templating,因为它使用的是对象方法。我认为,因为它调用数据库它没有位置,它应该在控制器中(我们实际上不使用MVC)。我是否正确理解MVC中使用的逻辑分离以及模板化中的逻辑分离?或者有什么我想念的东西?

3 个解决方案


You're right. He's wrong.


Database calls, no matter in what form, should live in the controller if you want to do MVC right.


Obviously people piss all over what it should be and do stuff like that, but it's not the correct way.



Well, there are no "official" rules or anything, but I think something like that belongs in the controller. I don't do anything in my view code except display variables, nothing more complex than an if or a foreach-type loop is allowed. Certainly not calling functions that access the database. That should all be loaded by the controller, the view should only decide whether it needs to display it or not.



Depends on its context and scope really.


Is $obj the controller or the model layer? That should answer whether or not it is valid in my opinion.

$ obj是控制器还是模型层?在我看来,这应该回答它是否有效。

In response to reading the other answers.


The functions name in itself pertains it to being a simple getter method. It may make a call to the db through a controller layer. Which I would say is ok. Especially if it used some form of caching in memory. (ie the getter is the setter as you only want to cache it when it is used once.)

函数名称本身就是一个简单的getter方法。它可以通过控制器层调用db。我会说的还可以。特别是如果它在内存中使用某种形式的缓存。 (即getter是setter,因为你只想在使用一次时缓存它。)

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