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I created a RazorFunctions.cshtml file on App_Code


@functions {
    public static string GetActiveClassIf(string controllerName, string actiOnName= null)
        var routeData = @HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData;
        string currentCOntroller= routeData.Values["controller"].ToString();
        string currentAction = routeData.Values["action"].ToString();
        return cOntrollerName== currentController &&
            (String.IsNullOrEmpty(actionName) || currentAction == actionName) ? "active" : "";

and when I compile, it give me 2 errors (compilation get success and site work without problem) but the errors are annoying.


The RazorFunctions.cshtml are as Content (tried compile but doesn't work with cshtml files of course)


Global.asax.cs is :


public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
    protected void Application_Start()
        Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion());
        //Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways());


<%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="Bouron.Web.MvcApplication" Language="C#" %>

This is the first time I use the App_Code so I don't know what else to do, all search returns ASP.NET 1-2 results, are out of date where razor doesn't even exist so I'm not sure how can I solve this.

这是我第一次使用App_Code,所以我不知道还能做什么,所有的搜索返回ASP。NET 1-2的结果,已经过时了,而razor根本不存在,所以我不知道该怎么解决这个问题。

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 (just in case it matters)

我使用的是Visual Studio 2015(以防万一)

8 个解决方案



After further investigation I found that this is a known issue.


source: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3025133


ASP.NET and Web Development


  • When you create a Web Forms 4.5 WAP and open a Web Form page, you receive the following errors in the Errors List window:

    当您创建一个Web Forms 4.5 WAP并打开一个Web表单页面时,您会在error List窗口中收到以下错误:

  • The project will run without any issues. Error CS0234 The type or namespace name 'global_asax' does not exist in the namespace 'ASP' (are you missing an assembly reference?) Error CS0234 The type or namespace name 'Linq' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?) Assume that you use new language features for C# and VB in Visual Studio 2015 RC. You receive a runtime error when you use C# or VB in a Web Form page or in Razor Views.

    这个项目将不会出现任何问题。在名称空间“ASP”中不存在类型或名称空间名称“global_asax”(您是否缺少一个程序集引用?)错误CS0234名称空间“System”中不存在类型或名称空间名称“Linq”(是否缺少一个程序集引用?)假设您在Visual Studio 2015 RC中使用c#和VB的新语言特性。当您在Web表单页面或Razor视图中使用c#或VB时,会收到一个运行时错误。

To work around this issue, install Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform NuGet package. This package will substitute the Roslyn-based provider for the in-box CodeDom providers for ASP.NET.

要解决这个问题,请安装microsoft.codedom . provider。DotNetCompilerPlatform NuGet包。这个包将用基于罗斯林的提供程序代替ASP.NET的收件箱代码dom提供程序。



I had the same issue.


I manually edited the generated file file.cshtml.72cecc2a.cs (it was at AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root) and changed ASP.global_asax to System.Web.HttpApplication and the error went away.


This is the generated code:


protected static ASP.global_asax ApplicationInstance {
    get {
        return ((ASP.global_asax)(Context.ApplicationInstance));

I changed it to:


protected static System.Web.HttpApplication ApplicationInstance {
    get {
        return ((System.Web.HttpApplication)(Context.ApplicationInstance));

I don't know why this is happening though.




I've found that if I have the files in App_Code open in Visual Studio 2015 when I run the build, then I don't get the errors. As soon as I close the files the errors show up again.

我发现如果我在运行构建时在Visual Studio 2015中打开App_Code中的文件,那么我不会得到错误。我一关闭文件,错误就会再次出现。



After trying a variety of the solutions proposed here, it turns out that simply quitting Visual Studio 2015 and then restarting it was enough to get the Solution/Project to successfully compile once again.

在尝试了本文提出的各种解决方案之后,我们发现,仅仅退出Visual Studio 2015,然后重新启动就足以让解决方案/项目再次成功编译。



Two things i did to resolve this was to re-target the framework and then changing it back (was using 4.5.1 changed it to 4.5 and back)


After this i had a lot of error with T4MVC which i was also using, i upgraded it to newest version but i could see that in source control that T4MVC was installed targeting framework 4.5 and when you re/install a new nuget package it changes the target framework, so that was changed to 4.5.1

这之后我有很多错误T4MVC我也用,我升级到最新版本,但我可以看到,在源代码控制T4MVC安装针对framework 4.5和当你/安装一个新的nuget包它改变了目标框架,这是改为4.5.1

After this everything worked. I didn't test if you only need to do that second part of this answer, but i would try that first.




The way I resolved this error was to move my code form Global.asax.cs into Startup.cs and delete Global.asax so that there aren't any codebehind files in my project. See this question for more info.




I installed Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform for my web project and then removed the package. The error went away.

我Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers安装。我的web项目的dotnetcompile erplatform,然后删除这个包。错误的走了。



Code placed in App_Code folder is treated a bit different, it is compiled at runtime. cshtml file is 'Content' so that could be the reason why you get errors. Create normal folder within your project name it Code or something similar (but not App_Code) and place your file there.


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