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If you want to pre-populate a database (SQLite) in Android, this is not that easy as one might think.


So I found this tutorial which is often referenced here on Stack Overflow as well.

所以我发现这个教程也经常在Stack Overflow上引用。

But I don't really like that way of pre-populating the database since you take the control from the database handler and create the files yourself. I would prefer to not touch the file system and let the database handler do everything on its own.


So what I thought one could do is create the database in the database handler's onCreate() as usual but then load a file (.sql) from /assets which contains the statements to fill in the values:

所以我认为可以做的就是像往常一样在数据库处理程序的onCreate()中创建数据库,然后从/ assets加载一个文件(.sql),其中包含要填充值的语句:

INSERT INTO testTable (name, pet) VALUES ('Mike', 'Tiger');
INSERT INTO testTable (name, pet) VALUES ('Tom', 'Cat');

But calling execSQL() in the handler's onCreate() doesn't really work. It seems that the /assets file must not have more than 1MB and the execSQL() only executes the first statement (Mike - Tiger).

但是在处理程序的onCreate()中调用execSQL()并不真正起作用。似乎/ assets文件不能超过1MB而execSQL()只执行第一个语句(Mike-Tiger)。

What would you do do pre-populate the database?


7 个解决方案



I suggest the following:


  1. Wrap all of your INSERT logic into a transaction (BEGIN... COMMIT, or via the beginTransaction()... endTransaction() APIs)
  2. 将所有INSERT逻辑包装到事务中(BEGIN ... COMMIT,或通过beginTransaction()... endTransaction()API)
  3. As already suggested, utilize the bind APIs and recycle objects.
  4. 如前所述,使用绑定API和回收对象。
  5. Don't create any indexes until after this bulk insert is complete.
  6. 在批量插入完成之前,不要创建任何索引。

Additionally take a look at Faster bulk inserts in sqlite3?




Your question states, that you want the fastest way - but you don't like the way it's done in the article - you don't want to manually replace the DB file (even though, it may be actually faster than filling empty DB with queries).

你的问题表明,你想要最快的方式 - 但你不喜欢文章中的方式 - 你不想手动替换数据库文件(尽管它实际上可能比填充空数据库更快)查询)。

I had exaclty the same thoughts - and I figured out, that populating via SQL statements and prepopulating can both be the best solution - but it depends on the way you will use the DB.

我有同样的想法 - 我想通过SQL语句填充和预填充都可以是最好的解决方案 - 但这取决于你使用数据库的方式。

In my application I need to have about 2600 rows (with 4 columns) in DB at the very first run - it's the data for autocompletion and few other things. It will be modified quite rarely (users can add custom records, but most of the time - they don't need to) and is quite big. Populating it from SQL statements takes not only significantly more time, but more space in the APK (assuming I would store data inside it, alternatively I could download it from the internet).

在我的应用程序中,我需要在第一次运行时在DB中有大约2600行(有4列) - 它是自动完成的数据和其他一些东西。它将很少被修改(用户可以添加自定义记录,但大部分时间 - 他们不需要)并且非常大。从SQL语句填充它不仅需要更多的时间,而且还需要更多的空间(假设我将数据存储在其中,或者我可以从互联网上下载)。

This is the very simple case (the "Big" insert can take place only once and only at first startup) and I decided to go with copying prepopulated DB file. Sure, it may not be the nicest way - but it's faster. I want my users to be able to use the app as quickly as it's possible and treat speed as a priority - and they really like it. On the contrary, I doubt they would be glad when app would slow down because I thought that slower and nicer solution is actually better.

这是一个非常简单的情况(“大”插入只能在第一次启动时发生一次)我决定使用复制预先填充的DB文件。当然,它可能不是最好的方式 - 但它更快。我希望我的用户能够尽可能快地使用应用程序并将速度视为优先事项 - 他们非常喜欢它。相反,我怀疑当应用程序减速时他们会很高兴,因为我认为更慢更好的解决方案实际上更好。

If instead of 2600 my table would have initially ~50 rows, I would go with SQL statements, since speed and size difference wouldn't be so big.


You have to decide which solution fits your case better. If you foresee any problems that may arise from using "prepopulated db" option - don't use it. If you are not sure about these problems - ask, providing more details on how you will use (and eventually, upgrade) contents of the DB. If you aren't quite sure which solution will be faster - benchmark it. And don't be afraid of that copying file method - it can work really well, if used wisely.

您必须更好地决定哪种解决方案适合您的情况。如果您预见到使用“预填充db”选项可能引起的任何问题 - 请勿使用它。如果您不确定这些问题 - 请询问,提供有关如何使用(并最终升级)数据库内容的更多详细信息。如果你不确定哪种解决方案会更快 - 那么就要对它进行基准测试。并且不要害怕复制文件方法 - 如果明智地使用它可以很好地工作。



You can have your cake and eat it too. Here is a solution that can both respect the use of your db adapter and also use a simple (and much faster) copy process for a pre-populated database.


I'm using a db adapter based on one of Google's examples. It includes an internal class dbHelper() that extends Android's SQLiteOpenHelper() class. The trick is to override it's onCreate() method. This method is only called when the helper can't find the DB you are referencing and it has to create the DB for you. This should only happen the first time it is called on any given device installation, which is the only time you want to copy the DB. So override it like this -

我正在使用基于Google的一个示例的数据库适配器。它包含一个内部类dbHelper(),它扩展了Android的SQLiteOpenHelper()类。诀窍是覆盖它的onCreate()方法。只有在帮助程序找不到您正在引用的数据库且必须为您创建数据库时才会调用此方法。这应该仅在第一次在任何给定的设备安装上调用时发生,这是您唯一要复制数据库的时间。所以像这样覆盖它 -

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        mNeedToCopyDb = true;

Of course make sure you have first declared and initialized this flag in the DbHelper -

当然要确保你在DbHelper中首先声明并初始化了这个标志 -

        private Boolean mNeedToCopyDb = false;

Now, in your dbAdapter's open() method you can test to see if you need to copy the DB. If you do then close the helper, copy the DB and then finally open a new helper (see below code). All future attempts to open the db using the db adapter will find your (copied) DB and therefor the onCreate() method of the internal DbHelper class will not be called and the flag mNeedToCopyDb will remain false.


 * Open the database using the adapter. If it cannot be opened, try to
 * create a new instance of the database. If it cannot be created,
 * throw an exception to signal the failure.
 * @return this (self reference, allowing this to be chained in an
 *         initialization call)
 * @throws SQLException if the database could neither be opened nor created
public MyDbAdapter open() throws SQLException {
    mDbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(mCtx);
    mDb = mDbHelper.getReadableDatabase();

    if (mDbHelper.mNeedToCopyDb == true){
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            mDbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(mCtx);
            mDb = mDbHelper.getReadableDatabase();
    return this;

Just place some code to do your database copy inside of your db adapter in a method named copyDatabase() as used above. You can use the value of mDb that was updated by the first instance of DbHelper (when it created the stub DB) to get the path to use for your output stream when you do the copy. Construct your input stream like this


dbInputStream = mCtx.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.mydatabase);

[note: If your DB file is too large to copy in one gulp then just break it up into a few pieces.]


This works very fast and puts all of the db access code (including the copying of the DB if needed) into your db adapter.




I wrote a DbUtils class similar to the previous answer. It is part of the ORM tool greenDAO and is available on github. The difference is that it will try to find statement boundaries using a simple regular expression, not just line endings. If you have to rely on a SQL file, I doubt that there's a faster way.


But, if you can supply the data in another format, it should be significantly faster than using a SQL script. The trick is to use a compiled statement. For each data row, you bind the parsed values to the statement and execute the statement. And, of course, you need to do this inside a transaction. I would recommend a simple delimiter separated file format (for example CSV) because it can be parsed faster than XML or JSON.


We did some performance tests for greenDAO. For our test data, we had insert rates of about 5000 rows per second. And for some reason, the rate dropped to half with Android 4.0.

我们为greenDAO做了一些性能测试。对于我们的测试数据,我们的插入速率约为每秒5000行。出于某种原因,Android 4.0的速度降至一半。



ye, the assets maybe has size limit, so if bigger than the limit, you can cut to more files.


and exesql support more sql sentence, here give you a example:


    BufferedReader br = null;
    try {
        br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(asManager.open(INIT_FILE)), 1024 * 4);
        String line = null;
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        FLog.e(LOG_TAG, "read database init file error");
    } finally {
        if (br != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                FLog.e(LOG_TAG, "buffer reader close error");

above example require the INIT_FILE need every line is a sql sentence.


Also, if your sql sentences file is big, you can create the database out site of android(sqlite support for windows, linux, so you can create the database in your os, and copy the database file to your assets folder, if big, you can zip it)


when your application run, you can get the database file from assets, directed to save to your application's database folder (if you zip it, you can unzip to the application's database folder)


hope can help you -):

希望可以帮到你 - ):



I used this method. First create your sqlite database there are a few programs you can use I like SqliteBrowser. Then copy your database file into your assets folder. Then you can use this code in the constructor of SQLiteOpenHelper.


final String outFileName = DB_PATH + NAME;

        if(! new File(outFileName).exists()){
            //Open your local db as the input stream
            final InputStream myInput = ctx.getAssets().open(NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

            //Open the empty db as the output stream
            final OutputStream myOutput = new FileOutputStream(outFileName);
            //final FileOutputStream myOutput = context.openFileOutput(outFileName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

            //transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile
            final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            int length;
            while ((length = myInput.read(buffer))>0){
                myOutput.write(buffer, 0, length);

            //Close the streams
            ((FileOutputStream) myOutput).getFD().sync();
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception

DB_PATH is something like /data/data/com.mypackage.myapp/databases/


NAME is whatever database name you choose "mydatabase.db"


I know there are many improvements on this code but it worked so well and is VERY FAST. So I left it alone. Like this might be even better in the onCreate() method. Also checking if the file exists every time is probably not the best. Anyway like I said it works, it's fast and reliable.




If the data is not private then simply host it on your website then download it on first run. That way you can keep it up to date. So long as you remember to take app version into account when you upload it to your webserver.


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