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Apple iPad

I’ve been agonizing over whether to post an iPad article. Apple certainly don’t need more publicity and the iPad isn’t a web-specific technology. But now the hype’s died down a little and people are discussing it in the SitePoint forums, I find myself unable to concentrate on any other technology story!

我一直在为是否发布iPad文章而苦恼。 苹果当然不需要更多的宣传,而iPad不是特定于网络的技术。 但是,现在炒作已经停止,人们正在SitePoint论坛上进行讨论 ,我发现自己无法专注于其他任何技术故事!

第三类计算? (A third category of computing?)

Apple claim to have discovered a gap between smart phones and laptops — which instantly reminded me of Homer Simpson’s discovery of a meal between breakfast and brunch! Netbooks are simply small laptops and Apple insist the iPad is a transitional device that changes people’s perceptions.

苹果声称发现了智能手机和笔记本电脑之间的鸿沟- 这立刻让我想起了荷马·辛普森发现早餐和早午餐之间的一餐! 上网本只是小型笔记本电脑,苹果坚称iPad是一种过渡性设备,可以改变人们的观念。

Opinion on the web varies. Many people love it. Others feel slightly underwhelmed by a device which looks like an over-sized iPhone.

网络上的意见各不相同。 很多人喜欢它。 其他人则对看起来像超大尺寸iPhone的设备感到有点不知所措。

It certainly has some good points:


  • iPhone application compatibility — all your existing apps will synchronize to the device

  • a great screen with gesture support

  • low weight and good battery life

  • a reasonable price for a tablet PC

  • a new eBook store


Although there are some startling omissions:


  • no multi-tasking — only one application can be opened at a time

  • no 3G on cheaper models

  • no camera or radio

  • no memory card port

  • no USB or HDMI ports

  • no Flash plugin within the browser


换一副平板电脑 (Take another tablet)

Tablet devices have been around for many years. Microsoft had several forays into the market, but they’ve always been considered a niche device. Perhaps that’s because they were more expensive, offered less computing power, and were just as fragile as standard laptops. Windows may have been a problem too: the OS was designed for keyboard/mouse control and touchscreen support felt bolted-on.

平板设备已经存在很多年了。 微软曾多次涉足该市场,但它们一直被视为利基设备。 也许是因为它们更昂贵,计算能力更弱并且与标准笔记本电脑一样脆弱。 Windows也可能是一个问题:操作系统设计用于键盘/鼠标控制和触摸屏支持。

However, Apple are adept at taking existing technologies, ironing out the wrinkles, and producing a polished product which users cherish. The iPad could do the same for tablet devices because it looks glorious, uses a recognizable interface, and is reasonably priced.

但是,苹果公司擅长采用现有技术,消除皱纹并生产出用户喜欢的抛光产品。 iPad可以为平板电脑设备做同样的事情,因为它看起来光彩夺目,使用了可识别的界面,并且价格合理。

Apple is also eyeing the eBook market. The iPad may be twice the price of a Kindle but it offers much more and publishers are already signing up for Apple’s iBook store. Although eReaders sales figures are relatively low, Amazon and Sony have reason to feel nervous.

苹果也在关注电子书市场。 iPad的价格可能是Kindle的两倍,但iPad的价格要高得多,出版商已经在注册苹果的iBook商店。 尽管电子阅读器的销售数字相对较低,但亚马逊和索尼仍有理由感到紧张。

你需要它吗? (Do you need it?)

That’s the $499 question. I’m not convinced it’s a must-have device, although people who’ve been lucky enough to use the iPad state it’s highly desirable.

那是499美元的问题。 我不认为这是必不可少的设备,尽管幸运地使用iPad的人都说这是非常可取的。

If you need to work on the move, the iPad won’t be as useful as a (cheaper) netbook or laptop. Workers will struggle without a proper keyboard and multi-tasking applications.

如果您需要在旅途中工作,iPad不会像(便宜的)上网本或笔记本电脑那样有用。 如果没有适当的键盘和多任务应用程序,工作人员将苦苦挣扎。

If you want a lightweight mobile device, the iPhone or any other smart phone is better. It’s possible Apple will cannibalize it’s own market since it’s difficult to justify having both devices. Although Apple fan-boys rarely need justification!

如果您想要轻巧的移动设备,则iPhone或任何其他智能手机会更好。 由于很难证明同时拥有这两种设备,苹果可能会蚕食自己的市场。 尽管苹果迷们很少需要辩解!

However, there are two areas where the the iPad could make gains:


1. Entertainment The device looks great for listening to music, reading books, viewing photographs, watching videos, simple web surfing and, most importantly — playing games. It’s more expensive and less powerful than a netbook or a console, but it does have a strong appeal.

1.娱乐该设备非常适合聆听音乐,看书,观看照片,观看视频,简单的网络冲浪,最重要的是可以玩游戏。 它比上网本或控制台更昂贵,功能更弱,但确实具有很强的吸引力。

2. Technophobics The iPad might encourage people to try computing in the same way the Nintendo Wii attracted non-gamers to consoles. Screen gestures and accelerometer controls are far more natural input devices. Those users would also have few multi-tasking concerns.

2.技术恐慌者 iPad可能会鼓励人们尝试以任天堂Wii吸引非游戏者进入游戏机的方式进行计算。 屏幕手势和加速度计控件是更自然的输入设备。 这些用户也几乎没有多任务问题。

Is the iPad a game-changer? Possibly. It could plausibly resurrect tablet computers and monopolize the eReader market. Only Amazon, Sony and Flash developers would bet against it!

iPad会改变游戏规则吗? 可能吧 它有可能使平板电脑复活并垄断电子阅读器市场。 只有亚马逊,索尼和Flash开发人员会反对它!

What do you think? Will you buy an iPad or is it fundamentally pointless?

你怎么看? 您会购买iPad还是根本没有意义?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/apple-ipad-transitional-or-trashy/

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