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Oracle 10g OCP 042 题库 71-120 题 共168题

71. Your database instance is started using the server parameter file (SPFILE). Control files are multiplexed and stored on different disks. Because of a disk failure, you lost one of these control files. You replaced the damaged disk. What is the correct sequence of steps that you would follow to recover the control file?

1. shut down the instance, if not already done.

2. Copy one of the remaining control files to a new location.

3. Change the value of the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter to correspond to the new location of the control files.

4. Start up the database instance to the NOMOUNT stage.

5. Recover the database to the point of failure of the control file.

6. Open the database.

A) 5,2,3,4

B) 1, 2,4,3,5

C) 2, 4,3,4,5

D) 4, 5,6,2,3


72. The SAVE_AMT column in the ACCOUNTS table contains the balance details of customers in a bank. As part of the year-end tax and interest calculation process, all the rows in the table need to be accessed. The bank authorities want to track access to the rows containing balance amounts exceeding $200,000, and then send an alert message to the administrator. Which method would you suggest to the bank for achieving this task?

A) implementing value-based auditing by using triggers

B) implementing fine-grained auditing with audit condition and event handler

C) performing standard database auditing to audit object privileges by setting the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter to EXTENDED

D) performing standard database auditing to audit SQL statements with granularity level set to ACCESS


73. The user SCOTT executes the following command successfully to increase the salary values in one of his sessions:

SQL> UPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.15 WHERE deptno=20;

Before SCOTT ends the transaction, user HR who has the privileges on EMP table executes a query to fetch the salary details but finds the old salary values instead of the increased values.

Why does HR still see the old data?

A) because of redo data from redo log file

B) because of data from database buffer cache

C) because of data from a temporary tablespace

D) because of undo data from the undo tablespace


74. View the Exhibit and examine the output.

Which statement describes the conclusion?

A) The users should use bind variables instead of literals in the query.

B) The dictionary cache is consuming more space than the library cache.

C) The shared pool size should be increased to accommodate the SQL statements.

D) Preparing indexes on the tables used in the SQL statements would improve the library cache performance.


Oracle 绑定变量

75. In your database, the Log Writer (LGWR) process is unable to write to a member of a current redo log group due to read/write failure. Which two effects would you see in your database? (Choose two.)

A) The database instance aborts.

B) The database operation temporarily halts till the member becomes available.

C) Writing proceeds as normal. LGWR writes to the available members of a group and ignores the unavailable members.

D) The member would be marked as STALE and an error message would be written to the alert log file and LGWR trace file.

E) The status of the group changes to INACTIVE and an error message would be written to the alert log file and LGWR trace file.


76. Your database is not configured for session failover. Your tnsnames.ora file contains the following details:






(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=test1-server) (PORT=1521))

(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=test2-server) (PORT=1521)))

(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=test.us.oracle.com)))

Which feature is enabled in this case?

A) Load balancing

B) Instance failover

C) Database failover

D) Connect-time failover

E) Transparent Application Failover (TAF)


77. On which three can you use Recovery Manager (RMAN) to perform incremental backup? (Choose three.)

A) data files

B) control files

C) tablespaces

D) password file

E) parameter file

F) whole database

G) flashback log file

H) archived log files

I) change tracking file


78. You define an alert to be raised when the USERS tablespace usage has reached 80% of the total space.

Which area would you refer to, in order to confirm that the alert has been raised due the event?

A) the alert.log file

B) the DBA_ALERTS view

C) the Database Control Home page

D) the Database Control performance page

E) the Database Control Maintenance page


79. A user complains that he gets the following error message repeatedly after executing some SQL statements. The error message forces the user to log off from and log on to the database to continue his work.

ORA-02392: exceeded session limit on CPU usage, you are being logged off

Which action would you take to increase the session limit on CPU usage?

A) Modify the profile assigned to the user.

B) Modify the roles assigned to the users.

C) Modify the object privileges assigned to the user.

D) Modify the system privileges assigned to the users.

E) Modify the value for the RESOURCE_LIMIT parameter in the parameter file.


80. You execute the following command to audit the database activities:


What is the effect of this command?

A) One audit record is created for the whole session if user SCOTT successfully drops one or more tables in his session.

B) One audit record is created for every session when any user successfully drops a table owned by SCOTT.

C) One audit record is created for each successful DROP TABLE command executed by any user to drop tables owned by SCOTT.

D) One audit record is generated for the session when SCOTT grants the DROP ANY TABLE privilege to other users in his session.

E) One audit record is created for each successful DROP TABLE command executed in the session of SCOTT.


81. Which three descriptions are correct about the effects of the TRUNCATE command on a table? (Choose three.)

A) The corresponding indexes for the table are also truncated.

B) Delete triggers on the table are fired during the execution of the TRUNCATE command.

C) Very little or no undo data is generated during the execution of the TRUNCATE command.

D) The child table is truncated when the TRUNCATE command is applied on the parent table.

E) The high-water mark (HWM) is set to point to the first useable data block in the table segment.


If table is not empty, then the database marks UNUSABLE all nonpartitioned indexes and all partitions of global partitioned indexes on the table. However, when the table is truncated, the index is also truncated, and a new high water mark is calculated for the index segment. This operation is equivalent to creating a new segment for the index. Therefore, at the end of the truncate operation, the indexes are once again USABLE.

82. Which is the correct description of the significance of the ORACLE_HOME environmental variable?

A) It specifies the directory containing the Oracle software.

B) It specifies the directory containing the Oracle-Managed Files.

C) It specifies the directory for database files, if not specified explicitly.

D) It specifies the base directory of Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) .


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