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A question about testing proper nesting of XML tags:


I got a list of tags, extracted from top to bottom from an xml file:


  1. Closing tags are clearly indicated by forward slash
  2. 正斜杠清楚地表示关闭标签

  3. /to and /lastname tags are incorrectly nested. They should be switched. /lastname should be within to, /to parent tags.
  4. / to和/ lastname标记嵌套不正确。他们应该切换。 / lastname应位于to,/ to parent标签内。

tag_list = ['note', 'to', 'firstname', '/firstname', 'lastname', '/to', '/lastname', '/note']

tag_list = ['note','to','firstname','/ firstname','lastname','/ to','/ lastname','/ note']

What would be the code or direction to spot that /lastname tag is outside of its parent which is to, /to pair?

发现/ lastname标记在其父级之外的代码或方向是什么?


2 个解决方案


Make an empty stack.


  • Iterating through the list:
    • if you find a start tag, push it onto the stack.
    • 如果找到开始标记,则将其推入堆栈。

    • if you find an end tag, compare it to the entry on top of the stack.
      • if the stack is empty or the top doesn't match, fail.
      • 如果堆栈为空或顶部不匹配,则失败。

      • if it matches, pop the stack and continue.
      • 如果匹配,则弹出堆栈并继续。

    • 如果找到结束标记,请将其与堆栈顶部的条目进行比较。如果堆栈为空或顶部不匹配,则失败。如果匹配,则弹出堆栈并继续。

  • 遍历列表:如果找到开始标记,则将其推入堆栈。如果找到结束标记,请将其与堆栈顶部的条目进行比较。如果堆栈为空或顶部不匹配,则失败。如果匹配,则弹出堆栈并继续。

  • At the end of the iteration:
    • if the stack is empty, declare success.
    • 如果堆栈为空,则声明成功。

    • otherwise fail.
  • 在迭代结束时:如果堆栈为空,则声明成功。否则失败。


Remove the backslashes, iterate on the reversed version, and compare with the original.


E.g., this will give you the indices of discrepancy:


wo = [tag[1: ] if tag and tag[0] == '/' else tag for tag in taglist]
rev = list(reversed(wo))
discrepancies = [i for i in xrange(len(wo)) if wo[i] != rev[i]]

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