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I would like to match "approximate" matches in Web.SiteMap


The Web.Sitemap static sitemap provider works well, except for one thing. IT'S STATIC!


So, if I would have to have a sitemapnode for each of the 10,000 articles on my page like so :


  • site.com/articles/1/article-title
  • site.com/articles/2/another-article-title
  • site.com/articles/3/another-article-again
  • ...
  • site.com/articles/9999/the-last-article

Is there some kind of Wildcard mapping I can do with the SiteMap to match Anything under Articles?


Or perhaps in my Webforms Page, is there a way to Manually set the current node?


I've found a "bit" of help on this page when doing this with the ASP.Net MVC Framework, but still looking for a good solution for Webforms.

在使用ASP.Net MVC框架执行此操作时,我在此页面上找到了一些帮助,但仍在为Webforms寻找一个好的解决方案。

I think what I'm going to have to do is create a custom SiteMap Provider

我认为我要做的是创建一个自定义的SiteMap Provider

3 个解决方案



This is in response to the comment above. I can't post the full code, but this is basically how my provider works.


Suppose you have a page article.aspx, and it uses query string parameter "id" to retrieve and display an article title and body. Then this is in Web.sitemap:


Then, you create this class:


public class DynamicSiteMapPath : SiteMapPath
  protected override void InitializeItem(SiteMapNodeItem item)
    if (item.ItemType != SiteMapNodeItemType.PathSeparator)
      string url = item.SiteMapNode.Url;
      string param = item.SiteMapNode["param"];

      // get parameter value
      int id = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[param];

      // retrieve article from database using id

      // override node link
      HyperLink link = new HyperLink();
      link.NavigateUrl = url + "?" + param + "=" + id.ToString();
      link.Text = ;
      link.ToolTip = ;
      // if current node is a separator, initialize as usual

Finally, you use this provider in your code just like you would use the static provider.


My class is more complicated than this, but these are the basics. Instead of using a querystring parameter, you could just analyze the friendly url you're using, and use that instead to retrieve the correct content. To minimize the additional db lookups with every request, you can add a caching mechanism to the provider (article title usually won't change often).


Hope this helps.




This is not entirely an answer to your question I think, but maybe it gives you an idea. I once wrote a DynamicSiteMapPath class inheriting SiteMapPath. I use a custom attribute in each tag in Web.sitemap, like this:

这不完全是我认为的问题的答案,但也许它会给你一个想法。我曾经写过一个继承SiteMapPath的DynamicSiteMapPath类。我在Web.sitemap中的每个 标记中使用自定义属性,如下所示:

Then the DynamicSiteMapPath class gets the "id" parameter value, retrieves the content from the database, and overrides the currently rendered sitemap item node with the correct title and link. It's gonna take a little work, but when done correctly this is a very neat way of providing dynamic page support.




I have been running into this problem and, frankly, not finding any solutions that made me happy... so I borrow ideas from here and there. My solution is multi-part: a) have the SiteMapProvider find the actual page handling the request and use it's node and b) use standard techniques for updating the sitemapnode from there.


A) The problem I kept running into is that if I didn't have the correct virtual path, the SiteMap.CurrentNode would be null and the fire the SiteMapResolve function. To solve this I subclassed XmlSiteMapProvider and overrode CurrentNode:


 namespace WebFormTools
    class RouteBaseSitemapProvider : XmlSiteMapProvider
        public override SiteMapNode CurrentNode
                var node = base.CurrentNode;

                if (node == null) 
                    // we don't have a node, see if this is from a route
                    var page = HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler as System.Web.UI.Page;

                    if (page != null && page.RouteData != null)
                        // try and get the Virtual path associated with this route
                        var handler = page.RouteData.RouteHandler as PageRouteHandler;

                        if (handler != null) {
                            // try and find that path instead.
                            node = FindSiteMapNode(handler.VirtualPath);


                return node;

Basically if the default implementation doesn't find anything, look up the route (if any) and try to find the node using the handler's virtual path.


For reference here is part of my Web.Config, Global.asax and SiteMap files:


Adding the provider



The route:


And the SiteMap:



B) I subclass System.Web.UI.Page, aptly named BaseClass, which adds a method to register handlers for the SiteMapResolve event:


public System.Web.SiteMapNode Process(System.Web.SiteMapNode currentNode)
        if (currentNode == null) return currentNode;

        var page = HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler as System.Web.UI.Page;

        if (page != null && page.RouteData != null)

            Dictionary replacements = new Dictionary();

            // build a list of RegEx to aid in converstion, using RegEx so I can ignore class.  Technically I could also
            foreach (var key in page.RouteData.Values.Keys)
                replacements.Add(new Regex(string.Format("\\{{{0}\\}}", key), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase), page.RouteData.Values[key].ToString());              

            // navigate up the nodes
            var activeNode = currentNode;
            while (activeNode != null)
                // to the replacements
                foreach(var replacement in replacements)
                    activeNode.Title =  replacement.Key.Replace(activeNode.Title, replacement.Value);

                activeNode = activeNode.ParentNode;


        return currentNode;

I still need to have the URLs map appropriately (the would use the URL of the page receiving the route), which is sans routing information. I will probably use a custom Attribute in the sitemap to tell the node how to render the URL.


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