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Applies To: Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 2.0 After you install the Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 2.0 software and configure the required certificates on a computer, you are ready to configure the computer to become a federation server. You can use the following procedure to join a computer to a new federation server farm. You join a computer to a farm with the AD FS 2.0 Federation Server Configuration Wizard. When you use this wizard to join a computer to an existing farm, the computer is configured with a read-only copy of the AD FS configuration database and it must receive updates from a primary federation server. noteNote For the Federated Web Single-Sign-On (SSO) design, you must have at least one federation server in the account partner organization and at least one federation server in the resource partner organization. For more information, see Where to Place a Federation Server. Membership in Administrators, or equivalent, on the local computer is the minimum required to complete this procedure. Review details about using the appropriate accounts and group memberships at Local and Domain Default Groups (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=83477). To add a federation server to a federation server farm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. There are two ways to start the AD FS 2.0 Federation Server Configuration Wizard. To start the wizard, do one of the following: ? After the AD FS 2.0 software installation is complete, open the AD FS 2.0 Management snap-in (Start/Administrative Tools/AD FS 2.0 Management) and click the AD FS 2.0 Federation Server Configuration Wizard link on the Overview page or in the Actions pane. ? Anytime after the setup wizard is complete, open Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\Program Files\Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 folder, and double-click FsConfigWizard.exe. 2. On the Welcome page, verify that Add a federation server to an existing Federation Service is selected, and then click Next. 3. If the AD FS 2.0 database that you selected already exists, the Existing AD FS Configuration Database Detected page appears. If that occurs, click Delete database, and then click Next. CautionCaution Select this option only when you are sure that the data in this AD FS 2.0 database is not important or that it is not used in a production federation server farm. 4. On the Specify the Primary Federation Server and Service Account page, under Primary federation server name, type the computer name of the primary federation server in the farm, and then click Browse. In the Browse dialog box, locate the domain account that is used as the service account by all other federation servers in the existing federation server farm, and then click OK. Type the password and confirm it, and then click Next: noteNote For more information about specifying a service account for a federation server farm, see Manually Configure a Service Account for a Federation Server Farm. Each federation server in the federation server farm must specify the same service account for the farm to be operational. For example, if the service account that was created was contoso\ADFS2SVC, each computer you configure for the federation server role and that will participate in the same farm must specify contoso\ADFS2SVC at this step in the Federation Server Configuration Wizard for the farm to be operational. 5. On the Ready to Apply Settings page, review the details. If the settings appear to be correct, click Next to begin configuring AD FS 2.0 with these settings. 6. On the Configuration Results page, review the results. When all the configuration steps are finished, click Close to exit the wizard.

Add And Reset a Federation Server to a Federation Server Farm adfs ad

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