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代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

* Separates the sheet name, row, and columns from a cell reference string.
* @param reference is a string that identifies a cell within the sheet or workbook
* reference may not refer to a cell in an external workbook
* reference may be absolute or relative.
* @return String array of sheetName, column (in ALPHA-26 format), and row
* output column or row elements will contain absolute reference markers if they
* existed in the input reference.
private static CellRefParts separateRefParts(String reference) {
int plingPos = reference.lastIndexOf(SHEET_NAME_DELIMITER);
final String sheetName = parseSheetName(reference, plingPos);
String cell = reference.substring(plingPos+1).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
Matcher matcher = CELL_REF_PATTERN.matcher(cell);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid CellReference: " + reference);
String col = matcher.group(1);
String row = matcher.group(2);
return new CellRefParts(sheetName, row, col);

代码示例来源:origin: com.haulmont.thirdparty/poi

* Separates the row from the columns and returns an array of three Strings. The first element
* is the sheet name. Only the first element may be null. The second element in is the column
* name still in ALPHA-26 number format. The third element is the row.
private static String[] separateRefParts(String reference) {
int plingPos = reference.lastIndexOf(SHEET_NAME_DELIMITER);
String sheetName = parseSheetName(reference, plingPos);
int start = plingPos+1;
int length = reference.length();
int loc = start;
// skip initial dollars
if (reference.charAt(loc)==ABSOLUTE_REFERENCE_MARKER) {
// step over column name chars until first digit (or dollars) for row number.
for (; loc char ch = reference.charAt(loc);
if (Character.isDigit(ch) || ch == ABSOLUTE_REFERENCE_MARKER) {
return new String[] {

代码示例来源:origin: org.openl.rules/org.openl.lib.poi.dev

* Separates the row from the columns and returns an array of three Strings. The first element
* is the sheet name. Only the first element may be null. The second element in is the column
* name still in ALPHA-26 number format. The third element is the row.
private static String[] separateRefParts(String reference) {
int plingPos = reference.lastIndexOf(SHEET_NAME_DELIMITER);
String sheetName = parseSheetName(reference, plingPos);
int start = plingPos+1;
int length = reference.length();
int loc = start;
// skip initial dollars
if (reference.charAt(loc)==ABSOLUTE_REFERENCE_MARKER) {
// step over column name chars until first digit (or dollars) for row number.
for (; loc char ch = reference.charAt(loc);
if (Character.isDigit(ch) || ch == ABSOLUTE_REFERENCE_MARKER) {
return new String[] {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.poi

* Separates the sheet name, row, and columns from a cell reference string.
* @param reference is a string that identifies a cell within the sheet or workbook
* reference may not refer to a cell in an external workbook
* reference may be absolute or relative.
* @return String array of sheetName, column (in ALPHA-26 format), and row
* output column or row elements will contain absolute reference markers if they
* existed in the input reference.
private static CellRefParts separateRefParts(String reference) {
int plingPos = reference.lastIndexOf(SHEET_NAME_DELIMITER);
final String sheetName = parseSheetName(reference, plingPos);
String cell = reference.substring(plingPos+1).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
Matcher matcher = CELL_REF_PATTERN.matcher(cell);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid CellReference: " + reference);
String col = matcher.group(1);
String row = matcher.group(2);
return new CellRefParts(sheetName, row, col);

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