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I am currently studying for my C-Midterm and I encountered this declaration:


int **foo[][]()    

When looking for the solution as to what this declaration means my tutors actually gave two different answers: 1) foo is an array of arrays of functions with return type pointer to pointer to an int 2) foo is an array of arrays of pointers to pointers to a function with return type int I know the "start with the name of the variable, continue to the right until you reach the end or ')' then go back to your last starting point and continue to the left until you reach the start or '('" rule so I think 1) is the correct answer here but I am not entirely sure.


Thanks, Ozelotl

2 个解决方案



It is nothing specific. Meaning that on the surface it looks like a C declaration, but it is not well-formed. It is illegal and as such it means nothing.


Firstly, it appears like a two-dimensional array declaration, but in C language an array declaration is required to specify all sizes except possibly for the very first one. Your declaration omits the second size as well, which makes it illegal.


Secondly, even if we ignore the missing sizes, it looks like a declaration for an array of functions. It is illegal to declare arrays of functions in C.


For example, this would make a legal C declaration


int (**foo[][42])()

but not what you have originally.




The syntax of this declaration is that foo[][] declares a 2-D array (or it would, if the second bound had a dimension specified - as it stands that's illegal); and then the rest of it is:

这个声明的语法是foo [] []声明一个2-D数组(或者,如果第二个绑定指定了一个维度,它将会这样做 - 因为它表示这是非法的);然后剩下的就是:

int **bar();    // with bar = foo[][]

which is a function taking unspecified arguments and returning int **. However, since bar is an array type here this attempts to declare an array of functions, which is illegal. (Not to be confused with an array of function pointers, which would be OK).

这是一个接受未指定参数并返回int **的函数。但是,由于bar是一种数组类型,因此尝试声明一组函数,这是非法的。 (不要与函数指针数组混淆,这样就可以了)。

The grammar rules are that the ** bind to the int (not to the bar) unless you use parentheses to force them to bind to the bar; so they are part of the type int ** and they are not saying that bar is a pointer.

语法规则是**绑定到int(而不是bar),除非你使用括号来强制它们绑定到bar;所以他们是int **类型的一部分,他们并不是说bar是指针。

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