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I don't know if it's just R being notoriously hard to search for but I can't seem to find a URL-safe base64 decoder for R.


Does anyone know of one ?


Edit I've used various decoders, the RCurl::base64decode() function as well as online ones and the results are somewhat inconsistent.


I admit I don't understand the full details of what differentiates a "URL-safe" base64 decoder but find it dismissive to have my question closed in a matter of minutes due to a moderator's misunderstanding of what I'm asking before anyone gets a chance to answer.


Edit 2 The equivalent in Python is base64.urlsafe_b64decode(s), and as yet noone has implemented this in R.


Using library(sos) as recommended in the comments brings up 3 packages, and as expected a Google search would have found them had they URL-safe methods.


  • base64::decode() has just two parameters, input and output, i.e. only works on files, and attempting this on my string produces a mangled output. The only other methods in the package are encode() and img (for image file base64-string encoding)
  • base64::decode()只有两个参数,输入和输出,即只对文件进行操作,并且在我的字符串上尝试这个操作会产生一个混乱的输出。包中唯一的其他方法是编码()和img(用于图像文件base64-string编码)
  • base64enc::base64decode() follows much the same, though can use a text connection rather than solely a file input. Again, no option to use a modified URL-safe alphabet
  • base64enc::base64decode()遵循相同的方法,但是可以使用文本连接,而不只是一个文件输入。同样,不能使用修改后的url安全字母。
  • RCurl::base64Decode() can only take text input (befitting a stream-handling package), and a mode parameter can be set to either raw or character. It doesn't seem that either mode permits altering the decoding alphabet.
  • RCurl::base64Decode()只能接收文本输入(适合于流处理包),并且模式参数可以设置为raw或character。看起来,两种模式都不允许改变解码字母。

The Python docs explain that a URL-safe alphabet


substitutes - instead of + and _ instead of / in the standard Base64 alphabet.


I'd be interested to know how to use a custom alphabet. If I understand correctly the 'raw' mode has already applied the alphabet, and thus mistranslated.


The example above is the body of an email I retrieved through the Gmail API, which base64-encodes with such a URL-safe encoder:

上面的示例是我通过Gmail API检索的一封邮件的正文,该API使用了这种url安全编码器的base64-encode:


which an online URL-safe decoder will give as



I can't install xps because during compile I get:

TMLMath.cxx:51:19: fatal error: TMath.h: No such file or directory

 #include "TMath.h"
compilation terminated.
make: *** [TMLMath.o] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘xps’

Do you have any idea where I've gone wrong, or how I might fix it? Further details of how I went about it are here and full screenshot attached.

I tried manually adding in the files the error message said were missing, but eventually it gave a different kind of error and I deleted these additional files again (see the link above).

I hope you may be able to advise, I've run out of ideas and expertise on how else to proceed.

Best wishes,



TMLMath.cxx:51:19: fatal error: TMath.h: No such file or directory
#include "TMath.h"

我不能安装xps,因为在编译: TMLMath。cxx:51:19:致命错误:TMath。h:没有这样的文件或目录
. " tahoma ", " sans - serif "; mso - fareast - font - family:宋体;mso - bidi - font - family: " times new roman "; mso - bidi - theme - font: minor - bidi ' >

While the online base64 decoder I was using won't decode it at all, reporting an error.


I'll have to write something to use a custom alphabet myself if noone knows a way to do this with existing R packages. I'd prefer not to have to invoke Python, if possible.


1 个解决方案



Well... that was embarrassingly easy.




Sorry to answer my own question, it seems way more complicated than it is


Edit this actually has to be base64Decode(gsub("-","+",gsub("_","/",strtodecode))) for the case I'm working on, but for an example the above worked - there are multiple base64 alphabets.

编辑这个实际上必须是base64Decode(gsub(“-”,“+”,gsub(“_”,“/”,strtodecode))对于我正在进行的这个例子,但是对于上面的例子,有多个base64 alphabets。

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