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I'm creating a formula in Excel VBA of the form

我在Excel VBA中创建了一个公式。

myformula(cell1, cell2, range)

where the range looks something like the first 7 columns of this:


V1    D2    V2    D3    V3    D4    V4    RESULT
0.5   2     0.7

There will always be a value in the first column, which will be a value between 0 and 1 inclusive. All subsequent columns may be empty, but if there is a value in D2 there will also be a value in V2 and so on.


My formula goes in the RESULT column and involves summing the figures in the V columns but only if the preceding D column is filled. i.e. in this case it would calculate V1 + V2 but ignore V3 and V4.

我的公式在结果列中,涉及到对V列中的数字求和,但前提是前面的D列被填满。在这种情况下,它会计算V1 + V2但忽略V3和V4。

The VB I have been using works with


if IsEmpty(D2)

to select the appropriate values and this works fine in most cases.


However, I also want to be able to apply this formula to cases where the V and D values are calculated by a formula. The formula is conditional, outputting either a number, or "" (something like IF(A2="","",3)) So the cell range looks identical but is no longer considered truly empty by VB.


I'm looking for ways to work around this. I realise that the result of a formula will never be truly empty but is there a way of making the contents of the cell "empty enough" for VB to understand it as empty? Alternatively is there a different condition I can use to pick up the empty cells - but I must be able to differentiate between zero values and empty cells.


ETA: I am struggling to implement Stepan1010's solution. This is what I'm doing - it may be wrong:


Public Function YEARAV(sdate As Date, edate As Date, yearrange As Range) As Variant

    Dim v1 As Variant
    Dim v2 As Variant
    Dim v3 As Variant
    Dim v4 As Variant

    Dim b As Date
    Dim c As Date
    Dim d As Date

    v1 = yearrange.Cells(1, 1)
    v2 = yearrange.Cells(1, 3)
    v3 = yearrange.Cells(1, 5)
    v4 = yearrange.Cells(1, 7)

    b = yearrange.Cells(1, 2)
    c = yearrange.Cells(1, 4)
    d = yearrange.Cells(1, 6)

    total_days = edate - sdate

    a = sdate
    e = edate

    If Range(yearrange.Cells(1, 6)).Value = vbNullString Then
        d = edate
        If Range(yearrange.Cells(1, 4)).Value = vbNullString Then
            c = edate
            If Range(yearrange.Cells(1, 2)).Value = vbNullString Then
                b = edate
            End If
        End If
    End If

    YEARAV = ((b - a) * v1 + (c - b) * v2 + (d - c) * v3 + (e - d) * v4) / total_days

End Function

I've also tried just using If b = vbNullString etc as well.

我也试过用If b = vbNullString等等。

3 个解决方案



For zero you can just check if Range("D2").Value = 0

对于零,你可以检查Range(“D2”)。值= 0

To check if a formula is returning a blank you can use if Range("D2").Value = vbNullString

要检查一个公式是否返回空白,你可以使用if Range(“D2”)。值= vbNullString

You can also normally get away with Range("D2").Value = "" (although some diehard vba people will probably recommend vbNullString instead)

你也可以正常地离开(“D2”)。Value = ""(尽管一些顽固vba的人可能会推荐vbNullString)



You could create a custom function. Use the function below, and you can call it like:


Debug.Print IsCellFormulaEmpty(Range("D2"))


Here is the Function:


Function IsCellFormulaEmpty(c As Range) As Boolean

Dim myVal As String
myVal = Trim(c.Value)

Select Case myVal
    Case Empty
        IsCellFormulaEmpty = True
    Case Else
        IsCellFormulaEmpty = False
End Select

End Function

I tested this on constant value of 6, a formula =IF(D24=C24,C23,"") (which returned a null string) and a constant value of 0. The results are False, True, False as expected.




Generally speaking, try to avoid VBA when you can. In which case, given a data setup like this:


enter image description here

The formula in cell H2 and copied down is:



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