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I am trying to extend my protocol Option with Comparable to use simple .sort() method.


Below short example only with Equatable to show errors.


@objc protocol Option: Equatable {
    var title: String { get }
    var enabled: Bool { get }
    var position: Int { get }

func ==(lhs: Option, rhs: Option) -> Bool {
    return lhs.position == rhs.position

The Option protocol must be marked as @objc or inherit from NSObjectProtocol because it will be used with UIKit.



  1. @objc protocol 'Option' cannot refine non-@objc protocol 'Equatable'


  2. Protocol 'Option' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements


Do you have any suggestion how to solve this problem?


2 个解决方案



Equatable lives in the Swift world only, thus you cannot extend it to a protocol that will be used by Objective-C. Trying to do this results in error #1


Protocols that have a Self requirement (i.e. at least one method from the protocol declaration contains Self) cannot be used as arguments to functions, or to variable declarations, only as arguments to a generic clause, e.g. func doSomething(argument: T).

具有Self要求的协议(即,协议声明中的至少一个方法包含Self)不能用作函数或变量声明的参数,仅作为泛型子句的参数,例如, func doSomething (参数:T)。

Removing Equatable from the Option protocol declaration, and declaring == as generic on Option will solve the compile errors. As for sorting, you can also overload the < operator, and sort via that operator (without needing to implement Comparable):

从Option协议声明中删除Equatable,并在Option上声明== as generic将解决编译错误。至于排序,你也可以重载 <运算符,并通过该运算符排序(无需实现comparable):

@objc protocol Option {
    var title: String { get }
    var enabled: Bool { get }
    var position: Int { get }

func ==(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
    return lhs.position == rhs.position

func <(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
    return lhs.position 

This allows you to pass objects that conform to the protocol to UIKit, and to also compare them within your swift code.


class A: NSObject, Option { .. }
class B: NSObject, Option { ... }

let a = A()
let b = B()
a == b  // compiles, and returns true if a and b have the same position
let c: [Option] = [a, b]
c.sort(<) // returns a sorted array by the `position` field

One important note regarding the sorting code above: if you don't specify the type for c, then the compiler infers its type as [NSObject], and the sort call will not compile due to ambiguity of the < operator. You need to explicitly declare c as [Option] to take advantage of the overloaded operator.

关于上面的排序代码的一个重要注意事项:如果你没有为c指定类型,那么编译器会将其类型推断为[NSObject],并且由于 <运算符的模糊性,排序调用将无法编译。您需要将c显式声明为[option]以利用重载运算符。



The issue can be fixed by the new protocol oriented programming features introduced in swift 2.0

这个问题可以通过swift 2.0中引入的新的面向协议的编程功能来解决

@objc protocol 'Option' cannot refine non-@objc protocol 'Equatable'


As the error states, the Equatable protocol is a swift protocol that you can't to Obj C context

正如错误所述,Equatable协议是一个swift协议,你不能对Obj C上下文

Protocol 'Option' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements


You can achieve this in the following way:


@objc protocol Option {
    var title: String { get }
    var enabled: Bool { get }
    var position: Int { get }

extension Equatable where Self : Option


extension Comparable where Self : Option


func ==(lhs: Option, rhs: Option) -> Bool
    return lhs.position == rhs.position

func <(lhs: Option, rhs: Option) -> Bool
    return lhs.position (lhs: Option, rhs: Option) -> Bool
    return lhs.position > rhs.position

And your class and implementation looks like:


class MyClass: Option
    @objc var title: String = ""
    @objc var enabled: Bool = true
    @objc var position: Int = 0


    convenience init(title : String, enabled : Bool, position: Int)
        self.title    = title
        self.enabled  = enabled
        self.position = position

let firstObj               = MyClass()
let secOndObj= MyClass()
let optionArray : [Option] = [firstObj, secondObj]

// Sort array of options

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