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I am going through a large website (1600+ pages) to make it pass Priority 1 W3C WAI. As a result, things like image tags need to have alt attributes.

我正在浏览一个大的网站(1600多页),使它通过优先级1 W3C WAI。因此,像图像标签这样的东西需要有alt属性。

What would be the regular expression for finding img tags without alt attributes? If possible, with a wee explanation so I can use to find other issues.


I am in an office with Visual Web Developer 2008. The Edit >> Find dialogue can use regular expressions.

我和Visual Web Developer 2008在一个办公室。编辑>找到对话可以使用正则表达式。

6 个解决方案



This is really tricky, because regular expressions are mostly about matching something that is there. With look-around trickery, you can do things like 'find A that is not preceded/followed by B', etc. But I think the most pragmatic solution for you wouldn't be that.


My proposal relies a little bit on your existing code not doing too crazy things, and you might have to fine-tune it, but I think it's a good shot, if you really want to use a RegEx-search for your problem.


So what I suggest would be to find all img tags, that can (but don't need to) have all valid attributes for an img-element. Whether that is an approach you can work with is for you to decide.





The current limitations are:


  1. It expects your attribute values to be delimited by double quotes,
  2. 它期望您的属性值被双引号分隔,
  3. It doesn't take into account possible inline on*Event attributes,
  4. 它没有考虑到*事件属性的内联,
  5. It doesn't find img elements with 'illegal' attributes.
  6. 它没有发现含有“非法”属性的img元素。



Building on Mr.Black and Roberts126 answers:



This will match an img tag anywhere in the code which either has no alt tag or an alt tag which is not followed by ="" or ='' (i.e. invalid alt tags).


Breaking it down:


(          : open capturing group
(['"])]*      : match anything following the alt tag up to the closing '>' of the img tag
)          : close capturing group
(>)        : match the closing '>' of the img tag

If your code editor allows search and replace by Regex you can use this in combination with the replace string:


$1 alt=""$3

To find any alt-less img tags and append them with an empty alt tag. This is useful when using spacers or other layout images for HTML emails and the like.




Here is what I just tried in my own environment with a massive enterprise code base with some good success (found no false positives but definitely found valid cases):



What's going on in this search:


  1. find the opening of the tag
  2. 找到标签的开头
  3. look for the absence of zero or more characters that are not the closing bracket while also …
  4. 查找不属于结束括号的0或更多字符的缺失,同时……
  5. Checking for the absence of of a word that begins with "alt" ("\b" is there for making sure we don't get a mid-word name match on something like a class value) and is followed by "=", then …
  6. 检查是否缺少一个以“alt”开头的单词(“\b”是为了确保我们不会在类值之类的东西上获得一个中间单词的名称匹配),然后是“=”,然后……
  7. look for zero or more characters that are not the closing bracket
  8. 查找不是结束括号的零或多个字符
  9. find the closing bracket
  10. 找到个括号

So this will match:


But it won't match either of these:


I have a value.



This works in Eclipse:


I'm updating for Section 508 too!




This worked for me.



This matches any string beginning with that doesn't contain any number of characters before an alt attribute. It even works for src="" type of attributes.

它匹配任何以 ”类型的属性。



Simple and effective:


This regex works for find tags missing the alt attribute.


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