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I'd like to modify the spacing between characters in a WPF TextBox.
Something like the letter-spacing: 5px thing that is available in CSS.
I think it is possible in XAML; what's the simplest way?

我想修改WPF TextBox中字符之间的间距。像字母间距:CSS中可用的5px之类的东西。我认为在XAML中是可能的;什么是最简单的方法?

I found the "Introduction to the GlyphRun Object and Glyphs Element" document, and found it to be exceedingly unhelpful.


This is a code example from that page:


The same documentation page gives this "explanation" for what the Indices property does:


enter image description here

I have no idea what any of that means. I'm also not sure that Indices is the right thing - the comment in the code speaks of "character widths" which I don't care about. I want to adjust the width between characters.

我不知道这是什么意思。我也不确定指数是否是正确的 - 代码中的注释说的是“字符宽度”,我并不关心。我想调整字符之间的宽度。

Also, there is no example for how to apply a Glyphs element to a TextBox. When I tried it, my WPF test app just crashed.


What I want to do is slightly increase the empty space that appears between drawn characters within a WPF TextBox. The text will vary in length and content. Do I have to modify the Indicies property every time there is a new character? Is there a way to say "make it 20% more space than usual, for every character".

我想要做的是略微增加WPF TextBox中绘制的字符之间出现的空白区域。案文的长度和内容各不相同。每次有新角色时我是否必须修改Indicies属性?有没有办法说“为每个角色增加20%的空间”。

Can anybody help me?


3 个解决方案



I tried Glyphs and FontStretch and couldn't easily get the result I was looking for. I was able to come up with an approach that works for my purposes. Maybe it will work for others, as well.



I can bind to any string and don't need to do any character width detection to set the spacing properly. The right margin is the space between the letters.







is FontStretch an option for you?


Otherwise you might want to look into this there is an image, showing what advance width means. Though I have not done this before and don't know if this works increasing right and left side bearings might be what you want!




For what its worth . . .

物有所值 。 。 。

If you have the option to switch your implementation to RichTextBox, this might be easier than the work-around you found Sept 2013. I just tried it for my own needs and it works for what I need. I do not see a way with RichTextBox to control kerning of individual spaces like typesetters do. But TextBox was eating additional spaces (consolidating multiple adjacent spaces to a single space) like HTML. I needed for the spaces to display the same amount of spacing as is in my text String, and RichTextBox does this.


I'm no expert, but it seems you can't specify the text content in XAML. I had to specify it in a code-behind event:


this.MyRichTextBox.AppendText("V A R I E D      S P A C E S");

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