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I'm writing my own custom keyboard. And I don't know how to connect my settings bundle(setting in phone) with my keyboard extension, so if somebody change settings from phone settings and after that open some text field to write something my keyboard already knew about than changes he made in settings. I've tried to create app group to connect my application with my extension, and in my view controller add observer for NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification something like:


var notificatiOnCenter= NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
        notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: "settingsDidChange:", name: NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification, object: nil)

When somebody makes changes in settings settingsDidChange: method will be called and there i'm setting all things i need to read into my app group to read it from my extension. But this method will be called only when person open my application, so if somebody change setting from phone settings and won't open application my keyboard won't change. so how can i implement my settings bundle for my keyboard?

当有人在settings settingsDidChange中做了更改时,方法就会被调用,我将所有需要读到的东西都设置到我的app组中,从我的扩展中读取。但是这个方法只有在人们打开我的应用程序时才会被调用,所以如果有人改变了电话设置的设置并且不打开应用程序,我的键盘就不会改变。那么如何实现我的键盘设置包呢?

3 个解决方案



I haven't worked with a keyboard extension yet, but ran into a similar issue with both a Today and a WatchKit extension. The NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification only posts in the same process that made the change. So, a change inside the iPhone app settings doesn't trigger that notification to observers in the extension process(es).

我还没有开发过键盘扩展,但遇到过类似的问题,包括a Today和WatchKit扩展。nsuserdefaultschangenotification只发布在进行更改的过程中。因此,iPhone应用程序设置中的一个更改不会触发对扩展过程中的观察者的通知。

However, Darwin notifications (CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter) do post to other processes.


Here's a gist of catching NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification inside the iPhone app, posting a Darwin notification for the extension(s), catching it inside the extension and finally converting it to a standard NSNotification for easier consumption: https://gist.github.com/phatblat/f640416c15e11b685511


Note, that you can't send any userInfo in a Darwin notification, so you still need to provision an app group and stand up an NSUserDefaults instance with initWithSuiteName: with your app group identifier.




In your class KeyboardViewController: UIInputViewController of your keyboard itself, you should add the notification code that you wrote. Where are you writing it now?

在你的类KeyboardViewController: UIInputViewController你的键盘本身,你应该添加你写的通知代码。你现在在哪里写?

It is the UIInputViewController subclass that runs when the keyboard is used, not just when the app is run. Also you might want to just load the NSUserDefaults stuff inside the UIInputViewController every time the view loads, and this way you avoid having to use notifications. Essentially you're picking up the settings every time the keyboard view is loaded. Depending on how much customization you have, this may or may not be optimal.




It seems to be a bug in iOS 8.0.2 even on the device (I've tested on iPad Air). Custom keyboard setting are not saved and cannot be read from extension.

在iOS 8.0.2中,它似乎是一个bug(我在iPad Air上测试过)。不保存自定义键盘设置,无法从扩展中读取。

Solution that requires full access explained here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26172466/840742


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