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I'm writing my own library for the project at work for a browser application and I am having the same old problem deciding how to comment the code.


I'm trying to follow the JsDoc syntax, but will probably continue the Google Closure Compiler way. I may end up using two @return and @returns tags in the documentation, just for portability sake (when I setup the auto-generation of the documentation).


Now, the question, how do you document the return of a custom anonymous object from a function? For example:


return {
    username: 'username',
    password: 'password',
    enabled:  true

JsDoc has an example of how a @param can be documented to expect object with certain fields, but not the @returns tag. Similarly, the Google Closure Compiler documentation of a Record Type is vague and has no example to work it out.


3 个解决方案



The Closure-compiler uses a subset of the JSDoc annotations (and adds a few of its own). See the annotation reference for the compiler for the complete set. A JSDoc annotation is similar to a JavaDoc annotation and is a comment block that begins with /** (two stars). While each line of the comment often begins with it's own *, that is a convention that is not required. Only one JSDoc tag is allowed per line, but the arguments for a tag can span multiple lines.


The annotation typically applies to the following statement. Here are some examples:


/** @type {string} */ var a;
Type Cast
var b = /** @type {string} */ (window['foo']);

note the extra parenthesis


Named Function
 * @param {string} bar
 * @return {boolean}
function foo(bar) { return true; }
Function Expressions
/** @type {function(string):boolean} */
var foo = function(bar) { return true; }

var foo2 =
   * @param {string} bar
   * @return {boolean}
  function(bar) { return true; }

Complex types (including unions, and record types) can be aliased for convenience and maintainability using a typedef. These annotations can be long, but can be split over multiple lines for readability.


/** @typedef {{
 *             foo:string,
 *             bar:number,
 *             foobar:number|string
 *           }}
var mytype;

For your original example, there are several possible ways to annotate such a function return value. One of the most specific and still convenient is the record type:


/** @return {{username:string, password:string, enabled:boolean}} */
function() {
  return {
    username: 'username',
    password: 'password',
    enabled:  true

Note the extra {}. Also keep in mind that record types will not prevent property renaming.

注意额外的{ }。还要记住,记录类型不会阻止属性重命名。

This annotation tells the compiler that the function returns an anonymous type with username, password and enabled properties. Other valid options would be to define an interface elsewhere and typecast the return value to be that interface. The least specific annotation would be Object or *.


To see a wide range of possible annotations, take a look at the extern files in the Compiler project.




One of the nice and portable ways to do it is like the following, using return as a keyword. https://github.com/senchalabs/jsduck/wiki/%40return


 * @return {object} return An object with the following properties
 * @return {string} return.username Some username
 * @return {string} return.password Some password
 * @return {boolean} return.enabled Is the user enabled?
function getObj () {
     return {
         username: 'username',
         password: 'password',
         enabled:  true

If you have to use it in multiple places, you would have to duplicate it, or use @typedef, but I haven't figured out how to add comments to @typedef so I use something like the following


 * @typedef {username:string, password:string, enabled:boolean} MyType
 *  username: The name of the user 
 *  password: Some password
 *  enabled: Is the user enabled?

 * @return {MyType}
function getObj () {
     return {
         username: 'username',
         password: 'password',
         enabled:  true

You can also try the suggestion here How can I document a type in webstorm using just jsdoc?




If put this in top of the function


function myFunction() {
     * Description of my function
     * @return {!Object.} Returns an object containing username, password and enabled information

    // Do stuff
    return {
        username: 'username',
        password: 'password',
        enabled:  true

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