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WordPress is an incredibly versatile CMS. You can use it to launch a blog, an online store, a photo gallery and more. While it’s probably not its typical use, you can also easily turn WordPress into a membership site, too.

WordPress是功能强大的CMS。 您可以使用它来启动博客, 在线商店 ,图片库等等。 尽管它可能不是通常的用法,但是您也可以轻松地将WordPress变成会员站点。

In order to run a membership site with WordPress, you need one of the numerous, free or paid, WordPress membership site plugins. You can’t say one plugin is better than the rest – it simply depends what you need it for. Here’s a roundup of the best free WordPress membership plugins you can start using on your website today.

为了使用WordPress运行会员站点,您需要众多免费或付费的WordPress会员站点插件之一。 您不能说一个插件比其他插件更好–它仅取决于您需要什么。 这是最好的免费WordPress会员插件的摘要,您可以立即在您的网站上开始使用。

1. WP会员 (1. WP-Members)


WP-Members is probably the first WordPress membership site plugin that comes to mind. This isn’t strange because it’s a very popular plugin – it has 60,000+ active installs.

WP-Members可能是我想到的第一个WordPress会员站点插件。 这并不奇怪,因为它是一个非常受欢迎的插件-它具有60,000多个活动安装。

The list of its features is rather impressive. In a nutshell, it has all the features you will need to manage your members and the content they can access. Some of the features you won’t find in all other plugins are inline login/registration (i.e. from the page itself, not from the WP login page), custom registration and profile fields, automatic creation of post excerpts, and so on.

其功能列表相当令人印象深刻。 简而言之,它具有管理成员及其可以访问的内容所需的所有功能。 在所有其他插件中找不到的某些功能包括内联登录/注册(即从页面本身,而不是从WP登录页面),自定义注册和个人资料字段,自动创建帖子摘录等。

Additionally, you can find a Quick Start guide and plenty of extensions to further enrich the functionality of the plugin.

此外,您可以找到《 快速入门》指南和大量扩展,以进一步丰富插件的功能。

2.付费会员专业版 (2. Paid Memberships Pro)

Paid Memberships Pro

With its 40,000+ active installs and lots of add-ons, Paid Memberships Pro is one of the most popular free WordPress membership site plugins. It has unlimited membership levels and is 100% GPL.

付费会员Pro拥有40,000多个活动安装和大量附加组件,是最受欢迎的免费WordPress会员网站插件之一。 它具有无限的会员级别,并且是100%GPL。

Among the best features of Paid Memberships Pro are its great integration options. The plugin integrates with MailChimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, KISSMetrics, Infusionsoft, WP Courseware, LearnDash, Post Affiliate Pro, bbPress, WooCommerce, and many more popular third party tools. There also paid add-ons for more advanced features, such as PayPal Express Checkout, or affiliate tracking.

付费会员Pro的最佳功能包括其强大的集成选项。 该插件与MailChimp,Constant Contact,AWeber,KISSMetrics,Infusionsoft,WP课件,LearnDash,Post Affiliate Pro,bbPress,WooCommerce和许多其他流行的第三方工具集成在一起。 还提供了付费插件,用于更高级的功能,例如PayPal Express Checkout或会员跟踪。

With Paid Memberships Pro you can accept payments via Stripe, Authorize.net, Braintree Payments, and PayPal. These payments can be one time or recurring payments. You can also set trials with a duration you choose and have the corresponding payment set in the system.

使用付费会员Pro,您可以通过Stripe,Authorize.net,Braintree Payments和PayPal接受付款。 这些付款可以是一次性付款,也可以是定期付款。 您还可以设置选择的期限的试用版,并在系统中设置相应的付款方式。

3.简单的会员资格 (3. Simple Membership)

WP - 02 - Simple Membership

Simple Membership is a simple to use plugin but it offers everything you need for a membership site. For instance, it offers free and paid memberships, as well as unlimited membership levels. You can hide all content, or you can show teaser content to prompt users to register or login.

简单会员资格是一个易于使用的插件,但它提供了会员网站所需的一切。 例如,它提供免费和付费会员资格,以及无限会员级别。 您可以隐藏所有内容,也可以显示预告片内容以提示用户注册或登录。

Simple Membership doesn’t offer numerous payment options – it works with PayPal only – but since with PayPal you can accept any major credit and debit card, for most of us this is all we need. You can also have one time or recurring payments. Finally, Simple Membership comes with translations in close to 20 languages, which makes a difference, if you want a non-English membership site.

简单会员资格不提供多种付款方式-仅适用于PayPal-但由于使用PayPal可以接受任何主要的信用卡和借记卡,对于我们大多数人来说,这就是我们所需要的。 您也可以一次性或定期付款。 最后,简单会员资格附带将近20种语言的翻译,如果您想要一个非英语的会员网站,这会有所作为。

4. WPMU DEV的成员2 (4. Membership 2 from WPMU DEV)

Membership 2

As you probably guess from its name, Membership 2 is the successor of Membership, one of the first WordPress membership site plugins. Based on the number of the active installs (10,000) as stated by the WordPress.org site, this isn’t the most widely used plugin, but still it’s a popular one.

您可能会从名称中猜到, Membership 2是Membership的继承者,Membership是最早的WordPress会员网站插件之一。 根据WordPress.org网站所述的有效安装次数(10,000),这不是使用最广泛的插件,但仍然是一个受欢迎的插件。

Membership 2 comes in two varieties – a free and a pro version. Of course, the paid versions (at

会员资格2有两种:免费版和专业版。 当然,付费版本(在

With Membership 2 you can protect anything on your WordPress site: “pages, posts, comments, content below the “read more” tag, categories, menus, URLs, special pages, content by user role, media files, forums, downloads, videos, support…you name it”. Additionally, you can receive payments via PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net, or manually accept payments in 25 currencies.

使用Membership 2,您可以保护WordPress网站上的所有内容:“页面,帖子,评论,“更多”标签下方的内容,类别,菜单,URL,特殊页面,按用户角色显示的内容,媒体文件,论坛,下载,视频,支持…您命名”。 此外,您可以通过PayPal,Stripe,Authorize.net接收付款,也可以手动接受25种货币的付款。

5. s2Member (5. s2Member)


s2Member is another free and very popular membership framework. It has a Pro version as well that comes with more features, more notably unlimited membership levels, coupon codes, and integration with more payment services.

s2Member是另一个免费且非常流行的成员资格框架。 它也具有Pro版本,具有更多功能,尤其是无限的会员级别,优惠券代码以及与更多付款服务的集成。

You will find all the standard features, such as protect pages, posts, tags, categories. In addition to these, the plugin also offers some not so common features, such as the ability to protect portions of content within posts, pages, themes, and plugins, as well as downloadable files and streaming audio/video.

您将找到所有标准功能,例如保护页面,帖子,标签,类别。 除此之外,该插件还提供了一些不太常见的功能,例如保护帖子,页面,主题和插件内的部分内容以及可下载文件和流音频/视频的功能。

I also like the flexibility they give when you want to offer your users access to any particular page. With other plugins it’s usually based on the membership level, while here every user can choose every page/post and pay for it to be unlocked.

我也喜欢它们为您提供用户对任何特定页面的访问权限时所提供的灵活性。 对于其他插件,它通常是基于成员资格级别的,而在这里,每个用户都可以选择每个页面/帖子并付费以使其解锁。

6.迷你会员 (6. Mini Membership)

Mini Membership

If you don’t need a full-fledged membership site, but rather a quick solution without any frills, then you might want to try the Mini Membership plugin.

如果您不需要完整的会员网站,而是不需要任何多余装饰的快速解决方案,那么您可能要尝试使用Mini Membership插件。

It doesn’t come with tons of features, integrations, and configuration options, but if you don’t need anything beyond basic locking of content for members and non-members, this plugin is just for you.


A good use for this plugin is when you are not sure if your membership site will do well and you want to quickly test the waters first. Later, when the number of subscribers grows, you can switch to a more powerful plugin, if the options offered by Mini Membership aren’t enough anymore.

如果不确定您的会员网站是否会做得好并且您想先快速进行测试,则可以使用此插件。 后来,随着订户数量的增加,如果Mini Membership提供的选项不再足够,您可以切换到功能更强大的插件。

7.组 (7. Groups)


The Groups plugin is slightly different from the rest. The major difference is that it offers group memberships – i.e. you assign users to groups (one user can be assigned to as many groups as you need) and manage them as one. In a sense, groups are similar to access levels, but they offer more precision in who sees what.

Groups插件与其余插件略有不同。 主要区别在于,它提供了组成员身份-即您将用户分配给组(可以根据需要将一个用户分配给任意多个组),然后将其作为一个人进行管理。 从某种意义上讲,组类似于访问级别,但是它们在谁看到内容方面提供了更高的精确度。

Groups comes with a few extensions. However, even without the extensions, the core functionality provides most of the basics for managing groups of users.

群组附带一些扩展名 。 但是,即使没有扩展,核心功能也提供了管理用户组的大多数基础知识。

If you compare the Groups plugin to other membership site plugins, there are many differences in the way it functions, so if you are used to other membership site plugins, at first you might have difficulties figuring out how things are done with Groups. This is just in the beginning, though – once you become familiar with it, things are pretty straightforward.

如果将Groups插件与其他成员资格站点插件进行比较,则它们的功能会有很多差异,因此,如果您习惯于其他成员资格站点插件,那么一开始您可能很难确定Groups的工作方式。 不过,这只是开始-一旦您熟悉了它,事情就非常简单了。

结论 (Conclusion)

As you see, there are quite a lot of WordPress membership site plugins to choose from. Even free plugins alone are numerous and quite often the functionality they offer is more than enough to meet your needs.

如您所见,有很多WordPress会员站点插件可供选择。 即使是免费的插件也很多,而且它们提供的功能通常足以满足您的需求。

Of course, paid plugins, such as MemberMouse, MemberPress, or Restrict Content Pro, generally offer more, though this isn’t always so. If the functionality you’re after isn’t available with a free plugin (and you are serious about running a membership site), you can always go with a paid one.

当然,付费插件(例如MemberMouse,MemberPress或Restrict Content Pro)通常会提供更多功能,尽管并非总是如此。 如果免费插件无法提供您想要的功能(并且您对运行会员网站很认真),则始终可以使用付费的插件。

Also, if you need a niche membership site, you might want to look if there is a plugin especially for this purpose. For instance, ZippyCourses is great for a paid online learning community. The are similar plugins for other niches, just check what’s available and decide which one fits your needs best.

另外,如果您需要一个小众会员网站,则可能需要查看是否有专门用于此目的的插件。 例如,ZippyCourses非常适合付费在线学习社区。 与其他细分市场的插件类似,只需检查可用的插件并确定最适合您的需求。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-free-wordpress-membership-plugins/


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