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A peer-to-peer database for the decentralized web

OrbitDB is a serverless, distributed, peer-to-peer database. OrbitDB uses IPFS as its data storage and IPFS Pubsub to automatically sync databases with peers. It's an eventually consistent database that uses CRDTs for conflict-free database merges making OrbitDB an excellent choice for decentralized apps (dApps), blockchain applications and offline-first web applications.

Data in OrbitDB can be stored in a

  • Key-Value Store
  • Log Database (append-only log)
  • Feed (same as log database but entries can be removed)
  • Document Store (store indexed JSON documents)
  • Counters

This is the Javascript implementation and it works both in Node.js and Browsers.

To get started, try the OrbitDB CLI, read the Getting Started Guide or check Live demo 1, Live demo 2 or P2P TodoMVC app!

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Table of Contents

  • Usage
  • API
  • Examples
  • Development
  • Background
  • Contributing
  • License


Read the GETTING STARTED guide for a more in-depth tutorial and to understand how OrbitDB works.


For the CLI tool to manage orbit-db database, see OrbitDB CLI.

It can be installed from Npm with:

npm install orbit-db-cli -g

As a library

Install dependencies:

npm install orbit-db ipfs

Use it as a module:

const IPFS = require('ipfs')
const OrbitDB = require('orbit-db')// OrbitDB uses Pubsub which is an experimental feature
// and need to be turned on manually.
// Note that these options need to be passed to IPFS in
// all examples even if not specfied so.
const ipfsOptions = {EXPERIMENTAL: {pubsub: true},
}// Create IPFS instance
const ipfs = new IPFS(ipfsOptions)ipfs.on('error', (e) => console.error(e))
ipfs.on('ready', async () => {// Create a databaseconst orbitdb = new OrbitDB(ipfs)const db = await orbitdb.log('database name')// Add an entry to the databaseconst hash = await db.add('hello world')// Get last 5 entriesconst latest = db.iterator({ limit: 5 }).collect()console.log(JSON.stringify(latest, null, 2))

For more details, see examples for kvstore, eventlog, feed, docstore and counter.

The minimum required version of Node.js is now 8.0.0. To use with older versions of Node.js, we provide an ES5-compatible build through the npm package, located in dist/es5/ when installed through npm.


See API documentation for the full documentation.

  • Getting Started
  • OrbitDB
    • keyvalue
    • log
    • feed
    • docstore
    • counter
    • common


Install dependencies

git clone https://github.com/orbitdb/orbit-db.git
cd orbit-db
npm install

You'll also need babel and webpack, if you don't have them installed already:

npm install --global babel-cli
npm install --global webpack

Browser example

npm run build
npm run examples:browser


Check the code in examples/browser/browser.html and try the live example.

Node.js example

npm run examples:node



See the code in examples/eventlog.js and run it with:

node examples/eventlog.js

More examples at examples.

Custom Store Types

You can add custom store types to OrbitDB:

// define custom store type
class CustomStore extends DocumentStore {constructor (ipfs, id, dbname, options) {super(ipfs, id, dbname, options)this._type = CustomStore.type}static get type () {return 'custom'}
}// add custom type to orbitdb
OrbitDB.addDatabaseType(CustomStore.type, CustomStore)// instantiate custom store
let orbitdb = new OrbitDB(ipfs, dbPath)
let store = orbitdb.create(name, CustomStore.type)


Run Tests

npm test


npm run build


node benchmarks/benchmark-add.js

See benchmarks/ for more benchmarks.


To enable OrbitDB's logging output, set a global ENV variable called LOG to debug,warn or error:

LOG=debug node


Uses the following modules:

  • ipfs-log
  • crdts
  • orbit-db-cache
  • orbit-db-store
  • orbit-db-eventstore
  • orbit-db-feedstore
  • orbit-db-kvstore
  • orbit-db-docstore
  • orbit-db-counterstore
  • orbit-db-pubsub
  • orbit-db-keystore
  • ipfs
  • ipfs-pubub-room

To understand a little bit about the architecture, check out a visualization of the data flow at https://github.com/haadcode/proto2 or a live demo: http://celebdil.benet.ai:8080/ipfs/Qmezm7g8mBpWyuPk6D84CNcfLKJwU6mpXuEN5GJZNkX3XK/.


We would be happy to accept PRs! If you want to work on something, it'd be good to talk beforehand to make sure nobody else is working on it. You can reach us on IRC #orbitdb on Freenode, or in the comments of the issues section.

A good place to start are the issues labelled "help wanted" or the project's status board.


The development of OrbitDB has been sponsored by:

  • Protocol Labs

If you want to sponsor developers to work on OrbitDB, please reach out to @haadcode.


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