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I am trying to use a (dynamic) named range as the source for my chart. I was hoping to be able to use 1 named range as the source for the chart, but so far, it is not working.


for example: my data range starts in cel A1 and expands one column at a time to the right. So now the range is A1:E38. tomorrow it is A1:F38 etc.

例如:我的数据范围从cel A1开始,每次向右展开一列。现在范围是A1 E38。明天是A1:F38等等。

So I created a named range with this formula and tried to use it as the source for the chart:


=OFFSET('ontwikkeling punten'!$A$1;0;0;COUNTA('ontwikkeling punten'!$A:$A);COUNTA('ontwikkeling punten'!$2:$2)+1)

=抵消(“ontwikkeling punten”! $ 1美元;0;0;COUNTA(“ontwikkeling punten”! A:美元美元),COUNTA(“ontwikkeling punten”! $ 2:2美元)+ 1)

But excel does not accept this a the data source for my chart. When I select the current range, say A1:E38, and create a chart from it, there is no problem at all. Why does excel not accept my dynamic named range as the source for my chart?


Otherwise, I would have to create 38 separate data ranges.


1 个解决方案



solved. I found that I should not only type the name of the named range in the chart source field, but also the sheet name. So instead of typing =grafiek_punten I had to type ='ontwikkeling punten'!grafiek_punten

解决了。我发现我不仅应该在chart源字段中输入已命名范围的名称,还应该输入表名称。因此,与其键入=grafiek_punten,我必须键入='ontwikkeling punten'!grafiek_punten。

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