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Here comes theMySQL May Newsletter! As always it's packed with latest product news, technical articles, and not-to-be missed webinars and events where you'll get first-hand information directly from the MySQL experts at Oracle. The highlights in this edition include:

  • Join Us at MySQL Central @ OpenWorld 2014
  • Dr. Dobb's: NoSQL with MySQL
  • Live Webinar: Upgrading to MySQL 5.6 - Best Practices
  • Featured Video: MySQL for Excel Introduction
  • Blog: Why VividCortex Uses MySQL
  • Blog: Importing Raster-Based Spatial Data into MySQL 5.7

You can read itonlineorsubscribeto it to receive the latest copy in your inbox every month. Just sign-in to your oracle.com account and find the MySQL newsletter under "Technology" in the subscription center in your profile.

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