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?Apache Incubator: Tajo - a Relational and Distributed Data Warehouse for Hadoop: ?Tajo: Fast and low-latency query processing on SQL queries including projection,filter, group-by, sort, and join.Rudiment ETL that transforms one data forma

?Apache Incubator: Tajo - a Relational and Distributed Data Warehouse for Hadoop:


Fast and low-latency query processing on SQL queries including projection,
filter, group-by, sort, and join.
Rudiment ETL that transforms one data format to another data format.
Support various file formats, such as CSV, RCFile, RowFile (a row store
file), and Trevni.
Command line interface to allow users to submit SQL queries
Java API to enable clients to submit SQL queries to Tajo

Just another example of the way of the future.

Original title and link: ?Apache Incubator: Tajo - a Relational and Distributed Data Warehouse for Hadoop (NoSQL database?myNoSQL)

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