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ViaDave Stokes, MySQL Community Manager:

MySQL Central is truly a MySQL Community show. This year there are five tracks and the majority of the sessions in all the tracks exceptPerformance and Scalabilityhad many more submissions from the MySQL Community than from Oracle/MySQL.

This is impressive. There are about 200 submissions, 50 slots, a 1/4 chance of a talk getting in, and if we follow this logic we will see that MySQL Central @ OpenWorld will truly be a community event (in previous years, majority of the talks came from the MySQL team at Oracle). I can’t wait to see the final program, but as an attendee to the past two MySQL Connect events, I am looking forward to seeing this eventgrow and be a part of the main program (i.e. not the weekend before).

As Dave says,register now. Though I presume many will wait for the program first. Apparently it is mid-June when speakers will be notified so one can presume an agenda should be out by the end of that month.

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