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node.js 实现一个简单的 web 服务器还是比较简单的,以前利用 express 框架实现过『nodeJS搭一个简单的(代理)web服务器』。代码量很少,可是使用时需要安装依赖,多处使用难免有点不方便。于是便有了完全使用原生 api 来重写的想法,也当作一次 node.js 复习。

1、静态 web 服务器

'use strict' 
const http = require('http') 
const url = require('url') 
const fs = require('fs') 
const path = require('path') 
const cp = require('child_process') 
const port = 8080 
const hostname = 'localhost' 
// 创建 http 服务 
let httpServer = http.createServer(processStatic) 
// 设置监听端口 
httpServer.listen(port, hostname, () => {  
 console.log(`app is running at port:${port}`)  
 console.log(`url: http://${hostname}:${port}`) 
 cp.exec(`explorer http://${hostname}:${port}`, () => {}) 
// 处理静态资源 
function processStatic(req, res) {  
 const mime = { 
  css: 'text/css', 
  gif: 'image/gif', 
  html: 'text/html', 
  ico: 'image/x-icon', 
  jpeg: 'image/jpeg', 
  jpg: 'image/jpeg', 
  js: 'text/Javascript', 
  json: 'application/json', 
  pdf: 'application/pdf', 
  png: 'image/png', 
  svg: 'image/svg+xml', 
  woff: 'application/x-font-woff', 
  woff2: 'application/x-font-woff', 
  swf: 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 
  tiff: 'image/tiff', 
  txt: 'text/plain', 
  wav: 'audio/x-wav', 
  wma: 'audio/x-ms-wma', 
  wmv: 'video/x-ms-wmv', 
  xml: 'text/xml' 
 const requestUrl = req.url  
 let pathName = url.parse(requestUrl).pathname  
 // 中文乱码处理 
 pathName = decodeURI(pathName)  
 let ext = path.extname(pathName)  
 // 特殊 url 处理 
 if (!pathName.endsWith('/') && ext === '' && !requestUrl.includes('?')) { 
  pathName += '/' 
  const redirect = `http://${req.headers.host}${pathName}` 
  redirectUrl(redirect, res) 
 // 解释 url 对应的资源文件路径 
 let filePath = path.resolve(__dirname + pathName)  
 // 设置 mime 
 ext = ext ? ext.slice(1) : 'unknown' 
 const cOntentType= mime[ext] || 'text/plain' 
 // 处理资源文件 
 fs.stat(filePath, (err, stats) => {   
  if (err) { 
   res.writeHead(404, { 'content-type': 'text/html;charset=utf-8' }) 

404 Not Found

') return } // 处理文件 if (stats.isFile()) { readFile(filePath, contentType, res) } // 处理目录 if (stats.isDirectory()) { let html = "
    " // 遍历文件目录,以超链接返回,方便用户选择 fs.readdir(filePath, (err, files) => { if (err) { res.writeHead(500, { 'content-type': contentType }) res.end('

    500 Server Error

    ') return } else { for (let file of files) { if (file === 'index.html') { const redirect = `http://${req.headers.host}${pathName}index.html` redirectUrl(redirect, res) } html += `
  • ${file}
  • ` } html += '
' res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'text/html' }) res.end(html) } }) } }) } // 重定向处理 function redirectUrl(url, res) { url = encodeURI(url) res.writeHead(302, { location: url }) res.end() } // 文件读取 function readFile(filePath, contentType, res) { res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': contentType }) const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath) stream.on('error', function() { res.writeHead(500, { 'content-type': contentType }) res.end('

500 Server Error

') }) stream.pipe(res) }


// 代理列表 
const proxyTable = { 
 '/api': { 
  target: '', 
  changeOrigin: true 
// 处理代理列表 
function processProxy(req, res) {  
 const requestUrl = req.url  
 const proxy = Object.keys(proxyTable)  
 let not_found = true 
 for (let index = 0; index = 0) { 
    not_found = false 
    const element = proxyTable[k]    
    const newUrl = element.target + requestUrl.slice(i + k.length)    
    if (requestUrl !== newUrl) {    
     const u = url.parse(newUrl, true)     
     const optiOns= { 
      hostname : u.hostname, 
      port   : u.port || 80, 
      path   : u.path,    
      method  : req.method, 
      headers : req.headers, 
      timeout : 6000 
      options.headers['host'] = u.hostname + ':' + ( u.port || 80) 
     const request = http 
     .request(options, respOnse=> {       
      // COOKIE 处理 
      if(element.changeOrigin && response.headers['set-COOKIE']){ 
       response.headers['set-COOKIE'] = getHeaderOverride(response.headers['set-COOKIE']) 
      res.writeHead(response.statusCode, response.headers) 
     .on('error', err => {      
      res.statusCode = 503 
 return not_found 
function getHeaderOverride(value){  
 if (Array.isArray(value)) {    
  for (var i = 0; i 


服务器接收到 http 请求,首先处理代理列表 proxyTable,然后再处理静态资源。虽然这里面只有二个步骤,但如果按照先后顺序编码,这种方式显然不够灵活,不利于以后功能的扩展。koa 框架的中间件就是一个很好的解决方案。完整代码如下:

'use strict' 
const http = require('http') 
const url = require('url') 
const fs = require('fs') 
const path = require('path') 
const cp = require('child_process') 
// 处理静态资源 
function processStatic(req, res) {  
 const mime = { 
  css: 'text/css', 
  gif: 'image/gif', 
  html: 'text/html', 
  ico: 'image/x-icon', 
  jpeg: 'image/jpeg', 
  jpg: 'image/jpeg', 
  js: 'text/Javascript', 
  json: 'application/json', 
  pdf: 'application/pdf', 
  png: 'image/png', 
  svg: 'image/svg+xml', 
  woff: 'application/x-font-woff', 
  woff2: 'application/x-font-woff', 
  swf: 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 
  tiff: 'image/tiff', 
  txt: 'text/plain', 
  wav: 'audio/x-wav', 
  wma: 'audio/x-ms-wma', 
  wmv: 'video/x-ms-wmv', 
  xml: 'text/xml' 
 const requestUrl = req.url  
 let pathName = url.parse(requestUrl).pathname  
 // 中文乱码处理 
 pathName = decodeURI(pathName)  
 let ext = path.extname(pathName)  
 // 特殊 url 处理 
 if (!pathName.endsWith('/') && ext === '' && !requestUrl.includes('?')) { 
  pathName += '/' 
  const redirect = `http://${req.headers.host}${pathName}` 
  redirectUrl(redirect, res) 
 // 解释 url 对应的资源文件路径 
 let filePath = path.resolve(__dirname + pathName)  
 // 设置 mime 
 ext = ext ? ext.slice(1) : 'unknown' 
 const cOntentType= mime[ext] || 'text/plain' 
 // 处理资源文件 
 fs.stat(filePath, (err, stats) => {   
  if (err) { 
   res.writeHead(404, { 'content-type': 'text/html;charset=utf-8' }) 

404 Not Found

') return } // 处理文件 if (stats.isFile()) { readFile(filePath, contentType, res) } // 处理目录 if (stats.isDirectory()) { let html = "
    " // 遍历文件目录,以超链接返回,方便用户选择 fs.readdir(filePath, (err, files) => { if (err) { res.writeHead(500, { 'content-type': contentType }) res.end('

    500 Server Error

    ') return } else { for (let file of files) { if (file === 'index.html') { const redirect = `http://${req.headers.host}${pathName}index.html` redirectUrl(redirect, res) } html += `
  • ${file}
  • ` } html += '
' res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'text/html' }) res.end(html) } }) } }) } // 重定向处理 function redirectUrl(url, res) { url = encodeURI(url) res.writeHead(302, { location: url }) res.end() } // 文件读取 function readFile(filePath, contentType, res) { res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': contentType }) const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath) stream.on('error', function() { res.writeHead(500, { 'content-type': contentType }) res.end('

500 Server Error

') }) stream.pipe(res) } // 处理代理列表 function processProxy(req, res) { const requestUrl = req.url const proxy = Object.keys(proxyTable) let not_found = true for (let index = 0; index = 0) { not_found = false const element = proxyTable[k] const newUrl = element.target + requestUrl.slice(i + k.length) if (requestUrl !== newUrl) { const u = url.parse(newUrl, true) const optiOns= { hostname : u.hostname, port : u.port || 80, path : u.path, method : req.method, headers : req.headers, timeout : 6000 }; if(element.changeOrigin){ options.headers['host'] = u.hostname + ':' + ( u.port || 80) } const request = http.request(options, respOnse=> { // COOKIE 处理 if(element.changeOrigin && response.headers['set-COOKIE']){ response.headers['set-COOKIE'] = getHeaderOverride(response.headers['set-COOKIE']) } res.writeHead(response.statusCode, response.headers) response.pipe(res) }) .on('error', err => { res.statusCode = 503 res.end() }) req.pipe(request) } break } } return not_found } function getHeaderOverride(value){ if (Array.isArray(value)) { for (var i = 0; i { const ctx = {req, res} return this.handleRequest(ctx, fn) } return handleRequest } Router.prototype.handleRequest= function(ctx, fn) { fn(ctx) } // 代理列表 const proxyTable = { '/api': { target: '', changeOrigin: true } } const port = 8080 const hostname = 'localhost' const appRouter = new Router() // 使用中间件 appRouter.use(async(ctx,next)=>{ if(processProxy(ctx.req, ctx.res)){ next() } }).use(async(ctx)=>{ processStatic(ctx.req, ctx.res) }) // 创建 http 服务 let httpServer = http.createServer(appRouter.callback()) // 设置监听端口 httpServer.listen(port, hostname, () => { console.log(`app is running at port:${port}`) console.log(`url: http://${hostname}:${port}`) cp.exec(`explorer http://${hostname}:${port}`, () => {}) })


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