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By Eliot Horowitz, CTO and Co-founder, MongoDB Discuss on Hacker News In the five years since the initial release of MongoDB, and after hundreds of thousands of deployments, we have learned a lot. The time has come to take everything we ha

By Eliot Horowitz, CTO and Co-founder, MongoDB

Discuss on Hacker News

In the five years since the initial release of MongoDB, and after hundreds of thousands of deployments, we have learned a lot. The time has come to take everything we have learned and create a basis for continued innovation over the next ten years.

Today I’m pleased to announce that, with the release of MongoDB 2.6, we have achieved that goal. With comprehensive core server enhancements, a groundbreaking new automation tool, and critical enterprise features, MongoDB 2.6 is by far our biggest release ever.

You’ll see the benefits in better performance and new innovations. We re-wrote the entire query execution engine to improve scalability, and took our first step in building a sophisticated query planner by introducing index intersection. We’ve made the codebase easier to maintain, and made it easier to implement new features. Finally, MongoDB 2.6 lays the foundation for massive improvements to concurrency in MongoDB 2.8, including document-level locking.

From the very beginning, MongoDB has offered developers a simple and elegant way to manage their data. Now we’re bringing that same simplicity and elegance to managing MongoDB. MongoDB Management Service (MMS), which already provides 35,000 MongoDB customers with monitoring and alerting, now provides backup and point-in-time restore functionality, in the cloud and on-premises.

We are also announcing a game-changing feature coming later this year: automation, also with hosted and on-premises options. Automation will allow you to provision and manage MongoDB replica sets and sharded clusters via a simple yet sophisticated interface.

MongoDB 2.6 brings security, integration and analytics enhancements to ease deployment in enterprise environments. LDAP, x.509 and Kerberos authentication are critical enhancements for organizations that require a single authentication mechanism across their entire infrastructure. To enhance security, MongoDB 2.6 implements TLS encryption, user-defined roles, auditing and field-level redaction, a critical building block for trusted systems. IBM Guardium also now offers integration with MongoDB, providing more extensive auditing abilities.

These are only a few of the key improvements; read the full official release notes for more details.

MongoDB 2.6 was a major endeavor and bringing it to fruition required hard work and coordination across a rapidly growing team. Over the past few years we have built and invested in that team, and I can proudly say we have the experience, drive and determination to deliver on this and future releases. There is much still to be done, and with MongoDB 2.6, we have a foundation for the next decade of database innovation.

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