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June 30, 2014 – 10:12 am by MySQL Release Team

Dear MySQL users,

The MySQL Workbench team announces availability of version 6.1.7 of its

flagship product. MySQL Workbench 6.1.7 is a periodic maintenance release

including 17 bug fixes. Additionally, the supported Linux distribution list has been

refreshed. Users of the product are recommended to upgrade to this version.

MySQL Workbench 6.1

With over 30 new features, this version has many significant

enhancements focusing on real-time performance assessment and analysis

from the SQL statement level to server internals and file IO. You can

see this from additions to the SQL Editor as well as new dashboard

visualization and reporting that take advantage of MySQL Server 5.6

and 5.7 Performance Schema, and enhancements to the MySQL Explain Plans.

Additionally Workbench 6.1 is leveraging work from various teammates in

MySQL Engineering by introducing a schema called “SYS” that provides

simplified views on Performance Schema, Information Schema, and other


Special thanks to the server optimizer team, server runtime team, and Mark

Leith. For Oracle DBAs MySQL SYS is similar to the V$ catalog views, and

MSSQL folks its like DMVs (Dynamic Management Views).

MySQL Workbench 6.1 includes:

* Improved drag and drop support in the Home screen and SQL Editor

* Visual Explain 2. The Visual Explain feature was revamped and is now

easier to read and interpret. You can also get the traditional tabular

explain output from within the same interface.

* Performance Dashboard. A graphical representation of some key statistics

from the server status, gives you a bird’s eye view of the status of key

server subsystems.

* For advanced users, Performance Schema Instrumentation. A GUI for

configuring the Performance Schema in detail, for advanced users.

* Performance Schema based reporting. Gives insight into the operation

of the server through many high-level reports.

* New query result view. Get more information about queries you execute,

such as information about the fields in your result set and key performance

statistics from your query (timing, index usage, number of rows scanned,

joins etc).

* Form Editor for resultsets. In addition to the result grid, you can now

edit records row by row in a form style editor.

* Table Inspector. Similar to the Schema Inspector, view detailed

information from tables. A streamlined interface for creating indexes is

also included.

* Support for the Windows accessibility API and Windows high contrast

color schemes. A new high contrast theme has been introduced.

* And more.

More than 60 enhancement requests and bugs reported by users have also been

addressed, providing performance, usability and stability improvements

across the board.

For the full list of bugs fixed in this revision, visit


For discussion, join the MySQL Workbench Forums:


Download MySQL Workbench 6.1.7 now, for Windows, Mac OS X 10.6+, Oracle

Linux 6, Fedora 20, Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 14.04 or sources,



In Windows, you can also use the integrated MySQL Installer to updateMySQL Workbench and other MySQL products.

Quick links:


- Download:http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/tools/workbench/

- Bugs:http://bugs.mysql.com

- Forums:http://forums.mysql.com/index.php?151


Changes in MySQL Workbench 6.1.7 (2014-06-27)

Bugs Fixed

* Security Fix: The linked OpenSSL library for MySQL Workbench

Commercial 6.1.7 has been updated from version 1.0.1g to

version 1.0.1h. Versions of OpenSSL prior to and including

1.0.1g are reported to be vulnerable to CVE-2014-0224



This change does not affect the Oracle-produced MySQL

Community build of MySQL Workbench 6.1.7, which uses the yaSSL

library instead. (CVE-2014-0224)

* Under certain conditions (with a subquery), Visual Explain

would fail with the error “error calling Python module

function SQLIDEQueryAnalysis.visualExplain”, even when the

tabular EXPLAIN was properly generated. (Bug #18997475, Bug


* The Backup Recovery process could fail and generate an

unhandled exception titled “list indices must be integers, not

NoneType” after clicking Cancel. General improvements were

made to this functionality. (Bug #18925451)

* The Form Editor could generate an “Index was out of range”

error after adding a new record and then clicking Add Record.

(Bug #18891983, Bug #72844)

* The schema selection step of the migration wizard would not

display the complete names of the schemas nor complete the

migration process if the schema name contained a dot. (Bug

#18844624, Bug #72757)

* Sometimes MySQL Workbench would crash when connecting to aremote Linux host using SSH. (Bug #18817608, Bug #72486)

* The Backup Restore action would hang with a MySQL server

running in a MySQL Sandbox environment that used MySQL Sandbox

to start/stop the MySQL server. (Bug #18814560)

* On Ubuntu 14, the dependency check was updated to allow any of

mysql-client, mysql-client-5.6 or mysql-community-client

client libraries. Previously, the dependency check could fail.

(Bug #18841046, Bug #72729)

* With the Move Model tool enabled, dragging a model while

hovering (and pausing) over a table would generate a tooltip

that would not go away. (Bug #18718801, Bug #72555)

* Executing the following steps (in order) would generate an

error: change layer name, change layer color, and then resize

layer. (Bug #18760955, Bug #72647)

* For a new EER diagram, editing a text object after adding a

different text object could cause MySQL Workbench to crash.

A workaround was to close the new diagram and model, and then

reopen the model and diagram. (Bug #18718784, Bug #72559)


now handled as an authentication error. (Bug #18711142, Bug


* After enabling Import from Folder in the Data Import / Restore

wizard for a connection, doing the same for a second

connection would reset (deselect) this option in the first

connection. (Bug #18685308, Bug #72492)

* A new “Override sudo command line” option was added to the

connection manager under the System Profile in the connection

editor for systems other than Windows. It can (optionally)

configure the sudo command line to use on any operation

requiring root access for administration tasks.

If left blank (the default), MySQL Workbench continue to pass

in -S and -p. Otherwise, you can replace the default sudo

command. This should only be defined if the server

configuration requires it. (Bug #18679748)

* For Linux, Ubuntu 14.04 builds now exist. (Bug #18622692, Bug#72388)

* On Mac OS X, pressing Option + Shift with the Arrow buttons

did not function as expected in the SQL editor. This key

combination selects adds a word (string) to the current

selection. (Bug #18385643, Bug #72014)

* When creating a table, the FULLTEXT and SPATIAL index types

were not present in the index type drop-down list when

non-MyISAM tables were selected. (Bug #18376840, Bug #71998)

On behalf of the MySQL Workbench and the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team.Vishal Chaudhary

MySQL Release Team

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