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Field-Level Encryption for Apache Hadoop From Dataguise: Dataguise says the latest version of its data-protection product enablesusers to encrypt sensitive data right down to specific fields within an opensource Apache Hadoop database. DG

Field-Level Encryption for Apache Hadoop From Dataguise:

Dataguise says the latest version of its data-protection product enables users to encrypt sensitive data right down to specific fields within an open source Apache Hadoop database.

DG for Hadoop 4.3 also makes use of the traditional Dataguise “masking” capability across single or multiple Hadoop clusters to camouflage sensitive data.

$25.000 a piece (hopefully not a piece of encrypted data though).

? Apache Accumulo is known to offer a BigTable inspired open source implementation with cell-based access control.

Original title and link: Field-Level Encryption for Apache Hadoop From Dataguise (NoSQL database?myNoSQL)

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