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There's no quick-and-easy way so you're going to have to print out this page to follow the steps. You could write some VBA code to push it from Project to Excel. I haven't explored that avenue so I don't know if it's easy or difficult. Since you'll be working with TimeScaleData I know it won't be easy.The alternative is to do two copy-and-paste operations from Project into Excel and then do some formatting in Excel.As lengthy as they may seem, they are very quick and easy -- I do something quite similar to this every week for several projects and it takes me 15 minutes in total to do all the projects.In Project:View > Resource usage
Applying the Group By conditions from my earlier message.On the left side:
Insert "Group by Summary" column
Insert "Assignment" column
Insert "Project" column
Insert/Delete any other columns you want.
Select all the data displayed on the left
Switch to ExcelIn Excel:
paste the data starting in row 2.
In row 1 type in the column headings.
Switch back to projectIn Project:
On the right side:
Set up the Timescale so that it displays what you want
Select all the data displayed on the right
Switch to ExcelIn Excel:
Paste the data in row 2 to the right of the existing data.
The data will show as if it has been selected. Click on Edit > Replace and change the units (I usually show "d" for days) to "" so that you only see numbers.
In row 1 type in the Timescale dates.Select all the data on the Excel screen
Click on the AutoFilter button to turn Autofilter onNow comes the boring stuff. I am presuming that you have labelled the columns in the Excel sheet with the same names that were in the Project display.1. In the "Group By Summary" column in the Excel sheet, use the AutoFilter triangle at the column top and select the rows that are "Yes". Set those rows to bold.2. With the "Group By Summary" column still set to "Yes", in the "Project" column use the AutoFilter triangle at the column top and select "NonBlanks". In the "Resource Name" column, indent the displayed cells by 1 position.3. Set the Auto-filter settings for both the "Group By Summary" column and the "Project" column to "All". 4. In the "Group By Summary" column, use the AutoFilter triangle at the column top and select the rows that are "No". In the "Resource Name" column, indent the displayed cells by 2 positions.5. In the "Group By Summary" column, use the AutoFilter triangle at the column top and select the rows that are "Blank". In the "Resource Name" column, indent the displayed cells by 3 positions and change them to Italic.6. In the "Group By Summary" column, use the AutoFilter triangle at the column top and select the rows that are "NonBlank". On the right side (where the hours or days are displayed) set the cell background to pale yellow.


5)office vba脚本学习。




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