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React says we should not use refs where possible and I noticed that you can't use shallow rendering testing with refs so I have tried to remove refs where possible. I have a child component like this:


class Child extends React.Component {
    play = () => {
        //play the media
    pause = () => {
        //pause the media
    setMedia = (newMedia) => {
        //set the new media

I then have a parent component that needs to call these methods. For the setMedia I can just use props with the componentWillReceiveProps and call setMedia when the new props come in to the child.


With the play and pause functions I cannot do this.


Ben Alpert replied to this post and said:

Ben Alpert回复了这篇文章说:

In general, data should be passed down the tree via props. There are a few exceptions to this (such as calling .focus() or triggering a one-time animation that doesn't really "change" the state) but any time you're exposing a method called "set", props are usually a better choice. Try to make it so that the inner input component worries about its size and appearance so that none of its ancestors do.


Which is the best way to call a child function?


  1. play() and pause() methods can be called from refs as they do not change the state just like focus() and use props for the other functions that have arguments.
  2. play()和pause()方法可以从refs中调用,因为它们不像focus()那样改变状态,并且对具有参数的其他函数使用props。

  3. Call the child functions by passing the method name in although this just seems hacky and a lot more complex:


    class Child extends React.Component {
        play = () => {
            //play the media
        pause = () => {
            //pause the media
        setMedia = (newMedia) => {
            //set the new media
        _callFunctiOns= (functions) => {
            if (!functions.length) {
            //call each new function
            functions.forEach((func) => this[func]());
            //Empty the functions as they have been called
            this.props.updateFunctions({functions: []});
        componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
    class Parent extends React.Component {
        updateFunctiOns= (newFunctions) => this.setState({functions: newFunctions});
        differentPlayMethod = () => {
            //...Do other stuff
        render() {
            return (
  4. Do this in the child component: this.props.updateFunctions({play: this.play}); The problem with this is that we are exposing(copying) a method to another component that shouldn't really know about it...


Which is the best way to do this?


I am using method number 2 at the moment and I don't really like it.


To override child functions I have also done something similar to above. Should I just use refs instead?


2 个解决方案



Rather than call child functions, try to pass data and functions down from the parent. Alongside your component, you can export a wrapper or higher order function that provides the necessary state / functions.


let withMedia = Wrapped => {
  return class extends React.Component {
    state = { playing: false }
    play() { ... }
    render() {
      return (

Then in your parent component:


import { Media, withMedia } from 'your-library'

let Parent = props =>
export default withMedia(Parent)



Keep the state as localized as you can, but don't spread it over multiple components. If you need the information whether it is currently playing in both the parent and the child, keep the state in the parent.


This leaves you with a much cleaner state tree and props:


class Child extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (

Playing: {this.props.playing ? 'Yes' : 'No'}

); } } class Parent extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.togglePlay = this.togglePlay.bind(this); this.state = { playing: false }; } togglePlay() { this.setState({ playing: !this.state.playing }); } render() { return (
); } } ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('app') );

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