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apt会解决和安装模块的依赖问题,并会咨询软件仓库, 但不会安装本地的deb文件, apt是建立在dpkg之上的软件管理工具

sudo apt-get update Consults /etc/apt/sources.list
and updates the database of available
packages. Be sure to run this command
whenever sources.list is changed.
apt-cache search Case-insensitive search of the package
database for the keyword given. The
package names and descriptions are
returned where that keyword is found.
sudo apt-get install Download and install the given package
name as found in the package database.
Starting with APT version 0.6, this
command will automatically verify
package authenticity for gpg keys it
knows about (http://wiki.debian

sudo apt-get -d install Download the package only, placing it
in /var/cache/apt/archives.
apt-cache show Display information about the software
from the named package.
sudo apt-get upgrade Check updates for all installed packages
and then prompt to download
and install them.
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade Updates the entire system to a new
release, even if it means removing
packages. Note: This is not the preferred
method for updating a system.
sudo apt-get autoclean Can be run anytime to delete partially
downloaded packages, or packages
no longer installed.
sudo apt-get clean Removes all cached packages from
/var/cache/apt/archives to
free up disk space.
sudo apt-get --purge remove Remove the named package and all
its configuration files. Remove the
--purge keyword to keep config
sudo apt-get -f install Do a sanity check for broken packages.
This tries to fix any “unmet
dependency” messages.
apt-config -V Print version information of installed
APT utilities.
sudo apt-key list List gpg keys that APT knows about.
apt-cache stats Print statistics on all packages
apt-cache depends Print dependencies for a package
(whether it’s installed or not).
apt-cache pkgnames List all packages installed on the

dpkg -c <.deb file> Lists files which are installed by the
.deb file given (.deb file must be
dpkg ?I <.deb file> Lists information about the .deb
given file.
dpkg ?p Lists information about the package.
dkpg ?S Lists the packages where the given
file name is found. This can be a path,
or just the name of a file.

dpkg ?l Lists installed packages. This will also
take options for more specific info.
dpkg -L Lists all the files which have been
installed from package (package must
have been previously installed).
dpkg ?s Lists the status of the given package.
sudo dpkg ?i <.deb file> Installs the given .deb file.
sudo dpkg ?r Removes the given package from the
system, but leaves files behind.
sudo dpkg ?P Removes package and config files of
given package.
sudo dpkg -x <.deb file> Extracts the files contained in the
.deb file to a destination directory.
Note that this will reset permissions
on the target directory.
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