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一般情况下在Apache的bin目录下,但也不排除在其它目录,目前我使用的Ubuntu Server 11.04,使用apt-get安装的apache2,ab就没有在apache2目录下,而是在/usr/bin目录下。见下图


       ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool

       ab  [ -A auth-username:password ] [ -b windowsize ] [ -c concurrency ] [ -C COOKIE-name=value ] [ -d ] [ -e csv-file ] [ -f protocol ] [ -g gnuplot-file ] [ -h ] [ -H custom-header ] [ -i ]
       [ -k ] [ -n requests ] [ -p POST-file ] [ -P proxy-auth-username:password ] [ -q ] [ -r ] [ -s ] [ -S ] [ -t timelimit ] [ -T content-type ] [ -u PUT-file ] [ -v verbosity] [ -V ] [ -w ]  [

-attributes ] [ -X proxy[:port] ] [ -y -attributes ] [ -z
-attributes ] [ -Z ciphersuite ] [http[s]://]hostname[:port]/path

       ab  is  a  tool for benchmarking your Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. It is designed to give you an impression of how your current Apache installation performs. This espe-
       cially shows you how many requests per second your Apache installation is capable of serving.

       -A auth-username:password
              Supply BASIC Authentication credentials to the server. The username and password are separated by a single : and sent on the wire base64 encoded. The string  is  sent  regardless  of
              whether the server needs it (i.e., has sent an 401 authentication needed).

       -b windowsize
              Size of TCP send/receive buffer, in bytes.

       -c concurrency
              Number of multiple requests to perform at a time. Default is one request at a time.

       -C COOKIE-name=value
              Add a COOKIE: line to the request. The argument is typically in the form of a name=value pair. This field is repeatable.

       -d     Do not display the "percentage served within XX [ms] table". (legacy support).

       -e csv-file
              Write  a  Comma  separated  value (CSV) file which contains for each percentage (from 1% to 100%) the time (in milliseconds) it took to serve that percentage of the requests. This is
              usually more useful than the 'gnuplot' file; as the results are already 'binned'.

       -f protocol
              Specify SSL/TLS protocol (SSL2, SSL3, TLS1, or ALL).

       -g gnuplot-file
              Write all measured values out as a 'gnuplot' or TSV (Tab separate values) file. This file can easily be imported into packages like Gnuplot, IDL, Mathematica, Igor or even Excel. The
              labels are on the first line of the file.

       -h     Display usage information.

       -H custom-header
              Append  extra  headers  to  the  request.  The  argument  is  typically  in  the  form  of a valid header line, containing a colon-separated field-value pair (i.e., "Accept-Encoding:

       -i     Do HEAD requests instead of GET.

       -k     Enable the HTTP KeepAlive feature, i.e., perform multiple requests within one HTTP session. Default is no KeepAlive.

       -n requests
              Number of requests to perform for the benchmarking session. The default is to just perform a single request which usually leads to non-representative benchmarking results.

       -p POST-file
              File containing data to POST. Remember to also set -T.

       -P proxy-auth-username:password
              Supply BASIC Authentication credentials to a proxy en-route. The username and password are separated by a single : and sent on the wire base64 encoded. The string is sent  regardless
              of whether the proxy needs it (i.e., has sent an 407 proxy authentication needed).

       -q     When processing more than 150 requests, ab outputs a progress count on stderr every 10% or 100 requests or so. The -q flag will suppress these messages.

       -r     Don't exit on socket receive errors.

       -s     When  compiled  in (ab -h will show you) use the SSL protected https rather than the http protocol. This feature is experimental and very rudimentary. You probably do not want to use

       -S     Do not display the median and standard deviation values, nor display the warning/error messages when the average and median are more than one or  two  times  the  standard  deviation
              apart. And default to the min/avg/max values. (legacy support).

       -t timelimit
              Maximum number of seconds to spend for benchmarking. This implies a -n 50000 internally. Use this to benchmark the server within a fixed total amount of time. Per default there is no

       -T content-type
              Content-type header to use for POST/PUT data, eg. application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Default: text/plain.

       -u PUT-file
              File containing data to PUT. Remember to also set -T.

       -v verbosity
              Set verbosity level - 4 and above prints information on headers, 3 and above prints response codes (404, 200, etc.), 2 and above prints warnings and info.

       -V     Display version number and exit.

       -w     Print out results in HTML tables. Default table is two columns wide, with a white background.


              String to use as attributes for
. Attributes are inserted

       -X proxy[:port]
              Use a proxy server for the requests.

       -y -attributes
              String to use as attributes for .


              String to use as attributes for

       -Z ciphersuite
              Specify SSL/TLS cipher suite (See openssl ciphers).


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