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import org.apache.solr.request.SolrRequestInfo; //导入方法依赖的package包/类

public JoinQueryWeight(SolrIndexSearcher searcher) {

this.fromSearcher = searcher;

SolrRequestInfo info = SolrRequestInfo.getRequestInfo();

if (info != null) {

rb = info.getResponseBuilder();


if (fromIndex == null) {

this.fromSearcher = searcher;

} else {

if (info == null) {

throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Cross-core join must have SolrRequestInfo");


CoreContainer container = searcher.getCore().getCoreDescriptor().getCoreContainer();

final SolrCore fromCore = container.getCore(fromIndex);

if (fromCore == null) {

throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Cross-core join: no such core " + fromIndex);


if (info.getReq().getCore() == fromCore) {

// if this is the same core, use the searcher passed in... otherwise we could be warming and

// get an older searcher from the core.

fromSearcher = searcher;

} else {

// This could block if there is a static warming query with a join in it, and if useColdSearcher is true.

// Deadlock could result if two cores both had useColdSearcher and had joins that used eachother.

// This would be very predictable though (should happen every time if misconfigured)

fromRef = fromCore.getSearcher(false, true, null);

// be careful not to do anything with this searcher that requires the thread local

// SolrRequestInfo in a manner that requires the core in the request to match

fromSearcher = fromRef.get();


if (fromRef != null) {

final RefCounted ref = fromRef;

info.addCloseHook(new Closeable() {


public void close() {





info.addCloseHook(new Closeable() {


public void close() {





this.toSearcher = searcher;


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