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After AC all the hardest problems in the world , the ACboy 8006 now has nothing to do . One day he goes to an old library to find a part-time job .It is also a big library which has N books and M users.The user’s id is from 1 to M , and the book id is from 1 to N . According to the library rules , every user are only allowed to borrow 9 books .But what surprised him is that there is no computer in the library , and everything is just recorded in paper ! How terrible , I must be crazy after working some weeks , he thinks .So he wants to change the situation .
In the other hand , after 8006’s fans know it , they all collect money and buy many computers for the library .
Besides the hardware , the library needs a management program . Though it is just a piece of cake for 8006 , the library turns to you , a excellent programer,for help .
What they need is just a simple library management program . It is just a console program , and have only three commands : Borrow the book , Return the book , Query the user .

1.The Borrow command has two parameters : The user id and the book id
The format is : “B ui bi” (1<&#61;ui<&#61;M , 1<&#61;bi<&#61;N)
The program must first check the book bi wether it’s in the library . If it is not , just print “The book is not in the library now” in a line .
If it is , then check the user ui .
If the user has borrowed 9 books already, print “You are not allowed to borrow any more” .
Else let the user ui borrow the book , and print “Borrow success”.
2.The Return command only has one parameter : The book id
The format is : “R bi” (1<&#61;bi<&#61;N)
The program must first check the book bi whether it’s in the library . If it is , just print “The book is already in the library” . Otherwise , you can return the book , and print “Return success”.
3.The Query command has one parameter : The user id
The format is : “Q ui” (1<&#61;ui<&#61;M)
If the number of books which the user ui has borrowed is 0 ,just print “Empty” , otherwise print the books’ id which he borrows in increasing order in a line.Seperate two books with a blank.


The input file contains a series of test cases . Please process to the end of file . The first line contains two integers M and N ( 1<&#61; M <&#61; 1000 , 1<&#61;N<&#61;100000),the second line contains a integer C means the number of commands(1<&#61;C<&#61;10000). Then it comes C lines . Each line is a command which is described above.You can assum all the books are in the library at the beginning of each cases.


For each command , print the message which described above .
Please output a blank line after each test.
If you still have some questions , see the Sample .


5 10
R 1
B 1 5
B 1 2
Q 1
Q 2
R 5
Q 1
R 2
Q 1
5 10
R 1
B 1 5
B 1 2
Q 1
Q 2
R 5
Q 1
R 2
Q 1


The book is already in the library
Borrow success
Borrow success
2 5
Return success
Return success
EmptyThe book is already in the library
Borrow success
Borrow success
2 5
Return success
Return success


Huge input, the function scanf() may work better than cin


本题为通过普通编写程序来实现图书管理&#xff0c;需要大量的数来作为flag&#xff0c;此处采用book数组来描述书本的借入与借出情况&#xff0c;user数组描述借阅者的书目&#xff0c;cnt 数组描述借阅者借阅数目


using namespace std;int book[100005];
int n,m;
int user[1005][15];
int cnt[1005];//计数数组void Borrow(int user_num,int number)//借出
{if(book[number]!&#61;0){printf("The book is not in the library now\n");return ;}if(cnt[user_num]&#61;&#61;9){printf("You are not allowed to borrow any more\n");return ;}int i;book[number] &#61; user_num;user[user_num][cnt[user_num]]&#61;number;&#43;&#43;cnt[user_num];printf("Borrow success\n");
}void Query(int user_num)//查阅
{if(cnt[user_num]&#61;&#61;0){printf("Empty\n");return ;}int i,sub[15];for(i&#61;0;i<cnt[user_num];&#43;&#43;i)sub[i]&#61;user[user_num][i];sort(sub,sub&#43;cnt[user_num]);//排序i&#61;0;while(i<cnt[user_num]){if(i &#61;&#61; 0) cout <<sub[i&#43;&#43;];elsecout <<" "<<sub[i&#43;&#43;];}printf("\n");
}void Return(int number)//归还
{if(book[number]&#61;&#61;0){printf("The book is already in the library\n");return ;}for(int i &#61; 0;i<cnt[book[number]];&#43;&#43;i){if(user[book[number]][i]&#61;&#61;number){user[book[number]][i]&#61;user[book[number]][cnt[book[number]]-1];user[book[number]][cnt[book[number]]-1]&#61;0;break;}}--cnt[book[number]];book[number]&#61;0;printf("Return success\n");
}void init()//初始化
}int main()
{int T;char ch;int number,user_num;while(~scanf("%d %d",&m,&n)){init();scanf("%d",&T);while(T--){scanf(" %c ",&ch);if(ch &#61;&#61; &#39;R&#39;)//各操作对应的函数{scanf("%d",&number);Return(number);}else if(ch &#61;&#61; &#39;B&#39;){scanf("%d %d",&user_num,&number);Borrow(user_num,number);}else if(ch &#61;&#61; &#39;Q&#39;){scanf("%d",&user_num);Query(user_num);}}printf("\n");}return 0;





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