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I'm searching for an algorithm to multiply two integer numbers that is better than the one below. Do you have a good idea about that? (The MCU - AT Tiny 84/85 or similar - where this code runs has no mul/div operator)

我正在寻找一种算法,将两个整数相乘,这个算法比下面的算法更好。你对此有什么好主意吗?(MCU -在很小的84/85或类似的地方运行此代码没有mul/div操作符)

uint16_t umul16_(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
    uint16_t res=0;

    while (b) {
        if ( (b & 1) )

    return res;

This algorithm, when compiled for AT Tiny 85/84 using the avr-gcc compiler, is almost identical to the algorithm __mulhi3 the avr-gcc generates.


avr-gcc algorithm:


00000106 <__mulhi3>:
 106:   00 24           eor r0, r0
 108:   55 27           eor r21, r21
 10a:   04 c0           rjmp    .+8         ; 0x114 <__mulhi3+0xe>
 10c:   08 0e           add r0, r24
 10e:   59 1f           adc r21, r25
 110:   88 0f           add r24, r24
 112:   99 1f           adc r25, r25
 114:   00 97           sbiw    r24, 0x00   ; 0
 116:   29 f0           breq    .+10        ; 0x122 <__mulhi3+0x1c>
 118:   76 95           lsr r23
 11a:   67 95           ror r22
 11c:   b8 f3           brcs    .-18        ; 0x10c <__mulhi3+0x6>
 11e:   71 05           cpc r23, r1
 120:   b9 f7           brne    .-18        ; 0x110 <__mulhi3+0xa>
 122:   80 2d           mov r24, r0
 124:   95 2f           mov r25, r21
 126:   08 95           ret

umul16_ algorithm:


00000044 :
  44:   20 e0           ldi r18, 0x00   ; 0
  46:   30 e0           ldi r19, 0x00   ; 0
  48:   61 15           cp  r22, r1
  4a:   71 05           cpc r23, r1
  4c:   49 f0           breq    .+18        ; 0x60 
  4e:   60 ff           sbrs    r22, 0
  50:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4         ; 0x56 
  52:   28 0f           add r18, r24
  54:   39 1f           adc r19, r25
  56:   76 95           lsr r23
  58:   67 95           ror r22
  5a:   88 0f           add r24, r24
  5c:   99 1f           adc r25, r25
  5e:   f4 cf           rjmp    .-24        ; 0x48 
  60:   c9 01           movw    r24, r18
  62:   08 95           ret

Edit: The instruction set is available here.

6 个解决方案





  1. Consider swapping a and b (Original proposal)
  2. 考虑交换a和b(原始提案)
  3. Trying to avoid conditional jumps (Not successful optimization)
  4. 尝试避免条件跳转(不成功的优化)
  5. Reshaping of the input formula (estimated 35% gain)
  6. 修改输入公式(约35%增益)
  7. Removing duplicated shift
  8. 删除重复的转变
  9. Unrolling the loop: The "optimal" assembly
  10. 展开循环:“最佳”程序集
  11. Convincing the compiler to give the optimal assembly
  12. 说服编译器给出最优程序集

1. Consider swapping a and b

One improvement would be to first compare a and b, and swap them if a: you should use as b the smaller of the two, so that you have the minimum number of cycles. Note that you can avoid swapping by duplicating the code (if (a then jump to a mirrored code section), but I doubt it's worth.


2. Trying to avoid conditional jumps (Not successful optimization)



uint16_t umul16_(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
    ///Here swap if necessary
    uint16_t accum=0;

    while (b) {
        accum += ((b&1) * uint16_t(0xffff)) & a; //Hopefully this multiplication is optimized away

    return accum;

From Sergio's feedback, this didn't bring improvements.


3. Reshaping of the input formula

Considering that the target architecture has basically only 8bit instructions, if you separate the upper and bottom 8 bit of the input variables, you can write:


a = a1 * 0xff + a0;
b = b1 * 0xff + b0;

a * b = a1 * b1 * 0xffff + a0 * b1 * 0xff + a1 * b0 * 0xff + a0 * b0

Now, the cool thing is that we can throw away the term a1 * b1 * 0xffff, because the 0xffff send it out of your register.

现在,最酷的事情是我们可以抛弃a1 * b1 * 0xffff这个术语,因为0xffff将它从寄存器中发送出去。

(16bit) a * b = a0 * b1 * 0xff + a1 * b0 * 0xff + a0 * b0

Furthermore, the a0*b1 and a1*b0 term can be treated as 8bit multiplications, because of the 0xff: any part exceeding 256 will be sent out of the register.


So far exciting! ... But, here comes reality striking: a0 * b0 has to be treated as a 16 bit multiplication, as you'll have to keep all resulting bits. a0 will have to be kept on 16 bit to allow shift lefts. This multiplication has half of the iterations of a * b, it is in part 8bit (because of b0) but you still have to take into account the 2 8bit multiplications mentioned before, and the final result composition. We need further reshaping!

到目前为止刺激!…但是,现实是惊人的:a0 * b0必须被视为一个16位的乘法,因为你必须保留所有的结果位。a0必须保持在16位,才能允许左移。这个乘法有a * b的一半迭代,它在第8位(因为b0)中,但是您仍然需要考虑前面提到的2个8位乘法,以及最终的结果组合。我们需要进一步重塑!

So now I collect b0.


(16bit) a * b = a0 * b1 * 0xff + b0 * (a0 + a1 * 0xff)


(a0 + a1 * 0xff) = a

So we get:


(16bit) a * b = a0 * b1 * 0xff + b0 * a

If N were the cycles of the original a * b, now the first term is an 8bit multiplication with N/2 cycles, and the second a 16bit * 8bit multiplication with N/2 cycles. Considering M the number of instructions per iteration in the original a*b, the 8bit*8bit iteration has half of the instructions, and the 16bit*8bit about 80% of M (one shift instruction less for b0 compared to b). Putting together we have N/2*M/2+N/2*M*0.8 = N*M*0.65 complexity, so an expected saving of ~35% with respect to the original N*M. Sounds promising.

如果N是原始a * b的周期,那么第一个项是一个8位的乘法,N/2个周期,第二个是16位* 8位乘以N/2个周期。考虑M指示每个迭代的数量在原来的a * b,8位* 8位迭代有一半的指令,和M的16位* 8位约80%(一个转移指令少b0相比,b)。让我们一起有N / 2 * M / 2 + N / 2 * 0.8米* 0.8 = N * M *复杂性,因此预计节省~ 35%对原来的N * M。听起来让人充满希望。

This is the code:


uint16_t umul16_(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
    uint8_t res1 = 0;

    uint8_t a0 = a & 0xff; //This effectively needs to copy the data
    uint8_t b0 = b & 0xff; //This should be optimized away
    uint8_t b1 = b >>8; //This should be optimized away

    //Here a0 and b1 could be swapped (to have b1 >=1;

    uint16_t res = (uint16_t) res1 * 256; //Should be optimized away, it's not even a copy!

    //Here swapping wouldn't make much sense
    while (b0) {///Maximum 8 cycles
        if ( (b0 & 1) )

    return res;

Also, the splitting in 2 cycles should double, in theory, the chance of skipping some cycles: N/2 might be a slight overestimate.


A tiny further improvement consist in avoiding the last, unnecessary shift for the a variables. Small side note: if either b0 or b1 are zero it causes 2 extra instructions. But it also saves the first check of b0 and b1, which is the most expensive because it cannot check the zero flag status from the shift operation for the conditional jump of the for loop.


uint16_t umul16_(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
    uint8_t res1 = 0;

    uint8_t a0 = a & 0xff; //This effectively needs to copy the data
    uint8_t b0 = b & 0xff; //This should be optimized away
    uint8_t b1 = b >>8; //This should be optimized away

    //Here a0 and b1 could be swapped (to have b1 >=1;
    while (b1) {///Maximum 7 cycles
        if ( (b1 & 1) )

    uint16_t res = (uint16_t) res1 * 256; //Should be optimized away, it's not even a copy!

    //Here swapping wouldn't make much sense
    if ( (b0 & 1) )
    while (b0) {///Maximum 7 cycles
        if ( (b0 & 1) )

    return res;

4. Removing duplicated shift

Is there still space for improvement? Yes, as the bytes in a0 gets shifted two times. So there should be a benefit in combining the two loops. It might be a little bit tricky to convince the compiler to do exactly what we want, especially with the result register.


So, we process in the same cycle b0 and b1. The first thing to handle is, which is the loop exit condition? So far using b0/b1 cleared status has been convenient because it avoids using a counter. Furthermore, after the shift right, a flag might be already set if the operation result is zero, and this flag might allow a conditional jump without further evaluations.


Now the loop exit condition could be the failure of (b0 || b1). However this could require expensive computation. One solution is to compare b0 and b1 and jump to 2 different code sections: if b1 > b0 I test the condition on b1, else I test the condition on b0. I prefer another solution, with 2 loops, the first exit when b0 is zero, the second when b1 is zero. There will be cases in which I will do zero iterations in b1. The point is that in the second loop I know b0 is zero, so I can reduce the number of operations performed.

现在循环退出条件可以是(b0 ||)的失败。然而,这可能需要昂贵的计算。一种解决方案是比较b0和b1,然后跳转到两个不同的代码段:如果b1 > b0我在b1上测试条件,否则我在b0上测试条件。我更喜欢另一个解,有两个循环,第一个出口在b0为0时,第二个出口在b1为0时。我会在b1中做零次迭代。关键是在第二个循环中,我知道b0是零,所以我可以减少执行的操作数。

Now, let's forget about the exit condition and try to join the 2 loops of the previous section.


uint16_t umul16_(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
    uint16_t res = 0;

    uint8_t b0 = b & 0xff; //This should be optimized away
    uint8_t b1 = b >>8; //This should be optimized away

    //Swapping probably doesn't make much sense anymore
    if ( (b1 & 1) )
        res+=(uint16_t)((uint8_t)(a && 0xff))*256;
    //Hopefully the compiler understands it has simply to add the low 8bit register of a to the high 8bit register of res

    if ( (b0 & 1) )

    while (b0) {///N cycles, maximum 7
        if ( (b1 & 1) )
            res+=(uint16_t)((uint8_t)(a & 0xff))*256;
        if ( (b0 & 1) )
        b0>>=1; //I try to put as last the one that will leave the carry flag in the desired state

    uint8_t a0 = a & 0xff; //Again, not a real copy but a register selection

    while (b1) {///P cycles, maximum 7 - N cycles
        if ( (b1 & 1) )
            res+=(uint16_t) a0 * 256;
    return res;

Thanks Sergio for providing the assembly generated (-Ofast). At first glance, considering the outrageous amount of mov in the code, it seems the compiler did not interpret as I wanted the hints I gave to him to interpret the registers.


Inputs are: r22,r23 and r24,25.
AVR Instruction Set: Quick reference, Detailed documentation

输入是:r22 r23和r24,25。AVR指令集:快速参考,详细文档

sbrs //Tests a single bit in a register and skips the next instruction if the bit is set. Skip takes 2 clocks. 
ldi // Load immediate, 1 clock
sbiw // Subtracts immediate to *word*, 2 clocks

    00000010 :
      10:    70 ff           sbrs    r23, 0
      12:    39 c0           rjmp    .+114        ; 0x86 <__SREG__+0x47>
      14:    41 e0           ldi    r20, 0x01    ; 1
      16:    00 97           sbiw    r24, 0x00    ; 0
      18:    c9 f1           breq    .+114        ; 0x8c <__SREG__+0x4d>
      1a:    34 2f           mov    r19, r20
      1c:    20 e0           ldi    r18, 0x00    ; 0
      1e:    60 ff           sbrs    r22, 0
      20:    07 c0           rjmp    .+14         ; 0x30 
      22:    28 0f           add    r18, r24
      24:    39 1f           adc    r19, r25
      26:    04 c0           rjmp    .+8          ; 0x30 
      28:    e4 2f           mov    r30, r20
      2a:    45 2f           mov    r20, r21
      2c:    2e 2f           mov    r18, r30
      2e:    34 2f           mov    r19, r20
      30:    76 95           lsr    r23
      32:    66 95           lsr    r22
      34:    b9 f0           breq    .+46         ; 0x64 <__SREG__+0x25>
      36:    88 0f           add    r24, r24
      38:    99 1f           adc    r25, r25
      3a:    58 2f           mov    r21, r24
      3c:    44 27           eor    r20, r20
      3e:    42 0f           add    r20, r18
      40:    53 1f           adc    r21, r19
      42:    70 ff           sbrs    r23, 0
      44:    02 c0           rjmp    .+4          ; 0x4a <__SREG__+0xb>
      46:    24 2f           mov    r18, r20
      48:    35 2f           mov    r19, r21
      4a:    42 2f           mov    r20, r18
      4c:    53 2f           mov    r21, r19
      4e:    48 0f           add    r20, r24
      50:    59 1f           adc    r21, r25
      52:    60 fd           sbrc    r22, 0
      54:    e9 cf           rjmp    .-46         ; 0x28 
      56:    e2 2f           mov    r30, r18
      58:    43 2f           mov    r20, r19
      5a:    e8 cf           rjmp    .-48         ; 0x2c 
      5c:    95 2f           mov    r25, r21
      5e:    24 2f           mov    r18, r20
      60:    39 2f           mov    r19, r25
      62:    76 95           lsr    r23
      64:    77 23           and    r23, r23
      66:    61 f0           breq    .+24         ; 0x80 <__SREG__+0x41>
      68:    88 0f           add    r24, r24
      6a:    48 2f           mov    r20, r24
      6c:    50 e0           ldi    r21, 0x00    ; 0
      6e:    54 2f           mov    r21, r20
      70:    44 27           eor    r20, r20
      72:    42 0f           add    r20, r18
      74:    53 1f           adc    r21, r19
      76:    70 fd           sbrc    r23, 0
      78:    f1 cf           rjmp    .-30         ; 0x5c <__SREG__+0x1d>
      7a:    42 2f           mov    r20, r18
      7c:    93 2f           mov    r25, r19
      7e:    ef cf           rjmp    .-34         ; 0x5e <__SREG__+0x1f>
      80:    82 2f           mov    r24, r18
      82:    93 2f           mov    r25, r19
      84:    08 95           ret
      86:    20 e0           ldi    r18, 0x00    ; 0
      88:    30 e0           ldi    r19, 0x00    ; 0
      8a:    c9 cf           rjmp    .-110        ; 0x1e 
      8c:    40 e0           ldi    r20, 0x00    ; 0
      8e:    c5 cf           rjmp    .-118        ; 0x1a 

5. Unrolling the loop: The "optimal" assembly

With all this information, let's try to understand what would be the "optimal" solution given the architecture constraints. "Optimal" is quoted because what is "optimal" depends a lot on the input data and what we want to optimize. Let's assume we want to optimize on number of cycles on the worst case. If we go for the worst case, loop unrolling is a reasonable choice: we know we have 8 cycles, and we remove all tests to understand if we finished (if b0 and b1 are zero). So far we used the trick "we shift, and we check the zero flag" to check if we had to exit a loop. Removed this requirement, we can use a different trick: we shift, and we check the carry bit (the bit we sent out of the register when shifting) to understand if I should update the result. Given the instruction set, in assembly "narrative" code the instructions become the following.


//Input: a = a1 * 256 + a0, b = b1 * 256 + b0
//Output: r = r1 * 256 + r0

P0 r0 = 0 (CLR)
P1 r1 = 0 (CLR)

Main block:
0 Shift right b0 (LSR)
1 If carry is not set skip 2 instructiOns= jump to 4 (BRCC)
2 r0 = r0 + a0 (ADD)
3 r1 = r1 + a1 + carry from prev. (ADC)
4 Shift right b1 (LSR)
5 If carry is not set skip 1 instruction = jump to 7 (BRCC)
6 r1 = r1 + a0 (ADD)
7 a0 = a0 + a0 (ADD)  
8 a1 = a1 + a1 + carry from prev. (ADC)

[Repeat same instructions for another 7 times]

Branching takes 1 instruction if no jump is caused, 2 otherwise. All other instructions are 1 cycle. So b1 state has no influence on the number of cycles, while we have 9 cycles if b0 = 1, and 8 cycles if b0 = 0. Counting the initialization, 8 iterations and skipping the last update of a0 and a1, in the worse case (b0 = 11111111b), we have a total of 8 * 9 + 2 - 2 = 72 cycles. I wouldn't know which C++ implementation would convince the compiler to generate it. Maybe:

如果没有引起跳转,分支将接受1条指令,否则将接受2条指令。所有其他指令都是一个周期。b1状态对周期数没有影响,而b0 = 1有9个周期,b0 = 0有8个周期。计算初始化、8次迭代和跳过a0和a1的最后更新,在更糟糕的情况下(b0 = 11111111b),我们总共有8 * 9 + 2 - 2 = 72个周期。我不知道c++实现会说服编译器生成它。可能:

 void iterate(uint8_t& b0,uint8_t& b1,uint16_t& a, uint16_t& r) {
     const uint8_t temp0 = b0;
     b0 >>=1;
     if (temp0 & 0x01) {//Will this convince him to use the carry flag?
         r += a;
     const uint8_t temp1 = b1;
     b1 >>=1;
     if (temp1 & 0x01) {
         r+=(uint16_t)((uint8_t)(a & 0xff))*256;
     a += a;

 uint16_t umul16_(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) {
     uint16_t r = 0;
     uint8_t b0 = b & 0xff;
     uint8_t b1 = b >>8;

     iterate(b0,b1,a,r); //Hopefully he understands he doesn't need the last update for variable a
     return r;

But, given the previous result, to really obtain the desired code one should really switch to assembly!


Finally one could also consider a more extreme interpretation of the loop unrolling: the sbrc/sbrs instructions allows to test on a specific bit of a register. We can therefore avoid shifting b0 and b1, and at each cycle check a different bit. The only problem is that those instructions only allow to skip the next instruction, and not for a custom jump. So, in "narrative code" it will look like this:


Main block:
0 Test Nth bit of b0 (SBRS). If set jump to 2 (+ 1cycle) otherwise continue with 1
1 Jump to 4 (RJMP)
2 r0 = r0 + a0 (ADD)
3 r1 = r1 + a1 + carry from prev. (ADC)
4 Test Nth bit of (SBRC). If cleared jump to 6 (+ 1cycle) otherwise continue with 5
5 r1 = r1 + a0 (ADD)
6 a0 = a0 + a0 (ADD)  
7 a1 = a1 + a1 + carry from prev. (ADC)

While the second substitution allows to save 1 cycle, there's no clear advantage in the second substitution. However, I believe the C++ code might be easier to interpret for the compiler. Considering 8 cycles, initialization and skipping last update of a0 and a1, we have now 64 cycles.


C++ code:


 void iterateWithMask(const uint8_t& b0,const uint8_t& b1, uint16_t& a, uint16_t& r) {
     if (b0 & mask)
         r += a;
     if (b1 & mask)
         r+=(uint16_t)((uint8_t)(a & 0xff))*256;
     a += a;

 uint16_t umul16_(uint16_t a, const uint16_t b) {
     uint16_t r = 0;
     const uint8_t b0 = b & 0xff;
     const uint8_t b1 = b >>8;


     //Hopefully he understands he doesn't need the last update for a
     return r;

Note that in this implementation the 0x01, 0x02 are not a real value, but just a hint to the compiler to know which bit to test. Therefore, the mask cannot be obtained by shifting right: differently from all other functions seen so far, this has really no equivalent loop version.


One big problem is that


r+=(uint16_t)((uint8_t)(a & 0xff))*256;

It should be just a sum of the upper register of r with the lower register of a. Does not get interpreted as I would like. Other option:


r+=(uint16_t) 256 *((uint8_t)(a & 0xff));

6. Convincing the compiler to give the optimal assembly

We can also keep a constant, and shift instead the result r. In this case we process b starting from the most significant bit. The complexity is equivalent, but it might be easier for the compiler to digest. Also, this time we have to be careful to write explicitly the last loop, which must not do a further shift right for r.


 void inverseIterateWithMask(const uint8_t& b0,const uint8_t& b1,const uint16_t& a, const uint8_t& a0, uint16_t& r) {
     if (b0 & mask)
         r += a;
     if (b1 & mask)
         r+=(uint16_t)256*a0; //Hopefully easier to understand for the compiler?
     r += r;

 uint16_t umul16_(const uint16_t a, const uint16_t b) {
     uint16_t r = 0;
     const uint8_t b0 = b & 0xff;
     const uint8_t b1 = b >>8;
     const uint8_t a0 = a & 0xff;


     //Last iteration:
     if (b0 & 0x01)
         r += a;
     if (b1 & 0x01)

     return r;



The compiler might be able to produce shorter code by using the ternary operator to choose whether to add 'a' to your accumulator, depends upon cost of test and branch, and how your compiler generates code.


Swap the arguments to reduce the loop count.


uint16_t umul16_(uint16_t op1, uint16_t op2)
    uint16_t accum=0;
    uint16_t a, b;
    a=op1; b=op2;
    if( op1>=1;

    return accum;

Many years ago, I wrote "forth", which promoted a compute rather than branch approach, and that suggests picking which value to use,


You can use an array to avoid the test completely, which your compiler can likely use to generate as a load from offset. Define an array containing two values, 0 and a, and update the value for a at the end of the loop,


uint16_t umul16_(uint16_t op1, uint16_t op2)
    uint16_t accum=0;
    uint16_t pick[2];
    uint16_t a, b;
    a=op1; b=op2;
    if( op1>=1;
        pick[1] += pick[1]; //(a+=a);

    return accum;

Yeah, evil. But I don't normally write code like that.


Edit - revised to add swap to loop on smaller of op1 or op2 (fewer passes). That would eliminate the usefulness of testing for an argument =0.




Well, mix of LUT and shift usually works


Something along the line, multiplying 8 bit entities. Lets consider them made up of two quads


uint4_t u1, l1, u2, l2;
uint8_t a = 16*u1 + l1;
uint8_t b = 16*u2 + l2;

product = 256*u1*u2 + 16*u1*l2 + 16*u2*l1 + l1*l1;

inline uint4_t hi( uint8_t v ) { return v >> 4; }
inline uint4_t lo( uint8_t v ) { return v & 15; }

inline uint8_t LUT( uint4_t x, uint4_t y ) {
    static uint8_t lut[256] = ...;
    return lut[x | y <<4]

uint16_t multiply(uint8_t a, uint8_t b) {
    return (uint16_t)LUT(hi(a), hi(b)) <<8 +
           ((uint16_t)LUT(hi(a), lo(b)) + (uint16_t)LUT(lo(a), hi(b)) <<4 +
           (uint16_t)LUT(lo(a), lo(b));

just fill lut[] with results of multiplication. In your case depending on memory you could go with quads (256 sized LUT) or with bytes (65536 size LUT) or anything in between




One approach is to unroll the loop. I don't have a compiler for the platform you're using so I can't look at the generated code, but an approach like this could help.


The performance of this code is less data-dependent -- you go faster in the worst case by not checking to see if you're in the best case. Code size is a bit bigger but not the size of a lookup table.


(Note code untested, off the top of my head. I'm curious about what the generated code looks like!)


#define UMUL16_STEP(a, b, shift) \
    if ((b) & (1U <<(shift))) result += ((a) <<(shift)));

uint16_t umul16(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
    uint16_t result = 0;

    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 0);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 1);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 2);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 3);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 4);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 5);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 6);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 7);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 8);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 9);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 10);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 11);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 12);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 13);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 14);
    UMUL16_STEP(a, b, 15);

    return result;



Depending on what your compiler does, the UMUL16_STEP macro can change. An alternative might be:


#define UMUL16_STEP(a, b, shift) \
    if ((b) & (1U <<(shift))) result += (a); (a) <<1;

With this approach the compiler might be able to use the sbrc instruction to avoid branches.


My guess for how the assembler should look per bit, r0:r1 is the result, r2:r3 is a and r4:r5 is b:

我猜汇编器应该是什么样子的,r0:r1是结果,r2:r3是a r4:r5是b:

sbrc r4, 0
add r0, r2
sbrc r4, 0
addc r1, r3
lsl r2
rol r3

This should execute in constant time without a branch. Test the bits in r4 and then test the bits in r5 for the higher eight bits. This should execute the multiplication in 96 cycles based on my reading of the instruction set manual.




A non-answer, tinyARM assembler (web doc) instead of C++ or C. I modified a pretty generic multiply-by-squares-lookup for speed (<50 cycles excluding call&return overhead) at the cost of only fitting into AVRs with no less than 1KByte of RAM, using 512 aligned bytes for a table of the lower half of squares. At 20 MHz, that would nicely meet the 2 max 3 usec time limit still not showing up in the question proper - but Sergio Formiggini wanted 16 MHz. As of 2015/04, there is just one ATtiny from Atmel with that much RAM, and that is specified up to 8 MHz … (Rolling your "own" (e.g., from OpenCores) your FPGA probably has a bunch of fast multipliers (18×18 bits seems popular), if not processor cores.)
For a stab at fast shift-and-add, have a look at shift and add, factor shifting left, unrolled 16×16→16 and/or improve on it (wiki post). (You might well create that community wiki answer begged for in the question.)

non-answer,tinyARM汇编(web文档)而不是c++或C,我修改一个相当通用multiply-by-squares-lookup速度(<50周期调用和返回开销除外)的成本只有适合avr的不少于1 kb的内存,使用512字节对齐的表广场的下半部分。在20mhz时,这将很好地满足usec时间限制2 max 3仍然没有出现在问题本身-但是塞尔吉奥·福米吉尼想要16 MHz。的2015/04,只有一个ATtiny从爱特梅尔公司那么多的内存,这是指定8 MHz…(你“拥有”(例如,从OpenCores)你的FPGA可能有一堆快乘数(18×18位似乎受欢迎),如果不是处理器核心)。尝试快速shift-and-add,看看改变和添加,因素转移离开,展开16×16→16和/或提高(wiki文章)。(在这个问题中,你很可能会创造出维基百科所要求的社区答案。)

.def    a0  = r16   ; factor low byte
.def    a1  = r17
#warning two warnings about preceding definitions of
#warning  r16 and r17 are due and may as well be ignored
.def    a   = r16   ; 8-bit factor
.def    b   = r17   ; 8-bit factor ; or r18, rather?
.def    b0  = r18   ; factor low byte
.def    b1  = r19
.def    p0  = r20   ; product low byte
.def    p1  = r21

; "squares table" SqTab shall be two 512 Byte tables of
;  squares of 9-bit natural numbers, divided by 4

; Idea: exploit p = a * b = Squares[a+b] - Squares[a-b]

    ldi     r16, 0x73
    ldi     r17, 0xab
    ldi     r18, 23
    ldi     r19, 1
    ldi     r20, HIGH(SRAM_SIZE)
    cpi     r20, 2
    brsh    fillSqTable ; ATtiny 1634?
    rjmp    mpy16T16
    ldi     r20, SqTabH
    subi    r20, -2
    ldi     zh, SqTabH
    clr     zl
; generate sqares by adding up odd numbers starting at 1 += -1
    ldi     r22, 1
    clr     r23
    ser     r26
    ser     r27
    add     r22, r26
    adc     r23, r27
    adiw    r26, 2
    mov     r21, r23
    lsr     r21         ; get bits 9:2
    mov     r21, r22
    ror     r21
    lsr     r21
    bst     r23, 1
    bld     r21, 7
    st      z+, r21
    cp      zh, r20
    brne    fillLoop
    rjmp    mpy16F16

; assembly lines are marked up with cycle count
;  and (latest) start cycle in block.
; If first line in code block, the (latest) block start cycle
;  follows; else if last line, the (max) block cycle total

;* "mpy16F16" - 16x16->16 Bit Unsigned Multiplication
;*                        using table lookup
;* Sergio Formiggini special edition
;* Multiplies  two 16-bit register values a1:a0 and b1:b0.
;* The result is placed in p1:p0.
;* Number of flash words: 318 + return = 
;*                       (40 + 256(flash table) + 22(RAM init))
;* Number of cycles     : 49 + return
;* Low  registers used  : None
;* High registers used  : 7+2 (a1:a0, b1:b0, p1:p0, sq;
;*                             + Z(r31:r30))
;* RAM bytes used       : 512 (squares table)
    ldi     ZH, SqTabH>>1;1 0   0   squares table>>1
    mov     ZL, a0      ; 1 1
    add     ZL, b0      ; 1 2       a0+b0
    rol     ZH          ; 1 3       9 bit offset
    ld      p0, Z       ; 2 4       a0+b0l          1
    lpm     p1, Z       ; 3 6   9   a0+b0h          2

    ldi     ZH, SqTabH  ; 1 0   9   squares table

    mov     ZL, a1      ; 1 0   10
    sub     ZL, b0      ; 1 1       a1-b0
    brcc    noNegF10    ; 1 2
    neg     ZL          ; 1 3
    ld      sq, Z       ; 2 4       a1-b0l          3
    sub     p1, sq      ; 1 6   7

    mov     ZL, a0      ; 1 0   17
    sub     ZL, b1      ; 1 1       a0-b1
    brcc    noNegF01    ; 1 2
    neg     ZL          ; 1 3
    ld      sq, Z       ; 2 4       a0-b1l          4
    sub     p1, sq      ; 1 6   7

    mov     ZL, a0      ; 1 0   24
    sub     ZL, b0      ; 1 1       a0-b0
    brcc    noNegF00    ; 1 2
    neg     ZL          ; 1 3
    ld      sq, Z       ; 2 4       a0-b0l          5
    sub     p0, sq      ; 1 6
    lpm     sq, Z       ; 3 7       a0-b0h          6*
    sbc     p1, sq      ; 1 10  11

    ldi     ZH, SqTabH>>1;1 0   35
    mov     ZL, a1      ; 1 1
    add     ZL, b0      ; 1 2       a1+b0
    rol     ZH          ; 1 3
    ld      sq, Z       ; 2 4       a1+b0l          7
    add     p1, sq      ; 1 6   7

    ldi     ZH, SqTabH>>1;1 0   42
    mov     ZL, a0      ; 1 1
    add     ZL, b1      ; 1 2       a0+b1
    rol     ZH          ; 1 3
    ld      sq, Z       ; 2 4       a0+b1l          8
    add     p1, sq      ; 1 6   7

    ret                 ;       49

.org 256; words?!
.db   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0
.db   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0
.db   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0
.db   0,   0,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1
.db   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   2,   2,   2,   2
.db   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   3,   3,   3,   3
.db   3,   3,   3,   3,   4,   4,   4,   4,   4,   4
.db   4,   4,   5,   5,   5,   5,   5,   5,   5,   6
.db   6,   6,   6,   6,   6,   7,   7,   7,   7,   7
.db   7,   8,   8,   8,   8,   8,   9,   9,   9,   9
.db   9,   9,  10,  10,  10,  10,  10,  11,  11,  11
.db  11,  12,  12,  12,  12,  12,  13,  13,  13,  13
.db  14,  14,  14,  14,  15,  15,  15,  15,  16,  16
.db  16,  16,  17,  17,  17,  17,  18,  18,  18,  18
.db  19,  19,  19,  19,  20,  20,  20,  21,  21,  21
.db  21,  22,  22,  22,  23,  23,  23,  24,  24,  24
.db  25,  25,  25,  25,  26,  26,  26,  27,  27,  27
.db  28,  28,  28,  29,  29,  29,  30,  30,  30,  31
.db  31,  31,  32,  32,  33,  33,  33,  34,  34,  34
.db  35,  35,  36,  36,  36,  37,  37,  37,  38,  38
.db  39,  39,  39,  40,  40,  41,  41,  41,  42,  42
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.db  71,  71,  72,  72,  73,  73,  74,  74,  75,  76
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.db 100, 100, 101, 101, 102, 103, 103, 104, 105, 105
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.db 141, 141, 142, 143, 144, 144, 145, 146, 147, 147
.db 148, 149, 150, 150, 151, 152, 153, 153, 154, 155
.db 156, 157, 157, 158, 159, 160, 160, 161, 162, 163
.db 164, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 169, 170, 171
.db 172, 173, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 178, 179
.db 180, 181, 182, 183, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188
.db 189, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 196
.db 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 203, 204, 205
.db 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 212, 213, 214
.db 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224
.db 225, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233
.db 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243
.db 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253
.db 254, 255
; word addresses, again?!
.equ SqTabH = (high(SqTableH) <<1)

RAMTab .BYTE 512



At long last, an answer, if a cheeky one: I couldn't (yet) get the AVR-C-compiler from the GCC fit it into 8K code. (For an assembler rendition, see AVR multiplication: No Holds Barred).
The approach is what everyone who used Duff's device tried for a second attempt:
use a switch. Using macros, the source code looks entirely harmless, if massaged:

最后,如果有一个厚颜无耻的答案:我(还)无法从GCC获得avr -c编译器,将它放入8K代码中。(对于汇编程序的渲染,请参见AVR乘法:No hold held)。这是每个使用达夫设备的人第二次尝试的方法:使用一个开关。使用宏,源代码看起来完全无害,如果经过处理:

#define low(mp)     case mp: p = a0 * (uint8_t)(mp) <<8; break
#define low4(mp)    low(mp); low(mp + 1); low(mp + 2); low(mp + 3)
#define low16(mp)   low4(mp); low4(mp + 4); low4(mp + 8); low4(mp + 12)
#define low64(mp)   low16(mp); low16(mp + 16); low16(mp + 32); low16(mp + 48)
#if preShift
# define CASE(mp)   case mp: return p + a * (mp)
# define CASE(mp)   case mp: return (p0<<8) + a * (mp)
#define case4(mp)   CASE(mp); CASE(mp + 1); CASE(mp + 2); CASE(mp + 3)
#define case16(mp)  case4(mp); case4(mp + 4); case4(mp + 8); case4(mp + 12)
#define case64(mp)  case16(mp); case16(mp + 16); case16(mp + 32); case16(mp + 48)

extern "C" __attribute__ ((noinline))
 uint16_t mpy16NHB16(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
    uint16_t p = 0;
    uint8_t b0 = (uint8_t)b, b1 = (uint8_t)(b>>8);
    uint8_t a0 = (uint8_t)a, p0;

    switch (b1) {
#if preShift
    p = p0 <<8;
#if preliminaries
    if (0 == b0) {
        p = -a;
        if (b & 0x8000)
            p += a <<9;
        if (b & 0x4000)
            p += a <<8;
        return p;
    while (b0 & 1) {
        a <<= 1;
        b0 >>= 1;
    switch (b0) {
    return ~0;
int main(int ac, char const *const av[])
    char buf[22];
    for (uint16_t a = 0 ; a 

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