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I've installed R in Sublime Text 3 on my Windows 8.1 64bit as described here: http://www.kevjohnson.org/using-r-in-sublime-text-3/

我在我的Windows 8.1 64bit上安装了R,如下所示:http://www.kevjohnson.org/using- rin -sublime- Text -3/

However, I don't know how to push code to the R console.


This same problem is described here, but the suggested solutions don't work for me (Using the menu items/Changing the syntax): Not able to run selected lines in REPL R in sublime text

这里描述了相同的问题,但是建议的解决方案对我不起作用(使用菜单项/更改语法):不能在REPL R中以崇高的文本运行选定的行

I don't even understand what kind of shortcut Ctrl+Shift+,,l is supposed to be. Pressing Control and Shift down and then entering two commas and an l?

我甚至不知道快捷键Ctrl+Shift+ l是什么。按下控制键向下移动,然后输入两个逗号和一个l?

I hope someone can help me answer my very first question on Stackoverflow.


1 个解决方案



I hadn't heard of Repl until this post. I just checked it out. It turns out the double character means "release". So "Ctr - shift - comma", release, and then press "L". Let me know it that helps you run a line in the console.

直到这个帖子我才听说过Repl。我刚查过。事实证明,双重性格意味着“释放”。所以"Ctr - shift -逗号",释放,然后按"L"。让我知道它可以帮助您在控制台中运行一行。

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