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In the company I'm working for, it seems that all of a sudden all of our applications need to be ported to web applications. For as far as I can understand, the only reason is that the web application hype has finally contaminated some of our decision makers.


I am a fan of desktop applications because they are more user friendly. In my opinion, they are more responsive, have better user interfaces, are more customizeable and have better keyboard support. I just cannot see myself using web versions of Visual Studio or OpenOffice. Furthermore, I have the impression thin client desktop applications are easier to implement than their web-app counterparts.

我是桌面应用程序的粉丝,因为它们更加用户友好。在我看来,它们响应更快,具有更好的用户界面,更具可定制性并且具有更好的键盘支持。我只是看不到自己使用的是Visual Studio或OpenOffice的Web版本。此外,我认为瘦客户端桌面应用程序比他们的网络应用程序对应物更容易实现。

Maybe I am overlooking some qualities of web applications, and maybe I am incorrect about the drawbacks I mentioned above. Therefore my question: is there anyone who can see advantages of web applications over desktop applications?


Update: So far, there came some interesting responses. Please note however that I am not talking about the difference between a thin and fat client application, but only between developing for a webbrowser platform versus a desktop platform.


Update: by "web application" I mean the combination HTML/CSS/Javascript, not rich internet applications such as Silverlight. These are very similar to desktop applications, the main difference being the fact that they run in a sandbox.

更新:通过“Web应用程序”我的意思是组合HTML / CSS / Javascript,而不是像Silverlight这样的富Internet应用程序。这些与桌面应用程序非常相似,主要区别在于它们在沙箱中运行。

19 个解决方案


  1. Web applications avoid the burden in deploying in each client machine.


  2. Don't have to enforce version check in client machine.


  3. Updates are easier.


  4. Makes bug fixes easier.


  5. No administrator rights checking.


  6. Can access from anywhere.


  7. Platform independent.

  8. Support and maintenance are easier.


  9. Adaptability in mobile applications.



Desktop applications give a far superior user experience than web applications.


Sure every option has its pros and cons, but you need to rate these as well. Which is more important to you, user experience or platform independence? We rate user experience above many things. Yes we are making sacrifices, but that's part of life.


One way to convince your superiors is to prove to them that the user experience is lightyears ahead on a desktop application and try to convince them to create a desktop application before making the web application.


We have both at our company and our customers prefer the desktop app over the web app any day. They're quite willing to accept any disadvantages that comes with using a desktop application.


I'm not listing the advantages of a web app in my answer as others have done. Web apps and desktop apps both have pros and cons. Do both! Let your customer choose. Get back to me on the statistics. ;-)

我没有像其他人那样在我的答案中列出网络应用程序的优点。 Web应用程序和桌面应用程序都有优缺点。两个都做!让您的客户选择。请回复统计数据。 ;-)


I've done a fair bit of development writing both rich desktop apps and web sites.


Generally writing code for a desktop app is easier, there are more controls available, you have much greater control over how the app works.


Writing web applications really requires you to understand HTML, CSS and Javascript, as well as the limitations (or bugs when talking about IE) of the browsers. You have to worry about state and persisting it, and the mechanisms available to you are limited.


Having said that, over time I find myself enjoying writing web applications more and more. The limitations of the the platform makes you simplify things, and the statelessness of the web helps manage some of the complexity. My last web project went live and the business required virtually no training because non technical people are now familiar with webpages and how they work. It is also great just to put a fix in and have it go live straight away. If you've ever worked with upgrading desktop apps you will no doubt know how complicated and painful it can be.


Recently we have had some success with a mixed strategy (webtop), writing the main system as a web site, but then providing a client side application for power users who need more features. This can either host a browser control (in windows you can embed IE easily, in OS X you can do the same with safari), or use an API. Much like how Twitter gives you a web version, but power users can use TweetDeck or whatever.

最近,我们在混合策略(Webtop)上取得了一些成功,将主系统编写为网站,然后为需要更多功能的高级用户提供客户端应用程序。这可以托管一个浏览器控件(在windows中你可以轻松地嵌入IE,在OS X中你可以用safari做同样的事情),或者使用API​​。就像Twitter如何为您提供网络版本,但高级用户可以使用TweetDeck或其他任何东西。


  • All users always uses the latest version
  • 所有用户始终使用最新版本

  • No piracy
  • Accessible from wherever your users are
  • 无论用户身在何处,都可以访问

  • Cross platform
  • No installation required for the users
  • 用户无需安装

  • You can easily measure what your users are doing (how many are using feature XX etc)
  • 您可以轻松衡量用户正在做什么(有多少人正在使用功能XX等)

  • You can provide easy collaboration between your users if necessary, as all data are centralized
  • 如有必要,您可以在用户之间提供轻松协作,因为所有数据都是集中的


Pro's of a web app over desktop app:-

桌面应用程序上的Web应用程序专业版: -

  • Only one copy of a program will ever need to be updated.
  • 只需要更新程序的一个副本。

  • 99% of the code is platform independant.
  • 99%的代码是独立于平台的。

  • maintainance, support and patches are easier to provide
  • 维护,支持和补丁更容易提供

  • Less chance of finding restrictions that the clients computer may have imposed
  • 找到客户端计算机可能施加的限制的机会较少

  • Plus many more
  • 还有更多

Con's of a web app over desktop app:-

桌面应用程序上的Web应用程序的Con: -

  • If network connectivity is down, so is the app


  • Need to learn multiple languages to successfully develop an application (server side scripting, SQL, XHTML/CSS etc)

    需要学习多种语言才能成功开发应用程序(服务器端脚本,SQL,XHTML / CSS等)

  • Less need for security (user's are trusted in the company, no "outside threat")
  • 对安全性的需求减少(用户在公司中受到信任,没有“外部威胁”)

  • Need of a dedicated machine(s) for webserver
  • 需要专用的网络服务器机器

All of this is just a few of the many pro's and con's that you can find in this conversation



A lot points are already mentioned. But there are a few i cannot totally agree with:


  • Deployment of a web application is easy, but deploying a desktop app isn't much more complicated in times of Microsoft ClickOnce or Java Web Start.
  • 部署Web应用程序很简单,但在Microsoft ClickOnce或Java Web Start时,部署桌面应用程序并不复杂。

  • Bug fixing is a web application is not really easy (session less, running under web server process...).
  • 错误修复是一个Web应用程序并不是很容易(会话较少,在Web服务器进程下运行...)。

  • A web application always has some limitations when it comes to executing security critical operations or accessing hardware.
  • 在执行安全关键操作或访问硬件时,Web应用程序始终存在一些限制。


Both web and desktop platforms have their advantages and disadvantages. Good arguments can be made for both. Hybrid apps (part web, part desktop) also have advantages/disadvantages in this regard.


Application development should always be driven by requirements, not technology trends or religious prefs or comparative generalized advantages/disadvantages.


Ever try to sell a web app to folks in areas of the US or other countries where broadband access is spotty or non-existant? :) What about mobile access? Native, web-based, or hybrid? What about local access to data when there is no Internet connection, if it is required? Etc.

有没有尝试向美国或其他宽带接入不稳定或不存在的国家/地区的人们销售网络应用? :)移动访问怎么样?原生,基于网络还是混合?如果没有互联网连接,那么本地访问数据会怎么样?等等。

Start with the application requirement and work your way back to the technology. When you do that, you make the right decisions and end up with the best platform for the project at hand.


Example: Take the comment that reads, "Desktop applications give a far superior user experience than web applications." If the requirement (A) demands anywhere/anytime access from any computer equipped with a web browser and Internet access, and (B) also demands desktop-like performance (say, live database data that doesn't require page refreshes), then (C) the developer is led to consider technologies such as AJAX, Flash, Silverlight, Java, or even native clients that load as a browser control.

示例:请注意“桌面应用程序提供比Web应用程序更优越的用户体验”。如果要求(A)要求从配备有Web浏览器和Internet访问的任何计算机随时/随时访问,并且(B)还要求类似桌面的性能(例如,不需要页面刷新的实时数据库数据),则( C)开发人员被引导考虑诸如AJAX,Flash,Silverlight,Java甚至是作为浏览器控件加载的本机客户端之类的技术。

I'm just saying, again, be requirements driven, not technology driven.



Depends of the type of the application. If you have cms application than it cannot be replaced with web (at least some parts) because the application needs to work with local resources like printer, bar code reader, fiscal printer, display and so on.
So, for this type of applications that needs local resources, desktop cannot be replaced.
Also desktop apps can be very faster than web, for cms applications.


Imagine a big supermarket with a lot of customers waiting to pay their orders and paying windows with web applications. I have not seen such thing.


But also there are web frameworks like Oracle ADF that have even more reach than desktop assp. With ADF you can build web app identical to desktop app, in a way similar to the way the desktop apps are build. But is it expensive, learning curve is high and requires "good" hardware.

但是也有像Oracle ADF这样的网络框架,它们比桌面设备更具影响力。使用ADF,您可以构建与桌面应用程序相同的Web应用程序,其方式与构建桌面应用程序的方式类似。但它是否昂贵,学习曲线很高,需要“好”的硬件。

But keep in mind that if for web you are not using tested components java script is not so good for mission critical apps, it is error prone.



For me, who's normally completely web-based, the factor that swings me towards desktop apps is hardware integration. Web apps are great if all you need to do is read and submit data, but if it comes to interfacing with things like label printers, or other specialist hardware, a desktop app is the only real way to go. You can link these in with web services or the like if you absolutely have to have the "Web App" tick box ticked, but specialist hardware support is for the most part out of the realm of the browser, and it makes much more sense to use existing APIs to access it.

对于我来说,通常完全基于网络的人,使我摆向桌面应用程序的因素是硬件集成。如果你需要做的只是阅读和提交数据,网络应用程序是很棒的,但如果要与标签打印机或其他专业硬件接口,桌面应用程序是唯一真正的方法。如果您必须勾选“Web App”复选框,可以将这些链接与Web服务等相关联,但专业硬件支持大部分都在浏览器领域之外,并且它更有意义。使用现有的API来访问它。


These days with people opting for linux/osx/windows platform independence is a big feature. This helps target a much larger market

这些天人们选择linux / osx / windows平台独立性是一个很大的特点。这有助于瞄准更大的市场

There are of course the obvious advantages that the application can be used anywhere in the world... for convenience



i agree with the points above ...


i just want to add some pro on web app : 1. it looks nice. you can change the themes as well (just change the css) may be desktop app will looks boring to some user but wep app, you can change the themes/design and it will impress you user (and boss)


  1. it is cheaper to implements. For example, if you develop application with .NET you need to have clients that install windows. but in web application, once you develop, any client can access your web apps with any platform.


  2. web app development are simple (once you know about css Javascript and framework) it can make your life easier.

    Web应用程序开发很简单(一旦你了解css Javascript和框架)它可以让你的生活更轻松。

  3. No virus and easy to deploy/install for client.


Cons: UI in web app are more complex and need ability in Javascript and css stuff to make a good quality of UI.


I recommend you not to create from scratch (that would be pain) but build the new modules in web apps. that would be wise :)



The main reason for developing an application into a web approach is that it is more accessible than if you would suppose to compare it to a desktop application, but when doing it so you should be well informed of what to use depending on your needs.


Web-applications are good only if you are just going to develop applications that doesn't pass extremely confidential data, due for the reason that web-applications are deployed online they are prone to hackers than if you would compare it to a desktop application, desktop application could reduce security risk than on a web-application though there are already security measures to make website secured, but over the duration of time people will discover ways of destructing this security measures and I do believe that most of use knew about that most especially those hardcore hackers existing over there. Desktop application do also have security flaws but so very minimal.


But if somebody is really eager to take web-application for providing solutions then it would be better if he is well informed of the risk it may take also the same thing for people developing desktop applications.



I'd like to nominate one advantage of web applications that is less commonly recognised. A well-designed web application usually integrates online help into the application - you don't find the usual clumsy division between the terse, incomprehensible desktop app and its verbose, disorganised help file. This is perhaps a cultural difference between web developers/designers and desktop developers.

我想提名一个不太常见的Web应用程序的优势。一个设计良好的Web应用程序通常将在线帮助集成到应用程序中 - 您不会发现简洁,难以理解的桌面应用程序与其冗长,混乱的帮助文件之间通常的笨拙区分。这可能是Web开发人员/设计人员和桌面开发人员之间的文化差异。


i am also an admirer of desktop applications. Let me quote few more disadvantages of web applications:


  1. Developing a web applications presentation logic/UI is too difficult compared to desktop applications.
  2. 与桌面应用程序相比,开发Web应用程序表示逻辑/ UI非常困难。

  3. User experience in different browsers could vary.
  4. 不同浏览器的用户体验可能有所不同

  5. Delayed operations: consider same transactions in web and desktops. Web application may hold the delay of seeking the web server which is higher considered to desktop applications (in most cases)
  6. 延迟操作:考虑Web和桌面中的相同事务。 Web应用程序可能会延迟寻找更高级别的桌面应用程序(在大多数情况下)

  7. Client's CPU utilization: Though this may be considered as a disadvantage of desktop apps, web app does not hold good capability in utilizing client side processor which can be considered in some cases to level the total processing work load among client/server.
  8. 客户端的CPU利用率:虽然这可能被认为是桌面应用程序的一个缺点,但是Web应用程序在利用客户端处理器方面并不具备良好的能力,在某些情况下可以考虑使用客户端处理器来平衡客户端/服务器之间的总处理工作量。


You are right about those advantages that you listed for desktop applications and there are even more that you forgot to mention (such as security, maintenance etc.) The main advantage of web applications is the fact that it can be consumed via a web browser from practically anywhere.


Visual WebGui is a solution aiming exactly at this as it allows to develop desktop (Windows) applications and run them as web applications so you can still enjoy the advantages of desktop development & deployment (intuitive, responsive, user friendly) and at the same time enjoy the accessibility of web applications.

Visual WebGui是一个完全针对此的解决方案,因为它允许开发桌面(Windows)应用程序并将它们作为Web应用程序运行,因此您仍然可以享受桌面开发和部署(直观,响应,用户友好)的优势,同时享受Web应用程序的可访问性。

Take a look, it might save you a lot of time and hassle.



Most of the time user needs only a browser to use your application. No need to deploy all the stuff application needs, and no need to think about why your application doesn't work on a client.



  • Web applications do not require much processing requirement on client side as all the processing is happening on server side, browser is just the view part or the user interface.
  • Web应用程序在客户端不需要太多处理要求,因为所有处理都发生在服务器端,浏览器只是视图部分或用户界面。

  • It is easy to make changes to web applications observing the log information and user browsing patterns as every request reaches to server and can be logged.
  • 当每个请求到达服务器并且可以记录时,很容易对Web应用程序进行更改,观察日志信息和用户浏览模式。


I used to develop desktop interfaces to my apps. Over the past 3 years I've moved across to pure web interfaces. Here is how I did it:


  • I write the core application as a collection of services, which I expose through REST.
  • 我将核心应用程序编写为一组服务,我通过REST公开。

  • I wrote a "library" that approximates the WxWidgets - but not pedantically.
  • 我写了一个近似于WxWidgets的“库” - 但不是迂腐。

  • The GUI is JS code that builds the screens programmatically - just like I used to for desktop apps.
  • GUI是以编程方式构建屏幕的JS代码 - 就像我以前用于桌面应用程序一样。

  • All styling / skinning is done using CSS classes.
  • 所有样式/皮肤都是使用CSS类完成的。

  • Currently I use long polling for interaction but plan to use either WebSockets or WebRTC in the future.
  • 目前我使用长轮询进行交互,但计划将来使用WebSockets或WebRTC。

All users use the latest version of Chrome and the application is only accessible from the company intranet. Most users have a desktop shortcut that connects their Chrome in full-screen mode to the in-house server. The less savvy users aren't even aware (and don't need to be) that it is no longer a desktop app.



All agree with the comments above.


The illusion of desktop apps comparability is just a waste of time & being an ignorant about what future brings. web application is a newer & better technology than desktop applications. 10 years ago nearly No one was using web applications except some smart guy out there. Because it was completely new & experimental. and there was not enough tools to develop better & professional web applications. With PHP4 & its competition, many conditions changed. we all needed to be update ourselves.

桌面应用程序可比性的错觉只是浪费时间而对未来带来的无知。 Web应用程序是一种比桌面应用程序更新,更好的技术。 10年前几乎没有人使用网络应用程序,除了一些聪明的人。因为它是全新的和实验性的。而且没有足够的工具来开发更好的专业Web应用程序。随着PHP4及其竞争,许多条件发生了变化。我们都需要自我更新。

Btw professional web applications can handle browser dependency problem. and there is a missing/ignored point: you can ACCESS from ANYWHERE with any platform/browser. With SSL much more secure. I don't know any professional desktop app with this feature.


Edit: Grammar & punctuation


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