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I am trying to understand how WPF binding works in junction with MVVM and Entity Framework. So far I understand databinding as a concept related to properties. However, when it gets to EF I lose understanding of which objects to use to define the Model for database. For instance, I have a Model class for a Category:

我试图了解WPF绑定如何与MVVM和Entity Framework结合使用。到目前为止,我将数据绑定理解为与属性相关的概念。但是,当它到达EF时,我不了解用于定义数据库模型的对象。例如,我有一个类别的Model类:

 public class Category : INotifyPropertyChanged
        string _CategoryId;
        public string CategoryId
                return _CategoryId;
                if (_CategoryId != value)
                    _CategoryId = value;

        string _CategoryName;
        public string CategoryName
                return _CategoryName;
                if (_CategoryName != value)
                    _CategoryName = value;

        void RaisePropertyChanged(string prop)
            if (PropertyChanged != null) { PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(prop)); }
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;


and POCO version:


public class CategoryPoco
    public CategoryPoco() { }

    public int CategoryId { get; set; }
    public string CategoryName { get; set; }

Properties of the non Poco class in my understanding can be then used in databinding. However, I also need to build the database context model:


public DbSet Categories { get; set; }

Now here is where I lose my understanding, do I use Poco or non-Poco classes when building the context model?


How do I match the two classes when I start exchanging data with the Database?


1 个解决方案


You use the "POCO version" to build the context model for your database. If you will, POCO is just defined as


Plain Old CLR Object. Just a normal class, no attributes describing infrastructure concerns or other responsibilities that your domain objects shouldn't have.


so technically, your Category is also considered as POCO. POCO doesn't have a different meaning when used with MVVM or EF. EF just uses those objects to map it back to the database.

从技术上讲,您的类别也被视为POCO。与MVVM或EF一起使用时,POCO没有不同的含义。 EF只是使用这些对象将其映射回数据库。

In your Category class, I normally don't create another Model class just to have that INotifyPropertyChanged. It's more flexible and clear that your Category class should be called CategoryViewModel.


If I read your code and I see an INotifyPropertyChanged interface where WPF uses it also for DataBinding, then I would be against it as you are now using Model -> View pattern without the ViewModel as your middleman. (Assuming you use category as your binding source)

如果我读了你的代码并且我看到一个INTifyPropertyChanged接口,其中WPF也将它用于DataBinding,那么我会反对它,因为你现在使用Model - > View模式而没有ViewModel作为你的中间人。 (假设您使用类别作为绑定源)

If you decided that you need to extend Category class, then I would suggest to use T4 template to generate your POCO Classes as a partial class, and create another partial class that implements INotifyPropertyChanged or add more properties that are not in the columns of a given table e.g., CategoryStatus, CategoryDescription and mark those properties with [NotMapped] attribute.


That way you don't have to do matching between the two classes and mostly your Model is already setup in the ViewModel to communicate it back with EF. You also have the flexibility to add more functionality to the object, which complies with the Open-Closed design principle.


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