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I'd like to check a method with access control, e.g. a method is only granted with a specific role. Therefore, I know two ways in Symfony:


  1. @Security annotation above the method (SensioFrameworkExtraBundle) OR
  2. 方法上方的@Security注释(SensioFrameworkExtraBundle)或
  3. Calling authorization_checker explizit within my method
  4. 在我的方法中调用authorization_checker exploizit

When it comes to unit tests (for my case phpspec, but I think phpunit behaviour is the almost the same in that case), I would like to test that only anonymous users should be able to call a method. With number 2. , it's working fine. Here my setup:




class RegistrationHandlerSpec extends ObjectBehavior
   function let(Container $container, AuthorizationCheckerInterface $auth) {

   function it_should_block_authenticated_users(AuthorizationCheckerInterface $auth)
     $this->shouldThrow('Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AccessDeniedException')->during('process', array());

And within the RegistrationHandler, I have the following method:


class RegistrationHandler
  public function process()
     $authorizatiOnChecker= $this->get('security.authorization_checker');
     if ($authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_USER')) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException();
     // ...

Well, this approach is working fine - BUT normally, I would prefer using 1. with Security annotation (Sensio FrameworkExtraBundle), and therefore, it's not working / I don't know why no Exception gets triggered when it's written as an annotation:

好吧,这种方法工作正常 - 但通常情况下,我更喜欢使用1.带有安全注释(Sensio FrameworkExtraBundle),因此,它不起作用/我不知道为什么没有在将它作为注释编写时触发异常:

 * @Security("!has_role('ROLE_USER')")
public function process()
   // ...

Does anyone know how to get this example to work by using the first approach with @Security annotation, which is way more readable and best practice recommended of symfony?


1 个解决方案



In both cases you're testing a behaviour that's provided by third party code (the Symfony framework). Following the rule don't mock what you don't own, rather than writing a unit test you should write an integration test. Otherwise you'll be only making assumptions on how the code works with no proof it really works this way.


In your case your integration test could be a controller test. You'd call the URL with a web test client (provided by the WebTestCase) and verify that in certain conditions you're getting a 401 or 403 response.


PHPSpec is a unit testing tool (a.k.a. a design tool). You need to write integration tests with something else (for example PHPUnit). I usually have at least three testing tools installed in my project:


  • PhpSpec for unit testing
  • PhpSpec用于单元测试
  • PHPUnit for integration testing
  • PHPUnit用于集成测试
  • Behat for acceptance testing (a form of integration testing)
  • 适用于验收测试(一种集成测试)

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