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that may be a dumb question... but I have a quite large java program that i'm debugging using the old System.err.println method, like I do using print* in any other language...

这可能是一个愚蠢的问题...但我有一个非常大的java程序,我正在使用旧的System.err.println方法进行调试,就像我在任何其他语言中使用print *一样...

But after a while, I've so many of them, I don't know how to manage them (and sometimes I put twice the same message concatenated with other information making it even harder...)...(and suppressing/finding them in the end is sometimes not trivial


I don't know how to be more rigourous... Do you have like a kind of magic token ? do you always print out the location of the println...


If you've any java tool, I'd consider them but best-practices in general would be great...


5 个解决方案


Perhaps give logging a try?


Rather to piping messages out to standard output, have the logger take care of the logging for you. Also, being able to set different logging levels will allow for varying granularity for the log messages which are recorded.



For java you should try log4j. With log4j you can set levels (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL) for the messages. You can choose (and change) the output of the log messages, like show the logs in the console, save in a file, ...


And you can configure the message formatting (show hour, show name of the class, ...).


You should try commons logging which works as an interface for the logging tools like log4j.



If you're using Eclipse you can use the "systrace" template (type systrace then ctrl+space). You edit the template to include file name, line number, etc (although the line number will be wrong if you move lines, there isn't a pretty macro like in C/C++)

如果您正在使用Eclipse,则可以使用“systrace”模板(键入systrace,然后键入ctrl + space)。您编辑模板以包含文件名,行号等(尽管如果移动行,行号将是错误的,但在C / C ++中没有漂亮的宏)

On the other hand, you should be using a logging framework like java's build in logging, commons-logging, or log4j ... for LOGGING and you should be using a DEBUGGER like Eclipse for debugging.

另一方面,您应该使用日志记录框架,例如java的日志记录,公共日志记录或log4j ...用于LOGGING,您应该使用像Eclipse这样的DEBUGGER进行调试。


Yes - I always print location of the print. It was possible even in C with LINE macro. Try log4j it also prints the location of everything.

是的 - 我总是打印出印刷品的位置。即使在带有LINE宏的C中也是如此。尝试log4j它还会打印所有内容的位置。


Eclipse Java Development Tool (JDT) is very efficient for Java debugging.

Eclipse Java开发工具(JDT)对Java调试非常有效。

Personally I stopped debugging using println since I discovered this tool. If you don't know it, I think it worth a try.



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