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Is it true, that the Asterisk always means "Hey, that is a pointer!" And an Pointer always holds an memory adress?


(Yes I know for the exception that a * is used for math operation)


For Example:


NSString* myString;


SomeClass* thatClass;


(*somePointerToAStruct).myStructCompOnent= 5;

I feel that there is more I need to know about the Asterirsk (*) than that I use it when defining an Variable that is a pointer to a class.


Because sometimes I already say in the declaration of an parameter that the Parameter variable is a pointer, and still I have to use the Asterisk in front of the Variable in order to access the value. That recently happened after I wanted to pass a pointer of an struct to a method in a way like [myObj myMethod:&myStruct], I could not access a component value from that structure even though my method declaration already said that there is a parameter (DemoStruct*)myVar which indeed should be already known as a pointer to that demostruct, still I had always to say: "Man, compiler. Listen! It IIISSS a pointer:" and write: (*myVar).myStructCompOnentX= 5;

因为有时候我已经在参数声明中说过参数变量是指针,而且我还必须在变量前面使用星号来访问值。最近发生在我想要一个结构体的指针传递给一个方法在某种程度上像[myObj myMethod:&myStruct],我不能访问组件值结构尽管我的方法声明已经说过有一个参数(DemoStruct *)myvar#的确应该已经称为一个指针DemoStruct,仍然我总是说:“男人,编译器。听!它就像一个指针:“并且写:(*myVar)。myStructCompOnentX= 5;

I really really really do not understand why I have to say that twice. And only in this case.


When I use the Asterisk in context of an NSString* myString then I can just access myString however I like, without telling the compiler each time that it's a pointer. i.e. like using *myString = @"yep".

当我在NSString* myString上下文中使用星号时,我可以随意访问myString,而不用每次都告诉编译器它是一个指针。例如使用*myString = @" yes "。

It just makes no sense to me.


4 个解决方案



an * is actually an operator to de-reference a pointer. The only time it means "hey i'm a pointer" is during variable declaration.


Foo* foo  // declare foo, a pointer to a Foo object
&foo      // the memory address of foo
*foo      // de-reference the pointer - gives the Foo object (value)



mmattax well covered the distinction between declaration (as a pointer) and dereferencing.


However, as to your point about:


  (*myVar).myStructCompOnentX= 5;

to access a member of an instance of a C struct (as this is) you can do what you did , or more commonly you use the -> notation:

要访问C struct实例的成员(这是),您可以做您所做的,或者更常见的是使用->表示法:

  myVar->myStructCompOnentX= 5;

Objective-C is a little confusing here because it recently (in ObjC 2.0) introduced property syntax, which is a short cut for:

Objective-C有点让人困惑,因为它最近(在c 2.0中)引入了属性语法,这是一个捷径:

  int val = [myObject someIntProperty];

and can now be written as:


  int val = myObject.someIntProperty;

This is Objective C (2.0) syntax for accessing a property which you have declared (not an actual member variable), whereas your example was accessing a member of a C struct.


Make sure you are clear on the difference.




For other people who are new to Objective-C like me, this tutorial was really helpful in understanding the asterisk and other basics:


The Beginner’s Guide to Objective-C: Language and Variables




As I said in my answer of your previous question, @"yep" is already a pointer, so there is no need of * before myString which is also a pointer. In this case, you assign pointers not values.


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