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I'm stuck with using a web service I have no control over and am trying to parse the XML returned by that service into a standard object.


A portion of the XML structure looks like this


   Some text here 
   Some additional text here 
   Still more text here 

In the end, I want to end up with one String property that will look like "Some text here Some additional text here Still more text here "


What I have for an initial pass is what follows. I think I'm on the right track, but not quite there yet:


XElement source = \\Output from the Webservice
List result;

result = (from indexentry in source.Elements(entryLevel)
    select new IndexEntry()
        EtiologyCode = indexentry.Element("IE") == null ? null : indexentry.Element("IE").Value,
        //some code to set other properties in this object
        Note = (from l in indexentry.Elements("NO").Descendants
                select l.value)  //This is where I stop
                               // and don't know where to go

I know that I could add a ToList() operator at the end of that query to return the collection. Is there an opertaor or technique that would allow me to inline the concatentation of that collection to a single string?


Feel free to ask for more info if this isn't clear.



4 个解决方案


LINQ to XML is indeed the way here:

LINQ to XML确实就是这样的方式:

var textArray = topElement.Elements("L")
                          .Select(x => x.Value)

var text = string.Join(" ", textArray);

EDIT: Based on the comment, it looks like you just need a single-expression way of representing this. That's easy, if somewhat ugly:


result = (from indexentry in source.Elements(entryLevel)
    select new IndexEntry
        EtiologyCode = indexentry.Element("IE") == null 
                           ? null 
                           : indexentry.Element("IE").Value,
        //some code to set other properties in this object
        Note = string.Join(" ", indexentry.Elements("NO")
                                          .Select(x => x.Value)

Another alternative is to extract it into a separate extension method (it has to be in a top-level static class):


public static string ConcatenateTextNodes(
    this IEnumerable elements)
    string[] values = elements.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray();
    // You could parameterise the delimiter here if you wanted
    return string.Join(" ", values);

then change your code to:


result = (from indexentry in source.Elements(entryLevel)
    select new IndexEntry
        EtiologyCode = indexentry.Element("IE") == null 
                           ? null 
                           : indexentry.Element("IE").Value,
        //some code to set other properties in this object
        Note = indexentry.Elements("NO")

EDIT: A note about efficiency


Other answers have suggested using StringBuilder in the name of efficiency. I would check for evidence of this being the right way to go before using it. If you think about it, StringBuilder and ToArray do similar things - they create a buffer bigger than they need to, add data to it, resize it when necessary, and come out with a result at the end. The hope is that you won't need to resize too often.

其他答案建议在效率名称中使用StringBuilder。在使用它之前,我会检查这是正确的方法。如果你考虑一下,StringBuilder和ToArray会做类似的事情 - 他们创建一个比他们需要的更大的缓冲区,向它添加数据,在必要时调整它的大小,并在最后得出结果。希望你不需要经常调整大小。

The difference between StringBuilder and ToArray here is what's being buffered - in StringBuilder it's the entire contents of the string you've built up so far. With ToArray it's just references. In other words, resizing the internal buffer used for ToArray is likely to be cheaper than resizing the one for StringBuilder, particularly if the individual strings are long.

StringBuilder和ToArray之间的区别在于缓冲 - 在StringBuilder中它是你到目前为止构建的字符串的全部内容。使用ToArray它只是引用。换句话说,调整用于ToArray的内部缓冲区的大小可能比调整StringBuilder的大小更便宜,特别是如果单个字符串很长。

After doing the buffering in ToArray, string.Join is hugely efficient: it can look through all the strings to start with, work out exactly how much space to allocate, and then concatenate it without ever having to copy the actual character data.


This is in sharp contrast to a previous answer I've given - but unfortunately I don't think I ever wrote up the benchmark.

这与我之前给出的答案形成鲜明对比 - 但不幸的是,我认为我没有写过基准。

I certainly wouldn't expect ToArray to be significantly slower, and I think it makes the code simpler here - no need to use side-effects etc, aggregation etc.

我当然不希望ToArray明显变慢,我认为它使代码更简单 - 不需要使用副作用等,聚合等。


The other option is to use Aggregate()


var q = topelement.Elements("L")
                  .Select(x => x.Value)
                  .Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), 
                             (sb, x) => return sb.Append(x).Append(" "),
                             sb => sb.ToString().Trim());

edit: The first lambda in Aggregate is the accumulator. This is taking all of your values and creating one value from them. In this case, it is creating a StringBuilder with your desired text. The second lambda is the result selector. This allows you to translate your accumulated value into the result you want. In this case, changing the StringBuilder to a String.



I don't have experience with it myself, but it strikes me that LINQ to XML could vastly simplify your code. Do a select of XML document, then loop through it and use a StringBuilder to append the L element to some string.

我自己没有经验,但LINQ to XML可以极大地简化您的代码。选择一个XML文档,然后遍历它并使用StringBuilder将L元素附加到某个字符串。


I like LINQ as much as the next guy, but you're reinventing the wheel here. The XmlElement.InnerText property does exactly what's being asked for.

LINQ和下一个人一样喜欢LINQ,但是你在这里重新发明轮子。 XmlElement.InnerText属性完全符合要求。

Try this:

using System.Xml;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        XmlDocument d = new XmlDocument();
        string xml =
  Some text here 
  Some additional text here 
  Still more text here 

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