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Since Microsoft doesn't allow to replace the system's virtual keyboard, I've developed a custom virtual keyboard as a UserControl to be used inside my Windows Store App. My current problem is that the default virtual keyboard always pops up whenever a user taps a TextBox.

由于微软不允许替换系统的虚拟键盘,我开发了一个自定义虚拟键盘作为用户控件,可以在我的Windows Store应用程序中使用。

I've been searching for a solution to this problem since yesterday, but I couldn't solve it. My almost successful attempt was developing a TextBox with a transparent Canvas over it. When the user taps the Canvas, the focus is programatically transferred to the TextBox and my custom virtual keyboard is instantiated. However, if no physical keyboard is connected to the tablet, the system keyboard also pops up with this approach (over my custom keyboard).


The main reason why I want to use a TextBox is because that way I can preserve and use the already implemented caret function, but it is not mandatory.


Any input will be helpful, thanks.


1 个解决方案



There are a couple of things you could do:


There are events for when the keyboard shows up, check those and see if you can prevent it.


You could implement a custom TextBox that suppresses OnPointerPressed event so that the TextBox is never focused. There are a couple of other things you'll need to do (such as prevent tabbing into it giving focus by setting IsTabStop=false.


You could implement a custom TextBox from the ground up (that looks and acts like a TextBox).


I think the second option is the easiest and most interesting option to try.


Edit: You could also give your TextBox a DependencyProperty that you set the current Page to via bindings. In the TextBox's OnGotFocus event, set the visual state to "CustomFocus" (or whatever you call it), then call Page.Focus();


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