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Case 1:

int[] data1 = new int [] { 1, 2, 3 };

can be simplified as


int[] data2 = new [] { 1, 2, 3 };

Case 2:

int[][] table1 = new int[][] { new int[] { },  new int[] { 1, 2 } };

cannot be simplified as


int[][] table2 = new [][] { new int[] { }, new int[] { 1, 2 } };


For the second case, why cannot we just use [][] instead of int[][]?

对于第二种情况,为什么我们不能只使用[] []而不是int [] []?

1 个解决方案



An int[][] is an array of arrays. If you are explicitly typing it as int[][] then it works (as you can see) but if you are using implicit typing then the code works it out differently.

int [] []是一个数组数组。如果您明确地将其键入为int [] [],那么它可以正常工作(如您所见),但如果您使用隐式类型,则代码将以不同方式运行。

the syntax new [] says "I'm creating an array but I want you to work out the type. Consider the following working example:

语法new []说“我正在创建一个数组,但我想让你计算出类型。考虑下面的工作示例:

new [] { new int [] { }, new [] { 1, 42 } }

Here we say we want a new implicitly typed array. The compiler then looks at our initialiser to work out the type of that array. In this case it sees two items: the first is an explicitly typed empty array of type int[], the second is an implicitly typed array. When the compiler examines the second item's contents it discovers it is an int[] as well so determines that the overall expression defines an int[][].

这里我们说我们想要一个新的隐式类型数组。然后编译器查看我们的初始化程序以计算出该数组的类型。在这种情况下,它会看到两个项目:第一个是int []类型的显式类型空数组,第二个是隐式类型数组。当编译器检查第二项的内容时,它发现它是一个int [],因此确定整个表达式定义了一个int [] []。

In the above example we need to explicitly type the first empty array because otherwise the compiler would have no idea of its type since it has no items to use to determine the type.


Thanks to William Andrew Montgomery for providing me the first hint to get to this answer.

感谢William Andrew Montgomery为我提供了第一个提示,以获得这个答案。

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