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I've got a custom UIView of which several instances are created inside a loop:


let models = CDMyModel.MR_findAllSortedBy("position", ascending: true) as! [CDMyModel]

for view in myViews {

self.myViews.removeAll(keepCapacity: true)

for model in models {
    let myView = MYFaqView(width: CGRectGetWidth(self.view.frame))
    myView.titleLabel.text = model.title
    myView.content.text = model.content

I do sometimes see crashes in Crashlytics in the line with myView.content.text = model.content:

我有时会在myView.content中看到Crashlytics中的崩溃。文本= model.content:

enter image description here

According to the crash I assume it has something to do with memory, but I really don't know how the myView could have been released at that point.


All this happens in viewWillAppear:. Could the removing before has to do something with this? But I assume everything happens on the main thread, so this shouldn't be a problem as well - I'm really stuck here.


The crash happens on iOS 9.

崩溃发生在iOS 9上。



MyFaqView init method:

MyFaqView init方法:

init(width:CGFloat) {
    self.width = width

    super.init(frame: CGRectZero)

    self.content.clipsToBounds = true

    self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoCOnstraints= false
    self.clipsToBounds = true



let content:UILabel = {
    let l = UILabel()
    l.numberOfLines = 0
    if let fOnt= UIFont(name: "OpenSans", size: 14) {
        l.fOnt= font
    return l

2 个解决方案



These problems are always very tricky to track down.


Basically, what is happening is memory corruption. The address 0x14f822a0 that was previously occupied by your UILabel content has been used by something else, in this case a CALayer. You can verify this if the crash happens locally by entering po 0x14f822a0 in lldb and sure enough it will output that address to be of type CALayer.

基本上,正在发生的是内存损坏。之前UILabel内容占用的地址0x14f822a0已经被其他东西使用,在本例中是一个CALayer。如果崩溃发生在本地,您可以通过在lldb中输入po 0x14f822a0来验证这一点,并确保它将输出该地址为CALayer类型。

With these errors, although the crash line can provide a clue, it is not always the cause of the error. Something has already happened elsewhere.


Although Swift is mostly memory managed, there are still pitfalls for the unwary. Personally I have seen two principal causes of memory corruption. The first is with retain cycles caused by self referencing closures. The second - more pertinent to your problem - is with views related to Storyboards and Xibs.


If we follow this through logically, we can consider that the CALayer now occupies the address space previously taken by your UILabel content. The runtime attempts to send a message to the object is thinks occupies that address, and that is caught by a Swift runtime assert which then triggers a EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION crash.

如果我们从逻辑上理解这一点,我们可以考虑到,CALayer现在占据了之前由UILabel内容所占用的地址空间。运行时尝试向对象发送消息is think占用该地址,该地址被Swift运行时断言捕获,然后触发exc_bad_instructions崩溃。

Now, for some other object to have taken up residence at that address, the original inhabitant the UILabel content must have been released. So why would the runtime release content? Because it is no longer required, i.e. it is not a subview or property of any view that it still required.


I would bet that if you change content to be a subclass UILabel and add a deinit method that you then breakpoint, you will be surprised to see that it is being unexpectedly deinitialised early on. To test this create a type as follows:


class DebugLabel: UILabel
   func deinit
     NSLog("Breakpoint on this line here!")

Then change content's type to be the DebugLabel above.


So why is all this happening? My money is on you having one of your view properties that has been created programmatically as being either weak or unowned. Perhaps you had these set up previously using an IBOutlet that you then removed but forgot to remove the weak designator?


Check through each and every one carefully and I am sure you will find the cause of the problem above. Nothing that is created programatically either by using an initialiser or UINib should be designated weak or unowned.




Brief viewing shows me two potential problems:


  1. You can break iterator here, that cause undefined behavior - removeFromSuperview() really remove the view from the hierarchy and release it and reduce the number of elements in myViews.
  2. 您可以在这里中断迭代器,这会导致未定义的行为——removeFromSuperview()实际上从层次结构中删除视图并释放它,并减少myViews中的元素数量。

for view in myViews { view.removeFromSuperview() }

在myViews中查看。removefromsuperview ()}

  1. What do you do here? Seems you repeat the previous step.
  2. 你在这里做什么?看来你重复了前面的步骤。

self.myViews.removeAll(keepCapacity: true)


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