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tini only kills the immediate child process. This means that if you
do, for example,

docker run krallin/ubuntu-tini sh -c 'sleep 10'

and ctrl-C it, nothing happens: SIGINT is sent to the 'sh' process,
but that shell won't react to it while it is waiting for the 'sleep'
to finish.

This change adds a -g option to put the child process of tini into a
new process group, and sends signals to that group, so that every
process in the group gets a signal. This corresponds more closely to
what happens when you do ctrl-C etc. in a terminal: The signal is sent
to the foreground process group.

So if you try the example above with a container image that passes -g
to tini, the SIGINT will be received by the 'sleep', and the container
promptly exits.


I apologize if I made you feel like I felt this flag was useless / your use case wasn't valid for Tini. I should have made it clearer that I was just asking for your input (since you have the use case for the -g flag).

No problem, I'm sorry that I misinterpreted you.

I tried the fix-19-pass-tty branch. I'll add a comment to the pull request.


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