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I would like to eliminate the HttpSession completely - can I do this in web.xml? I'm sure there are container specific ways to do it (which is what crowds the search results when I do a Google search).

我想完全消除HttpSession - 我可以在web.xml中这样做吗?我确信有容器特定的方法可以做到这一点(当我进行谷歌搜索时,这是搜索结果的主要内容)。

P.S. Is this a bad idea? I prefer to completely disable things until I actually need them.


9 个解决方案



I would like to eliminate the HttpSession completely


You can't entirely disable it. All you need to do is to just not to get a handle of it by either request.getSession() or request.getSession(true) anywhere in your webapplication's code and making sure that your JSPs don't implicitly do that by setting <%@page session="false"%>.

你不能完全禁用它。您需要做的就是不要通过web应用程序代码中的任何位置的request.getSession()或request.getSession(true)来处理它,并确保您的JSP不会通过设置<%隐式地执行此操作@page session =“false”%>。

If your main concern is actually disabling the COOKIE which is been used behind the scenes of HttpSession, then you can in Java EE 5 / Servlet 2.5 only do so in the server-specific webapp configuration. In for example Tomcat you can set the COOKIEs attribute to false in element.

如果您的主要关注点实际上是禁用在HttpSession幕后使用的COOKIE,那么您可以在Java EE 5 / Servlet 2.5中仅在特定于服务器的webapp配置中执行此操作。例如,在Tomcat中,您可以在 元素中将COOKIEs属性设置为false。

Also see this Tomcat specific documentation. This way the session won't be retained in the subsequent requests which aren't URL-rewritten --only whenever you grab it from the request for some reason. After all, if you don't need it, just don't grab it, then it won't be created/retained at all.

另请参阅此Tomcat特定文档。这样,会话将不会保留在后续的URL重写请求中 - 只要您出于某种原因从请求中获取它时。毕竟,如果你不需要它,只是不要抓住它,那么根本不会创建/保留它。

Or, if you're already on Java EE 6 / Servlet 3.0 or newer, and really want to do it via web.xml, then you can use the new element in web.xml as follows to zero-out the max age:

或者,如果您已经使用Java EE 6 / Servlet 3.0或更高版本,并且真的想通过web.xml执行此操作,那么您可以使用web.xml中的新 元素进行清零最大年龄:


If you want to hardcode in your webapplication so that getSession() never returns a HttpSession (or an "empty" HttpSession), then you'll need to create a filter listening on an url-pattern of /* which replaces the HttpServletRequest with a HttpServletRequestWrapper implementation which returns on all getSession() methods null, or a dummy custom HttpSession implementation which does nothing, or even throws UnsupportedOperationException.

如果你想在你的web应用程序中硬编码,以便getSession()永远不会返回HttpSession(或“空”HttpSession),那么你需要创建一个监听/ *的url-pattern的过滤器,它用一个替换HttpServletRequest HttpServletRequestWrapper实现,它返回所有getSession()方法null,或者一个虚拟的自定义HttpSession实现,它什么都不做,甚至抛出UnsupportedOperationException。

public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    chain.doFilter(new HttpServletRequestWrapper((HttpServletRequest) request) {
        public HttpSession getSession() {
            return null;
        public HttpSession getSession(boolean create) {
            return null;
    }, response);

P.S. Is this a bad idea? I prefer to completely disable things until I actually need them.


If you don't need them, just don't use them. That's all. Really :)




If you are building a stateless high load application you can disable using COOKIEs for session tracking like this (non-intrusive, probably container-agnostic):



To enforce this architectural decision write something like this:


public class PreventSessionListener implements HttpSessionListener {
public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Session use is forbidden");

public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Session use is forbidden");

And add it to web.xml and fix places where it fails with that exception:





I use the following method for my RESTful app to remove any inadvertent session COOKIEs from being created and used.



However, this does not turn off HttpSessions altogether. A session may still be created by the application inadvertently, even if it disappears in a minute and a rogue client may ignore the max-age request for the COOKIE as well.


The advantage of this approach is you don't need to change your application, just web.xml. I would recommend you create an HttpSessionListener that will log when a session is created or destroyed so you can track when it occurs.




Rather than disabling you can rewrite the URL using a URL rewrite filter eg tuckey rewrite filter. This will give Google friendly results but still allow COOKIE based session handling.


However, you should probably disable it for all responses as it's worse than just search engine unfriendly. It exposes the session ID which can be used for certain security exploits.


Example config for Tuckey filter:


  Strip URL Session ID's



I would like to eliminate the HttpSession completely - can I do this in web.xml? I'm sure there are container specific ways to do it

我想完全消除HttpSession - 我可以在web.xml中这样做吗?我确信有容器特定的方法来做到这一点

I don't think so. Disabling the HttpSession would be a violation of the Servlet spec which states that HttpServletRequest#getSession should return a session or create one. So I wouldn't expect a Java EE container to provide such a configuration option (that would make it non compliant).

我不这么认为。禁用HttpSession将违反Servlet规范,该规范声明HttpServletRequest#getSession应返回会话或创建会话。所以我不希望Java EE容器提供这样的配置选项(这会使它不兼容)。

Is this a bad idea? I prefer to completely disable things until I actually need them.


Well, I don't really get the point, just don't put anything in the session if you don't want to use it. Now, if you really want to prevent the use of the session, you can use a Filter to replace the request with a implementation of HttpServletRequestWrapper overriding getSession(). But I wouldn't waste time implementing this :)


Update: My initial suggestion was not optimal, the "right" (cough) way would be to replace the request.




For RESTful application, I simply invalidate it every time the request's lifecycle ends. There may be some web server that always creates new session when new client access whether you call request.getSession() or not.




In Spring Security 3 with Java Config, you can use HttpSecurity.sessionManagement():

在使用Java Config的Spring Security 3中,您可以使用HttpSecurity.sessionManagement():

protected void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

Xml looks like this;



By the way, the difference between NEVER and STATELESS


NEVER:Spring Security will never create an HttpSession, but will use the HttpSession if it already exists

永远不会:Spring Security永远不会创建HttpSession,但如果它已经存在将使用HttpSession

STATELESS:Spring Security will never create an HttpSession and it will never use it to obtain the SecurityContext

STATELESS:Spring Security永远不会创建HttpSession,它永远不会使用它来获取SecurityContext



One cannot avoid the session creation. But you can check if you violate your own requirement at the end of a request cycle. So, create a simple servlet filter, which you place as first and after chain.doFilter throw an exception if a session was created:


chain.doFilter(request, response);
if(request.getSession(false) != null)
    throw new RuntimeException("Somewhere request.getSession() was called");



As of Servlet 3.0, you can make it so sessions are not tracked by the servlet container in any way, by adding code like this to the contextInitialized method of a ServletContextListener:

从Servlet 3.0开始,您可以通过向Servlet容器以任何方式跟踪会话,方法是将这样的代码添加到ServletContextListener的contextInitialized方法中:




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