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getParts = a => (                   // take a as array and return an IIFE
    r => (                          // with an initialized result array
        a.reduce((start, end) => (  // reduce array by taking two values
            r.push({ start, end }), // push short hand properties
            end                     // and take the last value as start value for next loop
        r                           // finally return result
)([]);                              // call IIFE with empty array

const getParts = a => (r => (a.reduce((start, end) => (r.push({ start, end }), end)), r))([]);

var optimizedRoute = ['Bengaluru', 'Salem', 'Erode', 'Tiruppur', 'Coimbatore']

.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

@EDIT了GrégoryNEUT 加入交代

// Two thing to know first :

// When no initial value is provided,
// Array.reduce takes the index 0 as first value and start to loop at index 1

// Doing (x, y, z)
// Will execute the code x, y and z

// Equivalent to :

// x;
// y;
// z;

let ex = 0;

console.log((ex = 2, ex = 5, ex = 3));

// So about the code

const getParts = (a) => {
  // We are creating a new function here so we can have an array where to
  // push data to
  const func = (r) => {
    // Because there is no initial value
    // Start will be the value at index 0 of the array
    // The loop is gonna start at index 1 of the array
    a.reduce((start, end) => {
      console.log(start, end);


      return end;

    return r;

  return func([]);

// Equivalent
const getPartsEquivalent = (a) => {
  const r = [];

  // Because there is no initial value
  // Start will be the value at index 0 of the array
  // The loop is gonna start at index 1 of the array
  a.reduce((start, end) => {
    console.log(start, end);


    return end;

  return r;

var optimizedRoute = ['Bengaluru', 'Salem', 'Erode', 'Tiruppur', 'Coimbatore']

.as-console-wrapper {
  max-height: 100% !important;
  top: 0;

1> Nina Scholz..:


getParts = a => (                   // take a as array and return an IIFE
    r => (                          // with an initialized result array
        a.reduce((start, end) => (  // reduce array by taking two values
            r.push({ start, end }), // push short hand properties
            end                     // and take the last value as start value for next loop
        r                           // finally return result
)([]);                              // call IIFE with empty array

const getParts = a => (r => (a.reduce((start, end) => (r.push({ start, end }), end)), r))([]);

var optimizedRoute = ['Bengaluru', 'Salem', 'Erode', 'Tiruppur', 'Coimbatore']

.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

2> Mihai Alexan..:

另一种方法是map 结合使用方法slice.对于map函数,您必须传递一个callback函数作为参数,该函数将应用于给定数组中的每个项目.

optimizedRoute = ['Bengaluru', 'Salem', 'Erode', 'Tiruppur', 'Coimbatore']
var result = optimizedRoute
                .slice(0, -1)
                .map((item, index) => ({start : item, end : optimizedRoute[index + 1]}));

3> Tom Fenech..:

我并不真正理解"with reduce"的要求,因为使用循环的相应代码可以立即读取,不需要解释:

const optimizedRoute = ['Bengaluru', 'Salem', 'Erode', 'Tiruppur', 'Coimbatore'];
const result = new Array(optimizedRoute.length - 1);

for (let i = 0; i 
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