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Can you package up the .Net framework in an installer created in Visual Studio? If so how?

您可以在Visual Studio中创建的安装程序中打包.Net框架吗?如果是这样的话?

I've seen this done with Install4J packaging a JVM but I think that was the JVM to run Install4J.


3 个解决方案



This article should help: HOW TO: Distribute the .NET Framework with a Visual Studio .NET Deployment Project (MSDN)

本文应该有所帮助:如何:使用Visual Studio .NET部署项目(MSDN)分发.NET Framework



I just learned this lesson about deployment projects: the .MSI file delivers the application to the target machine, but that SETUP.EXE is the bootstrapper that installs prerequisites, such as the .NET Framework, MDAC, or Windows Installer. I specified the .NET Framework as a prerequisite but, because I only distributed the .MSI, no checks were run and the app crashed when starting up without the framework.

我刚学到了关于部署项目的这一课:.MSI文件将应用程序传递给目标机器,但SETUP.EXE是安装先决条件的引导程序,例如.NET Framework,MDAC或Windows Installer。我指定.NET Framework作为先决条件但是,因为我只分发了.MSI,所以没有运行检查,并且在没有框架的情况下启动应用程序时崩溃了。

To ensure your prerequisites are on the target machine, you need to distribute the setup.exe too.




Sucky, yeah - I created an installer just recently before realizing that the .Net Framework (which was one of the things I needed to install) was required. I ended up making a c++ program that installed .Net before my installer was launched.

Sucky,是的 - 我刚刚发现安装程序之前才意识到需要安装.Net Framework(这是我需要安装的东西之一)。在安装程序启动之前,我最终制作了一个安装.Net的c ++程序。

Seems kind of odd to me to offer the ability to create an installer and not have it offer to install what it needs to run. Kinda pointless at that point, eh? Unless you know that every machine you give the installer to will have the necessary components...


Oh well, live and learn


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